Base version of ncurses-5.7 library
diff --git a/c++/cursesf.h b/c++/cursesf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70a30c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c++/cursesf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,967 @@
+// * This makes emacs happy -*-Mode: C++;-*-
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.              *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a  *
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the            *
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including      *
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,      *
+ * distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell       *
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is    *
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:                 *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included  *
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.                   *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.                               *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright   *
+ * holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the     *
+ * sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written       *
+ * authorization.                                                           *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ *   Author: Juergen Pfeifer, 1997                                          *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+// $Id: cursesf.h,v 1.28 2005/08/13 18:08:24 tom Exp $
+#ifndef NCURSES_CURSESF_H_incl
+#define NCURSES_CURSESF_H_incl 1
+#include <cursesp.h>
+#ifndef __EXT_QNX
+#include <string.h>
+extern "C" {
+#  include <form.h>
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The abstract base class for buitin and user defined Fieldtypes.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP NCursesFormField; // forward declaration
+// Class to represent builtin field types as well as C++ written new
+// fieldtypes (see classes UserDefineFieldType...
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP NCursesFieldType
+  friend class NCursesFormField;
+  FIELDTYPE* fieldtype;
+  inline void OnError(int err) const THROWS(NCursesFormException) {
+    if (err!=E_OK)
+      THROW(new NCursesFormException (err));
+  }
+  NCursesFieldType(FIELDTYPE *f) : fieldtype(f) {
+  }
+  virtual ~NCursesFieldType() {}
+  // Set the fields f fieldtype to this one.
+  virtual void set(NCursesFormField& f) = 0;
+  NCursesFieldType()
+    : fieldtype(STATIC_CAST(FIELDTYPE*)(0))
+  {
+  }
+  NCursesFieldType& operator=(const NCursesFieldType& rhs)
+  {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      *this = rhs;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  NCursesFieldType(const NCursesFieldType& rhs)
+    : fieldtype(rhs.fieldtype)
+  {
+  }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The class representing a forms field, wrapping the lowlevel FIELD struct
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP NCursesFormField
+  friend class NCursesForm;
+  FIELD *field;		     // lowlevel structure
+  NCursesFieldType* ftype;   // Associated field type
+  // Error handler
+  inline void OnError (int err) const THROWS(NCursesFormException) {
+    if (err != E_OK)
+      THROW(new NCursesFormException (err));
+  }
+  // Create a 'Null' field. Can be used to delimit a field list
+  NCursesFormField()
+    : field(STATIC_CAST(FIELD*)(0)),
+      ftype(STATIC_CAST(NCursesFieldType*)(0))
+  {
+  }
+  // Create a new field
+  NCursesFormField (int rows,
+		    int ncols,
+		    int first_row = 0,
+		    int first_col = 0,
+		    int offscreen_rows = 0,
+		    int additional_buffers = 0)
+    : field(0),
+      ftype(STATIC_CAST(NCursesFieldType*)(0))
+  {
+      field = ::new_field(rows, ncols, first_row, first_col,
+			  offscreen_rows, additional_buffers);
+      if (!field)
+	OnError(errno);
+  }
+  NCursesFormField& operator=(const NCursesFormField& rhs)
+  {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      *this = rhs;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  NCursesFormField(const NCursesFormField& rhs)
+    : field(rhs.field), ftype(rhs.ftype)
+  {
+  }
+  virtual ~NCursesFormField ();
+  // Duplicate the field at a new position
+  inline NCursesFormField* dup(int first_row, int first_col)
+  {
+    NCursesFormField* f = new NCursesFormField();
+    if (!f)
+      OnError(E_SYSTEM_ERROR);
+    else {
+      f->ftype = ftype;
+      f->field = ::dup_field(field,first_row,first_col);
+      if (!f->field)
+	OnError(errno);
+    }
+    return f;
+  }
+  // Link the field to a new location
+  inline NCursesFormField* link(int first_row, int first_col) {
+    NCursesFormField* f = new NCursesFormField();
+    if (!f)
+      OnError(E_SYSTEM_ERROR);
+    else {
+      f->ftype = ftype;
+      f->field = ::link_field(field,first_row,first_col);
+      if (!f->field)
+	OnError(errno);
+    }
+    return f;
+  }
+  // Get the lowlevel field representation
+  inline FIELD* get_field() const {
+    return field;
+  }
+  // Retrieve info about the field
+  inline void info(int& rows, int& ncols,
+		   int& first_row, int& first_col,
+		   int& offscreen_rows, int& additional_buffers) const {
+    OnError(::field_info(field, &rows, &ncols,
+			 &first_row, &first_col,
+			 &offscreen_rows, &additional_buffers));
+  }
+  // Retrieve info about the fields dynamic properties.
