CM: Make sure we're parsing api versions for cmsdk docs.
Change-Id: If6223fbc2f22378bb993a09f92d4a7e6972c022a
diff --git a/build/tools/droiddoc/templates-cmsdk/assets/docs.js b/build/tools/droiddoc/templates-cmsdk/assets/docs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ab4caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/tools/droiddoc/templates-cmsdk/assets/docs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4339 @@
+var classesNav;
+var devdocNav;
+var sidenav;
+var cookie_namespace = 'android_developer';
+var NAV_PREF_TREE = "tree";
+var NAV_PREF_PANELS = "panels";
+var nav_pref;
+var isMobile = false; // true if mobile, so we can adjust some layout
+var mPagePath; // initialized in ready() function
+var basePath = getBaseUri(location.pathname);
+var SITE_ROOT = toRoot + basePath.substring(1,basePath.indexOf("/",1));
+var GOOGLE_DATA; // combined data for google service apis, used for search suggest
+// Ensure that all ajax getScript() requests allow caching
+ cache: true
+/****** ON LOAD SET UP STUFF *********/
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ // show lang dialog if the URL includes /intl/
+ //if (location.pathname.substring(0,6) == "/intl/") {
+ // var lang = location.pathname.split('/')[2];
+ // if (lang != getLangPref()) {
+ // $("#langMessage a.yes").attr("onclick","changeLangPref('" + lang
+ // + "', true); $('#langMessage').hide(); return false;");
+ // $("#langMessage .lang." + lang).show();
+ // $("#langMessage").show();
+ // }
+ //}
+ // load json file for JD doc search suggestions
+ $.getScript(toRoot + 'jd_lists_unified.js');
+ // load json file for Android API search suggestions
+ $.getScript(toRoot + 'reference/lists.js');
+ // setup keyboard listener for search shortcut
+ $('body').keyup(function(event) {
+ if (event.which == 191) {
+ $('#search_autocomplete').focus();
+ }
+ });
+ // init the fullscreen toggle click event
+ $('#nav-swap .fullscreen').click(function(){
+ if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
+ toggleFullscreen(true);
+ } else {
+ toggleFullscreen(false);
+ }
+ });
+ // initialize the divs with custom scrollbars
+ $('.scroll-pane').jScrollPane( {verticalGutter:0} );
+ // add HRs below all H2s (except for a few other h2 variants)
+ $('h2').not('#qv h2')
+ .not('#tb h2')
+ .not('.sidebox h2')
+ .not('#devdoc-nav h2')
+ .not('h2.norule').css({marginBottom:0})
+ .after('<hr/>');
+ // set up the search close button
+ $('.search .close').click(function() {
+ $searchInput = $('#search_autocomplete');
+ $searchInput.attr('value', '');
+ $(this).addClass("hide");
+ $("#search-container").removeClass('active');
+ $("#search_autocomplete").blur();
+ search_focus_changed($searchInput.get(), false);
+ hideResults();
+ });
+ // Set up quicknav
+ var quicknav_open = false;
+ $("#btn-quicknav").click(function() {
+ if (quicknav_open) {
+ $(this).removeClass('active');
+ quicknav_open = false;
+ collapse();
+ } else {
+ $(this).addClass('active');
+ quicknav_open = true;
+ expand();
+ }
+ })
+ var expand = function() {
+ $('#header-wrap').addClass('quicknav');
+ $('#quicknav').stop().show().animate({opacity:'1'});
+ }
+ var collapse = function() {
+ $('#quicknav').stop().animate({opacity:'0'}, 100, function() {
+ $(this).hide();
+ $('#header-wrap').removeClass('quicknav');
+ });
+ }
+ //Set up search
+ $("#search_autocomplete").focus(function() {
+ $("#search-container").addClass('active');
+ })
+ $("#search-container").mouseover(function() {
+ $("#search-container").addClass('active');
+ $("#search_autocomplete").focus();
+ })
+ $("#search-container").mouseout(function() {
+ if ($("#search_autocomplete").is(":focus")) return;
+ if ($("#search_autocomplete").val() == '') {
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ $("#search-container").removeClass('active');
+ $("#search_autocomplete").blur();
+ },250);
+ }
+ })
+ $("#search_autocomplete").blur(function() {
+ if ($("#search_autocomplete").val() == '') {
