blob: c9d82435df58f7a3a7f0d05dccb774317d8a3c66 [file] [log] [blame]
* Choose Your Own Adventure-style data structure.
* Works on the principle of 'entries'/'chapters', like the oldschool 'turn to 100'
* style Fighting Fantasy gamebooks - this is *not* a proper text adventure engine
* with full location, inventory and state management. It could probably be adapted
* to that quite easily, though.
* Definition format:
* Content:
* - id: unique string ID for use in 'goto'/'next'.
* - text: body text for this entry.
* - extra: array of additional paragraphs:
* - text: text for this paragraph
* - requires: string/array of item(s) required for this paragraph
* to be included. Use '!itemname' to invert logic.
* Inventory / state:
* - gives: string/array of item(s) gained when entry is visited
* - takes: string/array of item(s) lost when entry is visited
* - gameover: if 'win' or 'lose', changes game state when entry is visited
* Navigation (ONE of the following):
* - next: id of next entry (will convert to a single 'Continue...' option)
* - options: array of options for this entry:
* - text: text used for option
* - goto: id of entry this option leads to
* - requires: string/array of item(s) required for this option
* to be available. Use '!itemname' to invert logic.
var ENTRIES = [{
// Recreation room
id: 'e_recroom',
text: 'You are in a small-ish room with a computer in front of you ' +
'The computer screen shows a terminal, and on the terminal ' +
'error showing that you need to repo init before running repo ' +
'sync. What do you do',
extra: [{
text: 'You have the BlissROMs thread for a different device ' +
'open on a second screen.',
options: [{
text: 'Examine the webpage for the GitHub link',
goto: 'e_github'
}, {
text: 'Search Google for your answer',
goto: 'e_google'
start: true
}, {
// Look at the plushie
id: 'e_github',
text: 'Upon closer inspection, the webpage has a section for Sources, Links, and ' +
'Social Media. You scan through them quickly to see if anything could be useful ' +
'What section do you decide on',
options: [{
text: 'Copy the link for the BlissROMs github',
goto: 'e_got_github_link'
}, {
text: 'Open a new tab and go to Google Search instead',
goto: 'e_google'
}, {
// Get the mask off the plushie
id: 'e_got_github_link',
text: 'You grab the link to the BlissROMs GitHub page, and paste it into a new tab. It loads and shows ' +
'a list of repo links is shown, and you are a little overwhelmed by the amount of choices available. ' +
'You copy the link to the manifest repo, but are unsure. So you decide to head to Google instead ',
next: 'e_google'
}, {
// Main atrium
id: 'e_google',
text: 'You sit there, staring at the Google Search page. ' +
'As you type in BlissROMs repo init, the page results spit out you notice a few things in the ' +
'list that look familiar. The top result is for the manifest link, while the second result is for ' +
'a how-to unlock and root any device. The third link shown is for a YouTube video on building ' +
'Android ROMs, and the fourth link down leads to the BlissROMs webpage ',
options: [{
text: 'Follow the think to the BlissROMs Manifest.',
goto: 'e_link_manifest'
}, {
text: 'Follow the link to unlock and root your device',
goto: 'e_link_droid'
}, {
text: 'Head to YouTube for the video on building Android ROMs',
goto: 'e_link_youtube'
}, {
text: 'Head over to the BlissROMs webpage',
goto: 'e_link_blissroms'
}, {
// Manifest link
id: 'e_link_manifest',
text: 'You head to the manifest page and it shows a few files on the top, followed by a descriptive ' +
'readme detailing all the steps needed to install dependencies, repo init, repo sync and even ' +
'steps to build the ROM, GSI, EFI & x86. You remember that you were looking for the init link ' +
'so you copy that text snippet. ',
next: 'e_back_to_terminal'
}, {
// Killed by malware
id: 'e_link_droid',
text: 'You follow the link to unlock and root your device. Upon loading the page, a pop-up dialog shows ' +
'and mentioned that you need to click OK in order to root your device. You click it, and the screen ' +
'displays a ton of terminal windows opening and closing. You smell smoke from the PC, and before you ' +
'can reach the power button, the machine shuts off. smoke is still pouring from the case. ' +