+  inline void dynamic_info(int& dynamic_rows, int& dynamic_cols,
+			   int& max_growth) const {
+    OnError(::dynamic_field_info(field, &dynamic_rows, &dynamic_cols,
+				 &max_growth));
+  }
+  // For a dynamic field you may set the maximum growth limit.
+  // A zero means unlimited growth.
+  inline void set_maximum_growth(int growth = 0) {
+    OnError(::set_max_field(field,growth));
+  }
+  // Move the field to a new position
+  inline void move(int row, int col) {
+    OnError(::move_field(field,row,col));
+  }
+  // Mark the field to start a new page
+  inline void new_page(bool pageFlag = FALSE) {
+    OnError(::set_new_page(field,pageFlag));
+  }
+  // Retrieve whether or not the field starts a new page.
+  inline bool is_new_page() const {
+    return ::new_page(field);
+  }
+  // Set the justification for the field
+  inline void set_justification(int just) {
+    OnError(::set_field_just(field,just));
+  }
+  // Retrieve the fields justification
+  inline int justification() const {
+    return ::field_just(field);
+  }
+  // Set the foreground attribute for the field
+  inline void set_foreground(chtype foreground) {
+    OnError(::set_field_fore(field,foreground));
+  }
+  // Retrieve the fields foreground attribute
+  inline chtype fore() const {
+    return ::field_fore(field);
+  }
+  // Set the background attribute for the field
+  inline void set_background(chtype background) {
+    OnError(::set_field_back(field,background));
+  }
+  // Retrieve the fields background attribute
+  inline chtype back() const {
+    return ::field_back(field);
+  }
+  // Set the padding character for the field
+  inline void set_pad_character(int padding) {
+    OnError(::set_field_pad(field, padding));
+  }
+  // Retrieve the fields padding character
+  inline int pad() const {
+    return ::field_pad(field);
+  }
+  // Switch on the fields options
+  inline void options_on (Field_Options opts) {
+    OnError (::field_opts_on (field, opts));
+  }
+  // Switch off the fields options
+  inline void options_off (Field_Options opts) {
+    OnError (::field_opts_off (field, opts));
+  }
+  // Retrieve the fields options
+  inline Field_Options options () const {
+    return ::field_opts (field);
+  }
+  // Set the fields options
+  inline void set_options (Field_Options opts) {
+    OnError (::set_field_opts (field, opts));
+  }
+  // Mark the field as changed
+  inline void set_changed(bool changeFlag = TRUE) {
+    OnError(::set_field_status(field,changeFlag));
+  }
+  // Test whether or not the field is marked as changed
+  inline bool changed() const {
+    return ::field_status(field);
+  }
+  // Return the index of the field in the field array of a form
+  // or -1 if the field is not associated to a form
+  inline int (index)() const {
+    return ::field_index(field);
+  }
+  // Store a value in a fields buffer. The default buffer is nr. 0
+  inline void set_value(const char *val, int buffer = 0) {
+    OnError(::set_field_buffer(field,buffer,val));
+  }
+  // Retrieve the value of a fields buffer. The default buffer is nr. 0
+  inline char* value(int buffer = 0) const {
+    return ::field_buffer(field,buffer);
+  }
+  // Set the validation type of the field.