+ $("#search-container").removeClass('active');
+ }
+ })
+ // prep nav expandos
+ var pagePath = document.location.pathname;
+ // account for intl docs by removing the intl/*/ path
+ if (pagePath.indexOf("/intl/") == 0) {
+ pagePath = pagePath.substr(pagePath.indexOf("/",6)); // start after intl/ to get last /
+ }
+ if (pagePath.indexOf(SITE_ROOT) == 0) {
+ if (pagePath == '' || pagePath.charAt(pagePath.length - 1) == '/') {
+ pagePath += 'index.html';
+ }
+ }
+ // Need a copy of the pagePath before it gets changed in the next block;
+ // it's needed to perform proper tab highlighting in offline docs (see rootDir below)
+ var pagePathOriginal = pagePath;
+ if (SITE_ROOT.match(/\.\.\//) || SITE_ROOT == '') {
+ // If running locally, SITE_ROOT will be a relative path, so account for that by
+ // finding the relative URL to this page. This will allow us to find links on the page
+ // leading back to this page.
+ var pathParts = pagePath.split('/');
+ var relativePagePathParts = [];
+ var upDirs = (SITE_ROOT.match(/(\.\.\/)+/) || [''])[0].length / 3;
+ for (var i = 0; i < upDirs; i++) {
+ relativePagePathParts.push('..');
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < upDirs; i++) {
+ relativePagePathParts.push(pathParts[pathParts.length - (upDirs - i) - 1]);
+ }
+ relativePagePathParts.push(pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]);
+ pagePath = relativePagePathParts.join('/');
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise the page path is already an absolute URL
+ }
+ // Highlight the header tabs...
+ // highlight Design tab
+ if ($("body").hasClass("design")) {
+ $("#header a").addClass("selected");
+ $("#sticky-header").addClass("design");
+ // highlight About tabs
+ } else if ($("body").hasClass("about")) {
+ var rootDir = pagePathOriginal.substring(1,pagePathOriginal.indexOf('/', 1));
+ if (rootDir == "about") {
+ $("#nav-x li.about a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (rootDir == "wear") {
+ $("#nav-x li.wear a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (rootDir == "tv") {
+ $("#nav-x a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (rootDir == "auto") {
+ $("#nav-x a").addClass("selected");
+ }
+ // highlight Develop tab
+ } else if ($("body").hasClass("develop") || $("body").hasClass("google")) {
+ $("#header li.develop a").addClass("selected");
+ $("#sticky-header").addClass("develop");
+ // In Develop docs, also highlight appropriate sub-tab
+ var rootDir = pagePathOriginal.substring(1,pagePathOriginal.indexOf('/', 1));
+ if (rootDir == "training") {
+ $("#nav-x a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (rootDir == "guide") {
+ $("#nav-x a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (rootDir == "reference") {
+ // If the root is reference, but page is also part of Google Services, select Google
+ if ($("body").hasClass("google")) {
+ $("#nav-x a").addClass("selected");
+ } else {
+ $("#nav-x li.reference a").addClass("selected");
+ }
+ } else if ((rootDir == "tools") || (rootDir == "sdk")) {
+ $("#nav-x a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if ($("body").hasClass("google")) {
+ $("#nav-x a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if ($("body").hasClass("samples")) {
+ $("#nav-x li.samples a").addClass("selected");
+ }
+ // highlight Distribute tab
+ } else if ($("body").hasClass("distribute")) {
+ $("#header li.distribute a").addClass("selected");
+ $("#sticky-header").addClass("distribute");
+ var baseFrag = pagePathOriginal.indexOf('/', 1) + 1;
+ var secondFrag = pagePathOriginal.substring(baseFrag, pagePathOriginal.indexOf('/', baseFrag));
+ if (secondFrag == "users") {
+ $("#nav-x li.users a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (secondFrag == "engage") {
+ $("#nav-x li.engage a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (secondFrag == "monetize") {
+ $("#nav-x li.monetize a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (secondFrag == "analyze") {