' You have failed, go back to your iPhone looser',
gameover: 'lose'
}, {
// Killed by youtube
id: 'e_link_youtube',
text: 'You follow the link to watch the YouTube video on building Android, and start to soak up all the ' +
'info provided. At the one hour mark, you remember that you left the meatloaf in the oven, and you ' +
'are starting to smell a combination of burnt BBQ sauce and beef. You rush to the kitchen to find ' +
'half the kitchen on fire already. You reach for a fire extinguisher and try to use it. There was no ' +
'pressure in the extinguisher. You then remember seeing a YouTube video on extinguishing a fire with ' +
'water, so you quickly throw a bowl of water on the flames. ' +
'The flames quickly grow because you threw water on a grease fire and you die. Dont believe everything ' +
'you see on youtube ',
gameover: 'lose'
}, {
// BlissROMs link
id: 'e_link_blissroms',
text: 'You load the BlissROMs page, and scroll through it. At the bottom, you notice the BlissROMs github ' +
'link from earlier. You follow it and are shown a list of repos. ',
extra: [{
text: 'You study your options and notice there are a few repos pinned to the top for manifest, ' +
'frameworks/base, vendor/bliss, etc. ',
options: [{
text: 'Check out the manifest repo',
goto: 'e_link_manifest'
}, {
text: 'Check out frameworks/base repo.',
goto: 'e_link_fwb'
}, {
text: 'Check out the vendor/bliss repo',
goto: 'e_vendor_bliss'
}, {
// Link fwb
id: 'e_link_fwb',
text: 'You click the link to frameworks/base, and are presented with a page of source files. and code. None of ' +
'this looks like something you are looking for. So you decide to go back to the main repo page' ,
next: 'e_link_github_again'
}, {
// Link vendor/bliss
id: 'e_vendor_bliss',
text: 'You click the link to vendor/bliss, and are presented with a page of source files. and code. None of ' +
'this looks like something you are looking for. So you decide to go back to the main repo page' ,
next: 'e_link_github_again'
}, {
// GitHub again
id: 'e_link_github_again',
text: 'You head back to the BlissROMs github link from earlier. You see the same list of repos. ',
extra: [{
text: 'You study your options and notice there are a few repos pinned to the top for manifest, ' +
'frameworks/base, vendor/bliss, etc. ',
options: [{
text: 'Check out the manifest repo',
goto: 'e_link_manifest'
}, {
text: 'Check out frameworks/base repo.',
goto: 'e_link_fwb'
}, {
text: 'Check out the vendor/bliss repo',
goto: 'e_vendor_bliss'
}, {
// Back to terminal
id: 'e_back_to_terminal',
text: 'In the terminal window, you take the text snippet you grabbed and paste it into the terminal ' +
'window, then hit Return. It spits out a bunch of text and presents you with a message that reads ' +
'Repo has been successfully initiated. ',
options: [{
text: 'View the Github manifest page for the next step',
goto: 'e_manifest_next'
}, {
text: 'Enter repo sync into the terminal',
goto: 'e_repo_sync'
}, {
text: 'Search Google for an answer',
goto: 'e_google_2'
}, {
text: 'Search Youtube for an answer',
goto: 'e_link_youtube'
}, {
// Google again
id: 'e_google_2',
text: 'You head back to google to find out what you do next, so you search for blissroms repo init and ' +
'are presented a few options. The top two links lead to the BlissROMs github page, so you follow that ',
next: 'e_link_github_again'
// manifest
id: 'e_manifest_next',
text: 'You return to the manifest repo, and scroll down to the list of instructions. Once there, you notice ' +
' that the next item after the repo init part are about repo sync. ' +
'What do you decide to do',
options: [{
text: 'Copy the command for repo sync',
goto: 'e_repo_sync'
}, {
text: 'Give up and go watch some TV',
goto: 'e_go_watch_tv'
}, {
text: 'Leave and go outside.',
goto: 'e_outside'
}, {
// repo sync
id: 'e_repo_sync',
text: 'You head back to the terminal and enter the repo sync command into it, and press return ' +
'The screen lights up with hundreds of lines of text scrolling past the screen endlessly. ' +
'After about 30 min, the repo sync finishes and you are presented with a blinking cursor. ' +
'What do you do now',
options: [{
text: 'Head back to the Bliss manifest page to see whats next',
