Check for app manifest opt-out from playback capture

Query the package manager to check if the app has not opt-out of its
playback being captured.

Test: adb shell audiorecorder   --target /data/file1.raw &
      adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///system/media/audio/ringtones/Lollipop.ogg -t audio/ogg
      adb dumpsys media.audio_policy # check playback is not recorded
      # change media player manifest to allowPlaybackCapture=true
      adb dumpsys media.audio_policy # check playback is recorded
      kill %1
      adb pull /data/file1.raw && sox -r 48000 -e signed -b 16 -c 2 file1.raw file.wav&& audacity file.wav
      # check silence then sound

Bug: 111453086
Change-Id: Id6fb7d0e10c02b0473bcbc0786e8360536996f48
Signed-off-by: Kevin Rocard <>
7 files changed