+ $("#nav-x li.analyze a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (secondFrag == "tools") {
+ $("#nav-x li.disttools a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (secondFrag == "stories") {
+ $("#nav-x li.stories a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (secondFrag == "essentials") {
+ $("#nav-x li.essentials a").addClass("selected");
+ } else if (secondFrag == "googleplay") {
+ $("#nav-x li.googleplay a").addClass("selected");
+ }
+ } else if ($("body").hasClass("about")) {
+ $("#sticky-header").addClass("about");
+ }
+ // set global variable so we can highlight the sidenav a bit later (such as for google reference)
+ // and highlight the sidenav
+ mPagePath = pagePath;
+ highlightSidenav();
+ buildBreadcrumbs();
+ // set up prev/next links if they exist
+ var $selNavLink = $('#nav').find('a[href="' + pagePath + '"]');
+ var $selListItem;
+ if ($selNavLink.length) {
+ $selListItem = $selNavLink.closest('li');
+ // set up prev links
+ var $prevLink = [];
+ var $prevListItem = $selListItem.prev('li');
+ var crossBoundaries = ($("").length > 0) || ($("").length > 0) ? true :
+false; // navigate across topic boundaries only in design docs
+ if ($prevListItem.length) {
+ if ($prevListItem.hasClass('nav-section') || crossBoundaries) {
+ // jump to last topic of previous section
+ $prevLink = $prevListItem.find('a:last');
+ } else if (!$selListItem.hasClass('nav-section')) {
+ // jump to previous topic in this section
+ $prevLink = $prevListItem.find('a:eq(0)');
+ }
+ } else {
+ // jump to this section's index page (if it exists)
+ var $parentListItem = $selListItem.parents('li');
+ $prevLink = $selListItem.parents('li').find('a');
+ // except if cross boundaries aren't allowed, and we're at the top of a section already
+ // (and there's another parent)
+ if (!crossBoundaries && $parentListItem.hasClass('nav-section')
+ && $selListItem.hasClass('nav-section')) {
+ $prevLink = [];
+ }
+ }
+ // set up next links
+ var $nextLink = [];
+ var startClass = false;
+ var isCrossingBoundary = false;
+ if ($selListItem.hasClass('nav-section') && $selListItem.children('div.empty').length == 0) {
+ // we're on an index page, jump to the first topic
+ $nextLink = $selListItem.find('ul:eq(0)').find('a:eq(0)');
+ // if there aren't any children, go to the next section (required for About pages)
+ if($nextLink.length == 0) {
+ $nextLink = $'li').find('a');
+ } else if ($('.topic-start-link').length) {
+ // as long as there's a child link and there is a "topic start link" (we're on a landing)
+ // then set the landing page "start link" text to be the first doc title
+ $('.topic-start-link').text($nextLink.text().toUpperCase());
+ }
+ // If the selected page has a description, then it's a class or article homepage
+ if ($selListItem.find('a[description]').length) {
+ // this means we're on a class landing page
+ startClass = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // jump to the next topic in this section (if it exists)
+ $nextLink = $'li').find('a:eq(0)');
+ if ($nextLink.length == 0) {
+ isCrossingBoundary = true;
+ // no more topics in this section, jump to the first topic in the next section
+ $nextLink = $selListItem.parents('li:eq(0)').next('li').find('a:eq(0)');
+ if (!$nextLink.length) { // Go up another layer to look for next page (lesson > class > course)
+ $nextLink = $selListItem.parents('li:eq(1)').next('li.nav-section').find('a:eq(0)');
+ if ($nextLink.length == 0) {
+ // if that doesn't work, we're at the end of the list, so disable NEXT link
+ $('.next-page-link').attr('href','').addClass("disabled")
+ .click(function() { return false; });
+ // and completely hide the one in the footer
+ $('.content-footer .next-page-link').hide();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (startClass) {
+ $('.start-class-link').attr('href', $nextLink.attr('href')).removeClass("hide");
+ // if there's no training bar (below the start button),
