extract_utils: Add VDEX deodex capabilities for oreo

Oreo introduces new optimized dex files (or vdex). While smali/baksmali
have supported vdex since 2.2.1, you actually have to have the .vdex in
the same location as the .oat or else the smali will fail due to not
finding the .vdex. Copy it (if it exists) and echo a warning since vdex
deodexing is still experimental.

Change-Id: Ic612751be45a8b6e54b8794b426a4d5adbbf13d2
diff --git a/build/tools/extract_utils.sh b/build/tools/extract_utils.sh
index d5cb79d..3eed158 100644
--- a/build/tools/extract_utils.sh
+++ b/build/tools/extract_utils.sh
@@ -718,11 +718,16 @@
         local OAT="$(dirname "$OEM_TARGET")/oat/$ARCH/$(basename "$OEM_TARGET" ."${OEM_TARGET##*.}").odex"
+        local VDEX="$(dirname "$OEM_TARGET")/oat/$ARCH/$(basename "$OEM_TARGET" ."${OEM_TARGET##*.}").vdex"
         if get_file "$OAT" "$TMPDIR" "$SRC"; then
+            if get_file "$VDEX" "$TMPDIR" "$SRC"; then
+                echo "WARNING: Deodexing with VDEX. Still experimental"
+            fi
             java -jar "$BAKSMALIJAR" deodex -o "$TMPDIR/dexout" -b "$BOOTOAT" -d "$TMPDIR" "$TMPDIR/$(basename "$OAT")"
         elif [[ "$LINEAGE_TARGET" =~ .jar$ ]]; then
             # try to extract classes.dex from boot.oats for framework jars
+            # TODO: check if extraction from boot.vdex is needed
             JAROAT="$TMPDIR/system/framework/$ARCH/boot-$(basename ${OEM_TARGET%.*}).oat"
             if [ ! -f "$JAROAT" ]; then