+  inline void set_fieldtype(NCursesFieldType& f) {
+    ftype = &f;
+    f.set(*this); // A good friend may do that...
+  }
+  // Retrieve the validation type of the field.
+  inline NCursesFieldType* fieldtype() const {
+    return ftype;
+  }
+  // This are the built-in hook functions in this C++ binding. In C++ we use
+  // virtual member functions (see below On_..._Init and On_..._Termination)
+  // to provide this functionality in an object oriented manner.
+extern "C" {
+  void _nc_xx_frm_init(FORM *);
+  void _nc_xx_frm_term(FORM *);
+  void _nc_xx_fld_init(FORM *);
+  void _nc_xx_fld_term(FORM *);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The class representing a form, wrapping the lowlevel FORM struct
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP NCursesForm : public NCursesPanel
+  FORM* form;  // the lowlevel structure
+  NCursesWindow* sub;   // the subwindow object
+  bool b_sub_owner;     // is this our own subwindow?
+  bool b_framed;	// has the form a border?
+  bool b_autoDelete;    // Delete fields when deleting form?
+  NCursesFormField** my_fields; // The array of fields for this form
+  // This structure is used for the form's user data field to link the
+  // FORM* to the C++ object and to provide extra space for a user pointer.
+  typedef struct {
+    void*	       m_user;	    // the pointer for the user's data
+    const NCursesForm* m_back;      // backward pointer to C++ object
+    const FORM*	       m_owner;
+  } UserHook;
+  // Get the backward pointer to the C++ object from a FORM
+  static inline NCursesForm* getHook(const FORM *f) {
+    UserHook* hook = reinterpret_cast<UserHook*>(::form_userptr(f));
+    assert(hook != 0 && hook->m_owner==f);
+    return const_cast<NCursesForm*>(hook->m_back);
+  }
+  friend void _nc_xx_frm_init(FORM *);
+  friend void _nc_xx_frm_term(FORM *);
+  friend void _nc_xx_fld_init(FORM *);
+  friend void _nc_xx_fld_term(FORM *);
+  // Calculate FIELD* array for the menu
+  FIELD** mapFields(NCursesFormField* nfields[]);
+  // internal routines
+  inline void set_user(void *user) {
+    UserHook* uptr = reinterpret_cast<UserHook*>(::form_userptr (form));
+    assert (uptr != 0 && uptr->m_back==this && uptr->m_owner==form);
+    uptr->m_user = user;
+  }
+  inline void *get_user() {
+    UserHook* uptr = reinterpret_cast<UserHook*>(::form_userptr (form));
+    assert (uptr != 0 && uptr->m_back==this && uptr->m_owner==form);
+    return uptr->m_user;
+  }
+  void InitForm (NCursesFormField* Fields[],
+		 bool with_frame,
+		 bool autoDeleteFields);
+  inline void OnError (int err) const THROWS(NCursesFormException) {
+    if (err != E_OK)
+      THROW(new NCursesFormException (err));
+  }
+  // this wraps the form_driver call.
+  virtual int driver (int c) ;
+  // 'Internal' constructor, builds an object without association to a
+  // field array.
+  NCursesForm( int  nlines,
+	       int  ncols,
+	       int  begin_y = 0,
+	       int  begin_x = 0)
+    : NCursesPanel(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x),
+      form (STATIC_CAST(FORM*)(0)),
+      sub(0),
+      b_sub_owner(0),
+      b_framed(0),
+      b_autoDelete(0),
+      my_fields(0)
+  {
+  }
+  // Create form for the default panel.
+  NCursesForm (NCursesFormField* Fields[],
+	       bool with_frame=FALSE,	      // reserve space for a frame?