+ // then we need to add a bottom border to button
+ if (!$("#tb").length) {
+ $('.start-class-link').css({'border-bottom':'1px solid #DADADA'});
+ }
+ } else if (isCrossingBoundary && !$('').length) { // Design always crosses boundaries
+ $('').show();
+ $('.next-page-link').attr('href','')
+ .removeClass("hide").addClass("disabled")
+ .click(function() { return false; });
+ // and completely hide the one in the footer
+ $('.content-footer .next-page-link').hide();
+ if ($nextLink.length) {
+ $('.next-class-link').attr('href',$nextLink.attr('href'))
+ .removeClass("hide")
+ .append(": " + $nextLink.html());
+ $('.next-class-link').find('.new').empty();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('.next-page-link').attr('href', $nextLink.attr('href'))
+ .removeClass("hide");
+ // for the footer link, also add the next page title
+ $('.content-footer .next-page-link').append(": " + $nextLink.html());
+ }
+ if (!startClass && $prevLink.length) {
+ var prevHref = $prevLink.attr('href');
+ if (prevHref == SITE_ROOT + 'index.html') {
+ // Don't show Previous when it leads to the homepage
+ } else {
+ $('.prev-page-link').attr('href', $prevLink.attr('href')).removeClass("hide");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set up the course landing pages for Training with class names and descriptions
+ if ($('body.trainingcourse').length) {
+ var $classLinks = $selListItem.find('ul li a').not('#nav .nav-section .nav-section ul a');
+ // create an array for all the class descriptions
+ var $classDescriptions = new Array($classLinks.length);
+ var lang = getLangPref();
+ $classLinks.each(function(index) {
+ var langDescr = $(this).attr(lang + "-description");
+ if (typeof langDescr !== 'undefined' && langDescr !== false) {
+ // if there's a class description in the selected language, use that
+ $classDescriptions[index] = langDescr;
+ } else {
+ // otherwise, use the default english description
+ $classDescriptions[index] = $(this).attr("description");
+ }
+ });
+ var $olClasses = $('<ol class="class-list"></ol>');
+ var $liClass;
+ var $imgIcon;
+ var $h2Title;
+ var $pSummary;
+ var $olLessons;
+ var $liLesson;
+ $classLinks.each(function(index) {
+ $liClass = $('<li></li>');
+ $h2Title = $('<a class="title" href="'+$(this).attr('href')+'"><h2>' + $(this).html()+'</h2><span></span></a>');
+ $pSummary = $('<p class="description">' + $classDescriptions[index] + '</p>');
+ $olLessons = $('<ol class="lesson-list"></ol>');
+ $lessons = $(this).closest('li').find('ul li a');
+ if ($lessons.length) {
+ $imgIcon = $('<img src="'+toRoot+'assets/images/resource-tutorial.png" '
+ + ' width="64" height="64" alt=""/>');
+ $lessons.each(function(index) {
+ $olLessons.append('<li><a href="'+$(this).attr('href')+'">' + $(this).html()+'</a></li>');
+ });
+ } else {
+ $imgIcon = $('<img src="'+toRoot+'assets/images/resource-article.png" '
+ + ' width="64" height="64" alt=""/>');
+ $pSummary.addClass('article');
+ }
+ $liClass.append($h2Title).append($imgIcon).append($pSummary).append($olLessons);
+ $olClasses.append($liClass);
+ });
+ $('.jd-descr').append($olClasses);
+ }
+ // Set up expand/collapse behavior
+ initExpandableNavItems("#nav");
+ $(".scroll-pane").scroll(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ });
+ /* Resize nav height when window height changes */
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ if ($('#side-nav').length == 0) return;
+ var stylesheet = $('link[rel="stylesheet"][class="fullscreen"]');
+ setNavBarLeftPos(); // do this even if sidenav isn't fixed because it could become fixed
+ // make sidenav behave when resizing the window and side-scolling is a concern
+ if (sticky) {
+ if ((stylesheet.attr("disabled") == "disabled") || stylesheet.length == 0) {
+ updateSideNavPosition();
+ } else {
+ updateSidenavFullscreenWidth();
+ }
+ }
+ resizeNav();
+ });
+ var navBarLeftPos;
+ if ($('#devdoc-nav').length) {
+ setNavBarLeftPos();
+ }
+ // Set up play-on-hover <video> tags.
