lineage: Add qcom platform superproject blueprints and makefiles.

Change-Id: I7facebb7421f34d2262616d3088f62869aebb73d
2 files changed
tree: 78ade09b240befb1e9b7958416fe3ea7713e0174
  1. .gitreview
  2. bliss.xml
  3. default.xml
  5. los.xml


Download the BlissRoms source code, based on AOSP, phhusson & BlissRoms

Please read the AOSP building instructions before proceeding.

What you need to build BlissRoms

Latest Ubuntu LTS Releases
Decent CPU (Dual Core or better for a faster performance)
8GB RAM (16GB for Virtual Machine)
250GB Hard Drive (about 170GB for the Repo and then building space needed)

Installing Java 8

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk/ppa
sudo apt-get update && upgrade
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
update-alternatives --config java  (make sure Java 8 is selected)
update-alternatives --config javac (make sure Java 8 is selected)

Grabbing Dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386  lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip squashfs-tools python-mako libssl-dev ninja-build lunzip syslinux syslinux-utils gettext genisoimage gettext bc xorriso

Initializing Repository

Repo initialization :

## Releases Repo ##
$ repo init -u -b q

sync repo :

$ repo sync --no-tags --no-clone-bundle

problems syncing? :

$ repo sync --no-tags --no-clone-bundle --force-sync


treble build options explained:

  Usage: $ bash options buildVariants blissBranch
  options: -c | --clean : Does make clean && make clobber and resets the treble device tree
           -r | --release : Builds a twrp zip of the rom (only for A partition) default creates system.img
           -p | --patch: Just applies patches to needed repos
           -s | --sync: Repo syncs the rom (clears out patches), then reapplies patches to needed repos
  buildVariants: arm64_a_stock | arm64_ab_stock : Vanilla Rom
                  arm64_a_gapps | arm64_ab_gapps : Stock Rom with Gapps Built-in
                  arm64_a_foss | arm64_ab_foss : Stock Rom with Foss
                  arm64_a_go | arm64_ab_go : Stock Rom with Go-Gapps
  blissBranch: select which bliss branch to sync, default is q
  First you must sync with the new manifest changes:
	$ bash -s
  After the sync is finished, you can build your release:
    $ bash -r arm64_a_gapps (to build armA 64bit with gapps built in)

Celadon EFI (Android-IA) build options explained:

  Usage: $ bash options buildVariants blissBranch
  options: -c | --clean : Does make clean && make clobber and resets the efi device tree
           -s | --sync: Repo syncs the rom (clears out patches), then reapplies patches to needed repos
  buildVariants: user : Make user build
                  userdebug |: Make userdebug build
                  eng : Make eng build
  blissBranch: select which bliss branch to sync, default is q

  After the sync is finished

    $ bash -s userdebug (to build the userdebug version)

emulator builds explained:

  Precondition: android SDK must be installed in ~/Android/SDK

    $ lunch bliss_emulator-userdebug
    $ make

  if you want to run on the same host:

    $ bash vendor/bliss/utils/emulator/

  if you need to copy on a different host:

    $ vendor/bliss/utils/emulator/
    $ cp /tmp/ to the device where you have installed android SDK

  (unzip into /tmp)

    $ bash /tmp/generic_x86/

PC builds (x86) explained:

  (WIP) Add x86 PC builds

  This will build an x86 based .ISO for PCs

  Usage: $ bash options buildVariants blissBranch
  Options: -c | --clean : Does make clean && make clobber and resets the efi device tree
    	   -s | --sync: Repo syncs the rom (clears out patches), then reapplies patches to needed repos
		   -p | --patch: Just applies patches to needed repos
		   -r | --proprietary: build needed items from proprietary vendor (non-public)

  BuildVariants: android_x86-user : Make user build
			     android_x86-userdebug |: Make userdebug build
			     android_x86-eng : Make eng build
			     android_x86_64-user : Make user build
			     android_x86_64-userdebug |: Make userdebug build
			     android_x86_64-eng : Make eng build

  BlissBranch: select which bliss branch to sync, default is q

  To start, you must first use the -s (--sync) flag, then on following builds, it is not needed. 
  Initial generation of the proprietary files from ChromeOS are also needed on the first build. 
  We are able to use the -r (--proprietary) flag for that. This step needs to be on its own because
  the mounting process requires root permissions, so keep a look out for it asking for your root password. 
  First you must sync with the new manifest changes:

    $ bash -s (will also do initial patching)
  Next step is to download the proprietary files from ChromeOS:
    $ bash -r android_x86_64-userdebug 
  After that, you can build your release file:
    $ bash android_x86_64-userdebug (to build the userdebug version for x86_64 CPUs)