+	       bool autoDelete_Fields=FALSE)  // do automatic cleanup?
+    : NCursesPanel(),
+      form(0),
+      sub(0),
+      b_sub_owner(0),
+      b_framed(0),
+      b_autoDelete(0),
+      my_fields(0)
+  {
+    InitForm(Fields, with_frame, autoDelete_Fields);
+  }
+  // Create a form in a panel with the given position and size.
+  NCursesForm (NCursesFormField* Fields[],
+	       int  nlines,
+	       int  ncols,
+	       int  begin_y,
+	       int  begin_x,
+	       bool with_frame=FALSE,	     // reserve space for a frame?
+	       bool autoDelete_Fields=FALSE) // do automatic cleanup?
+    : NCursesPanel(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x),
+      form(0),
+      sub(0),
+      b_sub_owner(0),
+      b_framed(0),
+      b_autoDelete(0),
+      my_fields(0)
+  {
+      InitForm(Fields, with_frame, autoDelete_Fields);
+  }
+  NCursesForm& operator=(const NCursesForm& rhs)
+  {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      *this = rhs;
+      NCursesPanel::operator=(rhs);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  NCursesForm(const NCursesForm& rhs)
+    : NCursesPanel(rhs),
+      form(rhs.form),
+      sub(rhs.sub),
+      b_sub_owner(rhs.b_sub_owner),
+      b_framed(rhs.b_framed),
+      b_autoDelete(rhs.b_autoDelete),
+      my_fields(rhs.my_fields)
+  {
+  }
+  virtual ~NCursesForm();
+  // Set the default attributes for the form
+  virtual void setDefaultAttributes();
+  // Retrieve current field of the form.
+  inline NCursesFormField* current_field() const {
+    return my_fields[::field_index(::current_field(form))];
+  }
+  // Set the forms subwindow
+  void setSubWindow(NCursesWindow& sub);
+  // Set these fields for the form
+  inline void setFields(NCursesFormField* Fields[]) {
+    OnError(::set_form_fields(form,mapFields(Fields)));
+  }
+  // Remove the form from the screen
+  inline void unpost (void) {
+    OnError (::unpost_form (form));
+  }
+  // Post the form to the screen if flag is true, unpost it otherwise
+  inline void post(bool flag = TRUE) {
+    OnError (flag ? ::post_form(form) : ::unpost_form (form));
+  }
+  // Decorations
+  inline void frame(const char *title=NULL, const char* btitle=NULL) {
+    if (b_framed)
+      NCursesPanel::frame(title,btitle);
+    else
+      OnError(E_SYSTEM_ERROR);
+  }
+  inline void boldframe(const char *title=NULL, const char* btitle=NULL) {
+    if (b_framed)
+      NCursesPanel::boldframe(title,btitle);
+    else
+      OnError(E_SYSTEM_ERROR);
+  }
+  inline void label(const char *topLabel, const char *bottomLabel) {
+    if (b_framed)
+      NCursesPanel::label(topLabel,bottomLabel);
+    else
+      OnError(E_SYSTEM_ERROR);
+  }
+  // -----
+  // Hooks
+  // -----
+  // Called after the form gets repositioned in its window.
+  // This is especially true if the form is posted.
+  virtual void On_Form_Init();
+  // Called before the form gets repositioned in its window.
+  // This is especially true if the form is unposted.
+  virtual void On_Form_Termination();
+  // Called after the field became the current field
+  virtual void On_Field_Init(NCursesFormField& field);
+  // Called before this field is left as current field.
+  virtual void On_Field_Termination(NCursesFormField& field);
+  // Calculate required window size for the form.
+  void scale(int& rows, int& ncols) const {
+    OnError(::scale_form(form,&rows,&ncols));
+  }
+  // Retrieve number of fields in the form.
+  int count() const {
+    return ::field_count(form);
+  }
+  // Make the page the current page of the form.