+ $('').bind('click', function(){
+ $(this).get(0).load(); // in case the video isn't seekable
+ $(this).get(0).play();
+ });
+ // Set up tooltips
+ var TOOLTIP_MARGIN = 10;
+ $('acronym,.tooltip-link').each(function() {
+ var $target = $(this);
+ var $tooltip = $('<div>')
+ .addClass('tooltip-box')
+ .append($target.attr('title'))
+ .hide()
+ .appendTo('body');
+ $target.removeAttr('title');
+ $target.hover(function() {
+ // in
+ var targetRect = $target.offset();
+ targetRect.width = $target.width();
+ targetRect.height = $target.height();
+ $tooltip.css({
+ left: targetRect.left,
+ top: + targetRect.height + TOOLTIP_MARGIN
+ });
+ $tooltip.addClass('below');
+ $;
+ }, function() {
+ // out
+ $tooltip.hide();
+ });
+ });
+ // Set up <h2> deeplinks
+ $('h2').click(function() {
+ var id = $(this).attr('id');
+ if (id) {
+ document.location.hash = id;
+ }
+ });
+ //Loads the +1 button
+ var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
+ po.src = '';
+ var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
+ // Revise the sidenav widths to make room for the scrollbar
+ // which avoids the visible width from changing each time the bar appears
+ var $sidenav = $("#side-nav");
+ var sidenav_width = parseInt($sidenav.innerWidth());
+ $("#devdoc-nav #nav").css("width", sidenav_width - 4 + "px"); // 4px is scrollbar width
+ $(".scroll-pane").removeAttr("tabindex"); // get rid of tabindex added by jscroller
+ if ($(".scroll-pane").length > 1) {
+ // Check if there's a user preference for the panel heights
+ var cookieHeight = readCookie("reference_height");
+ if (cookieHeight) {
+ restoreHeight(cookieHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ // Resize once loading is finished
+ resizeNav();
+ // Check if there's an anchor that we need to scroll into view.
+ // A delay is needed, because some browsers do not immediately scroll down to the anchor
+ window.setTimeout(offsetScrollForSticky, 100);
+ /* init the language selector based on user cookie for lang */
+ loadLangPref();
+ changeNavLang(getLangPref());
+ /* setup event handlers to ensure the overflow menu is visible while picking lang */
+ $("#language select")
+ .mousedown(function() {
+ $("div.morehover").addClass("hover"); })
+ .blur(function() {
+ $("div.morehover").removeClass("hover"); });
+ /* some global variable setup */
+ resizePackagesNav = $("#resize-packages-nav");
+ classesNav = $("#classes-nav");
+ devdocNav = $("#devdoc-nav");
+ var cookiePath = "";
+ if (location.href.indexOf("/reference/") != -1) {
+ cookiePath = "reference_";
+ } else if (location.href.indexOf("/guide/") != -1) {
+ cookiePath = "guide_";
+ } else if (location.href.indexOf("/tools/") != -1) {
+ cookiePath = "tools_";
+ } else if (location.href.indexOf("/training/") != -1) {
+ cookiePath = "training_";
+ } else if (location.href.indexOf("/design/") != -1) {
+ cookiePath = "design_";
+ } else if (location.href.indexOf("/distribute/") != -1) {
+ cookiePath = "distribute_";
+ }
+ /* setup shadowbox for any videos that want it */
+ var $videoLinks = $(", a.notice-developers-video");
+ if ($videoLinks.length) {
+ // if there's at least one, add the shadowbox HTML to the body
+ $('body').prepend(
+'<div id="video-container">'+
+ '<div id="video-frame">'+
+ '<div class="video-close">'+
+ '<span id="icon-video-close" onclick="closeVideo()"> </span>'+
+ '</div>'+
+ '<div id="youTubePlayer"></div>'+
+ '</div>'+
+ // loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.