goto: 'e_go_build'
}, {
text: 'Give up and go watch some TV',
goto: 'e_go_watch_tv'
}, {
text: 'Leave and go outside',
goto: 'e_outside'
// build
id: 'e_go_build',
text: 'You head back to the Bliss manifest repo and follow the instructions a little further until ' +
'you find the section for building. ' +
'After finding the section, you see a code snippet to initiate the lunch command and build.' +
'What do you do now',
options: [{
text: 'Leave and go outside',
goto: 'e_outside'
}, {
text: 'Copy the code to the terminal window and press enter',
goto: 'e_go_compile'
}, {
text: 'Give up and go watch some TV',
goto: 'e_go_watch_tv'
}, {
// Die outside
id: 'e_outside',
text: 'You decide to give up for now and go outside. Once there, you are confronted with a huge thunderstorm ' +
' and lightning clashes and catches your house on fire.' ,
gameover: 'lose'
}, {
// Die watching TV
id: 'e_go_watch_tv',
text: 'You decide to give up for now and go watch some TV. Once the TV is turned on, an alien mothership enters ' +
'earths atmosphere and takes over all TV broadcasts. They state that the people of earth have 30 seconds to ' +
'say their prayers before they git the reset button on human life. You waste the last 30 seconds of your life ' +
'by flipping through Facebook on your phone. ',
gameover: 'lose'
id: 'e_go_compile',
text: 'You copy the lunch command into the terminal, then press return, and select the number representing your ' +
'device. The build launches and you safely go watch TV for a bit while things are compiling ',
gameover: 'win',
* Parser module for the data format.
* Reads the data object format and creates an internal copy with required
* transformations and parsing. Exposes methods to start/reset the game,
* advance the game via choices/actions, and read the currently active entry.
* The module is just data-driven, and returns objects from its methods; it
* does no handling of game display or user input directly. It needs a frontend
* written for it in order for a player to interact with it.
var CYOA = (function() {
currentEntryId, currentEntryData,
function _init(entryData) {
// clear state
currentEntryId = null;
currentEntryData = {};
inventory = [];
var startEntryId = null;
// Parse entry data into internal object
entryData.forEach(function(entry) {
ENTRY_DATA[] = Object.create(entry);
// Track the starting entry and warn of duplicates
if (entry.start === true) {
if (startEntryId !== null) {
console.error('More than one starting state defined:', startEntryId,;
} else {
startEntryId =;
// Process extra paragraphs if present
if (entry.extra) {
entry.extra.forEach(function(ext) {
// convert string options to single-item arrays for easier parsing
if (ext.requires && (typeof ext.requires === 'string')) {
ext.requires = [ext.requires];
// 'Next' overrides all other options
if ( {
entry.options = [{
text: 'Continue...',
// Process and validate options
if (entry.options) {
entry.options.forEach(function(opt) {
// options must have a 'goto'
if (!opt.goto) console.error('Entry',, ' has option without a goto: ', opt.text);
// convert string options to single-item arrays for easier parsing
if (opt.requires && (typeof opt.requires === 'string')) {
opt.requires = [opt.requires];
// Set initial state from starting entry
if (startEntryId === null) console.error('No start entry found');
// Inventory methods (accept string or array)
function _addToInventory(items) {
if (typeof items === 'string') items = [items];
inventory = inventory.concat(items);
function _takeFromInventory(items) {
if (typeof items === 'string') items = [items];
var newInv = [];
inventory.forEach(function(item) {
if (items.indexOf(item) === -1) newInv.push(item);
inventory = newInv;
function _checkInventory(item) {
return (inventory.indexOf(item) > -1);
// Utility method to check a 'requires'-format array against the current inventory
function _hasRequirements(opt) {
var isAvailable = true;
if (opt.requires) {
opt.requires.forEach(function(req) {
if (req.charAt(0) === '!' && _checkInventory(req.substr(1))) isAvailable = false;
if (req.charAt(0) !== '!' && !_checkInventory(req)) isAvailable = false;
return isAvailable;
// Updates the current entry data to the given entry ID.