+  void set_page(int pageNum) {
+    OnError(::set_form_page(form, pageNum));
+  }
+  // Retrieve current page number
+  int page() const {
+    return ::form_page(form);
+  }
+  // Switch on the forms options
+  inline void options_on (Form_Options opts) {
+    OnError (::form_opts_on (form, opts));
+  }
+  // Switch off the forms options
+  inline void options_off (Form_Options opts) {
+    OnError (::form_opts_off (form, opts));
+  }
+  // Retrieve the forms options
+  inline Form_Options options () const {
+    return ::form_opts (form);
+  }
+  // Set the forms options
+  inline void set_options (Form_Options opts) {
+    OnError (::set_form_opts (form, opts));
+  }
+  // Are there more data in the current field after the data shown
+  inline bool data_ahead() const {
+    return ::data_ahead(form);
+  }
+  // Are there more data in the current field before the data shown
+  inline bool data_behind() const {
+    return ::data_behind(form);
+  }
+  // Position the cursor to the current field
+  inline void position_cursor () {
+    OnError (::pos_form_cursor (form));
+  }
+  // Set the current field
+  inline void set_current(NCursesFormField& F) {
+    OnError (::set_current_field(form, F.field));
+  }
+  // Provide a default key virtualization. Translate the keyboard
+  // code c into a form request code.
+  // The default implementation provides a hopefully straightforward
+  // mapping for the most common keystrokes and form requests.
+  virtual int virtualize(int c);
+  // Operators
+  inline NCursesFormField* operator[](int i) const {
+    if ( (i < 0) || (i >= ::field_count (form)) )
+      OnError (E_BAD_ARGUMENT);
+    return my_fields[i];
+  }
+  // Perform the menu's operation
+  // Return the field where you left the form.
+  virtual NCursesFormField* operator()(void);
+  // Exception handlers. The default is a Beep.
+  virtual void On_Request_Denied(int c) const;
+  virtual void On_Invalid_Field(int c) const;
+  virtual void On_Unknown_Command(int c) const;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This is the typical C++ typesafe way to allow to attach
+// user data to a field of a form. Its assumed that the user
+// data belongs to some class T. Use T as template argument
+// to create a UserField.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template<class T> class NCURSES_IMPEXP NCursesUserField : public NCursesFormField
+  NCursesUserField (int rows,
+		    int ncols,
+		    int first_row = 0,
+		    int first_col = 0,
+		    const T* p_UserData = STATIC_CAST(T*)(0),
+		    int offscreen_rows = 0,
+		    int additional_buffers = 0)
+    : NCursesFormField (rows, ncols,
+			first_row, first_col,
+			offscreen_rows, additional_buffers) {
+      if (field)
+	OnError(::set_field_userptr(field, STATIC_CAST(void *)(p_UserData)));
+  }
+  virtual ~NCursesUserField() {};
+  inline const T* UserData (void) const {
+    return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(::field_userptr (field));
+  }
+  inline virtual void setUserData(const T* p_UserData) {
+    if (field)
+      OnError (::set_field_userptr (field, STATIC_CAST(void *)(p_UserData)));
+  }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The same mechanism is used to attach user data to a form
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template<class T> class NCURSES_IMPEXP NCursesUserForm : public NCursesForm
+  // 'Internal' constructor, builds an object without association to a
+  // field array.
