prebuilt: backuptool: Drop addond version check on A-only

 * This check was supposed to check whether the script
   addon.d version was lower than backuptool's

 * Given that the backuptool addon.d version is 1, this
   isn't going to happen ever making this check completely

Change-Id: I2464749b52bf4e8825e0b4ef42500ee7d3bbfa61
diff --git a/prebuilt/common/bin/ b/prebuilt/common/bin/
index de7b79b..4a99e42 100755
--- a/prebuilt/common/bin/
+++ b/prebuilt/common/bin/
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
 export SYSFS="$3"
 export V=17.1
 # Scripts in /system/addon.d expect to find backuptool.functions in /tmp
 cp -f /tmp/install/bin/backuptool.functions /tmp
@@ -18,18 +16,6 @@
   if [ -d $S/addon.d/ ]; then
     mkdir -p /tmp/addon.d/
     cp -a $S/addon.d/* /tmp/addon.d/
-    # Discard any scripts that aren't at least our version level
-    for f in /tmp/addon.d/*sh; do
-      SCRIPT_VERSION=$(grep "^# ADDOND_VERSION=" $f | cut -d= -f2)
-      if [ -z "$SCRIPT_VERSION" ]; then
-      fi
-      if [ $SCRIPT_VERSION -lt $ADDOND_VERSION ]; then
-        rm $f
-      fi
-    done
     chmod 755 /tmp/addon.d/*.sh