Typo in Yoigo's MMS gateway in apns-conf.xml

It was not working until I noticed the error,
and works since I manually edited it. First
time I thought I had accidentally edited it
to a wrong value, then I noticed that I needed
to edit every time I updated cyanogenmod, so
I found the error in the sources and I'm
reporting it here to save future updates...

It is
$ host domain name pointer mms-service.mobile.sonera.net.

and not
$ host domain name pointer p5DD1868D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de.

Change-Id: I62cfd18f29076189e1da5379bb37dc5bb533c815
diff --git a/prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml b/prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml
index 26f8a21..6c41453 100644
--- a/prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml
+++ b/prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   <apn carrier="Orange ES MMS" mcc="214" mnc="03" apn="orangemms" user="orange" password="orange" mmsc="http://mms.orange.es" mmsproxy="" mmsport="8080" type="mms" />
   <apn carrier="Orange World ES" mcc="214" mnc="03" apn="orangeworld" user="orange" password="orange" proxy="" port="8080" type="default,supl" />
   <apn carrier="Yoigo" mcc="214" mnc="04" apn="internet" proxy="" port="8080" type="default,supl" />
-  <apn carrier="Yoigo MMS" mcc="214" mnc="04" apn="mms" mmsc="http://mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" type="mms" />
+  <apn carrier="Yoigo MMS" mcc="214" mnc="04" apn="mms" mmsc="http://mms" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" type="mms" />
   <apn carrier="INTERNET GPRS" mcc="214" mnc="06" apn="airtelnet.es" user="vodafone" password="vodafone" type="default,supl" />
   <apn carrier="Pepephone Internet" mcc="214" mnc="06" apn="gprs.pepephone.com" type="default,supl" />
   <apn carrier="Pepephone MMS" mcc="214" mnc="06" apn="mms.pepephone.com" user="wap@wap" password="wap125" mmsproxy="" mmsport="80" type="mms" />