+  NCursesUserForm( int  nlines,
+		   int  ncols,
+		   int  begin_y = 0,
+		   int  begin_x = 0,
+		   const T* p_UserData = STATIC_CAST(T*)(0))
+    : NCursesForm(nlines,ncols,begin_y,begin_x) {
+      if (form)
+	set_user (const_cast<void *>(p_UserData));
+  }
+  NCursesUserForm (NCursesFormField Fields[],
+		   const T* p_UserData = STATIC_CAST(T*)(0),
+		   bool with_frame=FALSE,
+		   bool autoDelete_Fields=FALSE)
+    : NCursesForm (Fields, with_frame, autoDelete_Fields) {
+      if (form)
+	set_user (const_cast<void *>(p_UserData));
+  };
+  NCursesUserForm (NCursesFormField Fields[],
+		   int nlines,
+		   int ncols,
+		   int begin_y = 0,
+		   int begin_x = 0,
+		   const T* p_UserData = STATIC_CAST(T*)(0),
+		   bool with_frame=FALSE,
+		   bool autoDelete_Fields=FALSE)
+    : NCursesForm (Fields, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x,
+		   with_frame, autoDelete_Fields) {
+      if (form)
+	set_user (const_cast<void *>(p_UserData));
+  };
+  virtual ~NCursesUserForm() {
+  };
+  inline T* UserData (void) const {
+    return reinterpret_cast<T*>(get_user ());
+  };
+  inline virtual void setUserData (const T* p_UserData) {
+    if (form)
+      set_user (const_cast<void *>(p_UserData));
+  }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Builtin Fieldtypes
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP Alpha_Field : public NCursesFieldType
+  int min_field_width;
+  void set(NCursesFormField& f) {
+    OnError(::set_field_type(f.get_field(),fieldtype,min_field_width));
+  }
+  Alpha_Field(int width)
+    : NCursesFieldType(TYPE_ALPHA),
+      min_field_width(width) {
+  }
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP Alphanumeric_Field : public NCursesFieldType
+  int min_field_width;
+  void set(NCursesFormField& f) {
+    OnError(::set_field_type(f.get_field(),fieldtype,min_field_width));
+  }
+  Alphanumeric_Field(int width)
+    : NCursesFieldType(TYPE_ALNUM),
+      min_field_width(width) {
+  }
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP Integer_Field : public NCursesFieldType
+  int precision;
+  long lower_limit, upper_limit;
+  void set(NCursesFormField& f) {
+    OnError(::set_field_type(f.get_field(),fieldtype,
+			     precision,lower_limit,upper_limit));
+  }
+  Integer_Field(int prec, long low=0L, long high=0L)
+    : NCursesFieldType(TYPE_INTEGER),
+      precision(prec), lower_limit(low), upper_limit(high) {
+  }
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP Numeric_Field : public NCursesFieldType
+  int precision;
+  double lower_limit, upper_limit;
+  void set(NCursesFormField& f) {
+    OnError(::set_field_type(f.get_field(),fieldtype,
+			     precision,lower_limit,upper_limit));
+  }
+  Numeric_Field(int prec, double low=0.0, double high=0.0)
+    : NCursesFieldType(TYPE_NUMERIC),
+      precision(prec), lower_limit(low), upper_limit(high) {
+  }
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP Regular_Expression_Field : public NCursesFieldType
+  char* regex;
+  void set(NCursesFormField& f) {
+    OnError(::set_field_type(f.get_field(),fieldtype,regex));
+  }
+  void copy_regex(const char *source)
+  {
+    regex = new char[1 + ::strlen(source)];
+    (::strcpy)(regex, source);
+  }
+  Regular_Expression_Field(const char *expr)
+    : NCursesFieldType(TYPE_REGEXP),
+      regex(NULL)
+  {
+    copy_regex(expr);
+  }
+  Regular_Expression_Field& operator=(const Regular_Expression_Field& rhs)
+  {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      *this = rhs;
+      copy_regex(rhs.regex);
+      NCursesFieldType::operator=(rhs);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  Regular_Expression_Field(const Regular_Expression_Field& rhs)
+    : NCursesFieldType(rhs),
+      regex(NULL)
+  {
+    copy_regex(rhs.regex);
+  }
+  ~Regular_Expression_Field() {
+    delete[] regex;
+  }