// Composes the current entry data based on conditionals set in the entry data,
// including required inventory to display options, etc.
// Also makes changes to inventory and state based on the definition data.
function _setEntry(id) {
if (!id in ENTRY_DATA) console.error('Unable to change entry: invalid entry id', id);
currentEntryId = id;
var data = ENTRY_DATA[id];
currentEntryData = {
text: data.text,
extra: []
// Add/remove inventory items in this entry
if ( _addToInventory(;
if (data.takes) _takeFromInventory(data.takes);
// Update text with extras
if (data.extra) {
data.extra.forEach(function(ext) {
if (_hasRequirements(ext)) currentEntryData.extra.push(ext.text);
// State modifiers
// TODO: make this more definitive and mutate options accordingly
if (data.gameover) currentEntryData.gameover = data.gameover;
// Define available options based on inventory requirements
if (data.options) {
currentEntryData.options = [];
data.options.forEach(function(opt, idx) {
if (_hasRequirements(opt)) {
text: opt.text,
goto: opt.goto
return currentEntryData;
function startGame(data) {
function getCurrentEntry() {
if (currentEntryData === {}) console.error('No current entry; has the game started?');
return currentEntryData;
function getInventory() {
return inventory;
// Changes the active entry according to the numeric ID of the option passed in,
// if it is present in the current entry.
function doOption(idx) {
if (!currentEntryData.options) console.error('Can not complete option', idx);
var opt = currentEntryData.options[idx];
var newEntryId = opt.goto;
if (!newEntryId in ENTRY_DATA) console.error('Cannot do option: invalid goto id', newEntryId);
return _setEntry(newEntryId);
return {
startGame: startGame,
getCurrentEntry: getCurrentEntry,
getInventory: getInventory,
doOption: doOption
* Some simple jQuery DOM logic for demo purposes.
* This could easily be expanded for better presentation,
* per-location graphics, all kinds of stuff.
var Game = (function() {
var DATA;
// Container element to render into
var $el = $('#output_a');
// Text for game over scenarios
var endMsgs = {
win: 'You won! Play again...',
lose: 'You failed. Restart...'
// Reads the current entry data and puts DOM nodes
// in the container to display the text and options
function render(isStart) {
var d = CYOA.getCurrentEntry();
// Clear the container and write the body text
if (isStart) $el.append('<p class="title">*** Build BlissROM ***</p>');
$el.append('<p>' + d.text + '</p>');
d.extra.forEach(function(ext) {
$el.append('<p>' + ext + '</p>');
// Write out a list of option or restart links in a list
// (click handlers bound in init() will handle these)
var $opts = $('<ul/>');
if (d.gameover) {
var $action = $('<li><a class="opt gameover ' + d.gameover + '" href="#">' +
endMsgs[d.gameover] + '</a></li>');
if (d.options) {
d.options.forEach(function(opt, idx) {
var $opt = $('<li><a class="opt action" href="#" data-opt="' + idx + '">' +
opt.text + '</a></li>');
// Show current inventory
if (!d.gameover) {
var inv = CYOA.getInventory();
if (inv.length) {
$el.append('<p class="inv">You are carrying: ' + inv.join(', ') + '</p>');
function init(entryData) {
DATA = entryData;
// Click handlers for option links. Bound to the document
// as we destroy and rebuild the links per-entry.
$(document).on('click', '.action', function(e) {
var opt = $(this).attr('data-opt');
console.log('do option', opt);
if (CYOA.doOption(opt)) render();
// As above but for win/lose links. Restart the game when used
$(document).on('click', '.gameover', function(e) {
function _start() {
// Init the game and render the first entry
return {
init: init
// Kick off