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP Enumeration_Field : public NCursesFieldType
+  const char** list;
+  int case_sensitive;
+  int non_unique_matches;
+  void set(NCursesFormField& f) {
+    OnError(::set_field_type(f.get_field(),fieldtype,
+			     list,case_sensitive,non_unique_matches));
+  }
+  Enumeration_Field(const char* enums[],
+		    bool case_sens=FALSE,
+		    bool non_unique=FALSE)
+    : NCursesFieldType(TYPE_ENUM),
+      list(enums),
+      case_sensitive(case_sens ? -1 : 0),
+      non_unique_matches(non_unique ? -1 : 0) {
+  }
+  Enumeration_Field& operator=(const Enumeration_Field& rhs)
+  {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      *this = rhs;
+      NCursesFieldType::operator=(rhs);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  Enumeration_Field(const Enumeration_Field& rhs)
+    : NCursesFieldType(rhs),
+      list(rhs.list),
+      case_sensitive(rhs.case_sensitive),
+      non_unique_matches(rhs.non_unique_matches)
+  {
+  }
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP IPV4_Address_Field : public NCursesFieldType
+  void set(NCursesFormField& f) {
+    OnError(::set_field_type(f.get_field(),fieldtype));
+  }
+  IPV4_Address_Field() : NCursesFieldType(TYPE_IPV4) {
+  }
+extern "C" {
+  bool _nc_xx_fld_fcheck(FIELD *, const void*);
+  bool _nc_xx_fld_ccheck(int c, const void *);
+  void* _nc_xx_fld_makearg(va_list*);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Abstract base class for User-Defined Fieldtypes
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP UserDefinedFieldType : public NCursesFieldType
+  friend class UDF_Init; // Internal helper to set up statics
+  // For all C++ defined fieldtypes we need only one generic lowlevel
+  // FIELDTYPE* element.
+  static FIELDTYPE* generic_fieldtype;
+  // This are the functions required by the low level libforms functions
+  // to construct a fieldtype.
+  friend bool _nc_xx_fld_fcheck(FIELD *, const void*);
+  friend bool _nc_xx_fld_ccheck(int c, const void *);
+  friend void* _nc_xx_fld_makearg(va_list*);
+  void set(NCursesFormField& f) {
+    OnError(::set_field_type(f.get_field(),fieldtype,&f));
+  }
+  // Redefine this function to do a field validation. The argument
+  // is a reference to the field you should validate.
+  virtual bool field_check(NCursesFormField& f) = 0;
+  // Redefine this function to do a character validation. The argument
+  // is the character to be validated.
+  virtual bool char_check (int c) = 0;
+  UserDefinedFieldType() : NCursesFieldType(generic_fieldtype) {
+  }
+extern "C" {
+  bool _nc_xx_next_choice(FIELD*, const void *);
+  bool _nc_xx_prev_choice(FIELD*, const void *);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Abstract base class for User-Defined Fieldtypes with Choice functions
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NCURSES_IMPEXP UserDefinedFieldType_With_Choice : public UserDefinedFieldType
+  friend class UDF_Init; // Internal helper to set up statics
+  // For all C++ defined fieldtypes with choice functions we need only one
+  // generic lowlevel FIELDTYPE* element.
+  static FIELDTYPE* generic_fieldtype_with_choice;
+  // This are the functions required by the low level libforms functions
+  // to construct a fieldtype with choice functions.
+  friend bool _nc_xx_next_choice(FIELD*, const void *);
+  friend bool _nc_xx_prev_choice(FIELD*, const void *);
+  // Redefine this function to do the retrieval of the next choice value.
+  // The argument is a reference to the field tobe examined.
+  virtual bool next    (NCursesFormField& f) = 0;
+  // Redefine this function to do the retrieval of the previous choice value.
+  // The argument is a reference to the field tobe examined.
+  virtual bool previous(NCursesFormField& f) = 0;
+  UserDefinedFieldType_With_Choice() {
+    fieldtype = generic_fieldtype_with_choice;
+  }
+#endif /* NCURSES_CURSESF_H_incl */