+ $.getScript("");
+ $videoLinks.each(function() {
+ var videoId = $(this).attr('href').split('?v=')[1];
+ $(this).click(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ startYouTubePlayer(videoId);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+// END of the onload event
+var youTubePlayer;
+function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
+/* Returns the height the shadowbox video should be. It's based on the current
+ height of the "video-frame" element, which is 100% height for the window.
+ Then minus the margin so the video isn't actually the full window height. */
+function getVideoHeight() {
+ var frameHeight = $("#video-frame").height();
+ var marginTop = $("#video-frame").css('margin-top').split('px')[0];
+ return frameHeight - (marginTop * 2);
+var mPlayerPaused = false;
+function startYouTubePlayer(videoId) {
+ $("#video-container").show();
+ $("#video-frame").show();
+ mPlayerPaused = false;
+ // compute the size of the player so it's centered in window
+ var maxWidth = 940; // the width of the web site content
+ var videoAspect = .5625; // based on 1280x720 resolution
+ var maxHeight = maxWidth * videoAspect;
+ var videoHeight = getVideoHeight();
+ var videoWidth = videoHeight / videoAspect;
+ if (videoWidth > maxWidth) {
+ videoWidth = maxWidth;
+ videoHeight = maxHeight;
+ }
+ $("#video-frame").css('width', videoWidth);
+ // check if we've already created this player
+ if (youTubePlayer == null) {
+ // check if there's a start time specified
+ var idAndHash = videoId.split("#");
+ var startTime = 0;
+ if (idAndHash.length > 1) {
+ startTime = idAndHash[1].split("t=")[1] != undefined ? idAndHash[1].split("t=")[1] : 0;
+ }
+ // enable localized player
+ var lang = getLangPref();
+ var captionsOn = lang == 'en' ? 0 : 1;
+ youTubePlayer = new YT.Player('youTubePlayer', {
+ height: videoHeight,
+ width: videoWidth,
+ videoId: idAndHash[0],
+ playerVars: {start: startTime, hl: lang, cc_load_policy: captionsOn},
+ events: {
+ 'onReady': onPlayerReady,
+ 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ // reset the size in case the user adjusted the window since last play
+ youTubePlayer.setSize(videoWidth, videoHeight);
+ // if a video different from the one already playing was requested, cue it up
+ if (videoId != youTubePlayer.getVideoUrl().split('?v=')[1].split('&')[0].split('%')[0]) {
+ youTubePlayer.cueVideoById(videoId);
+ }
+ youTubePlayer.playVideo();
+ }
+function onPlayerReady(event) {
+ mPlayerPaused = false;
+function closeVideo() {
+ try {
+ youTubePlayer.pauseVideo();
+ } catch(e) {
+ }
+ $("#video-container").fadeOut(200);
+/* Track youtube playback for analytics */
+function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
+ // Video starts, send the video ID
+ if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) {
+ if (mPlayerPaused) {
+ ga('send', 'event', 'Videos', 'Resume',
+ youTubePlayer.getVideoUrl().split('?v=')[1].split('&')[0].split('%')[0]);
+ } else {
+ // track the start playing event so we know from which page the video was selected
+ ga('send', 'event', 'Videos', 'Start: ' +
+ youTubePlayer.getVideoUrl().split('?v=')[1].split('&')[0].split('%')[0],
+ 'on: ' + document.location.href);
+ }
+ mPlayerPaused = false;
+ }
+ // Video paused, send video ID and video elapsed time
+ if ( == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) {
+ ga('send', 'event', 'Videos', 'Paused',
+ youTubePlayer.getVideoUrl().split('?v=')[1].split('&')[0].split('%')[0],
+ youTubePlayer.getCurrentTime());
+ mPlayerPaused = true;
+ }
+ // Video finished, send video ID and video elapsed time
+ if ( == YT.PlayerState.ENDED) {
+ ga('send', 'event', 'Videos', 'Finished',
+ youTubePlayer.getVideoUrl().split('?v=')[1].split('&')[0].split('%')[0],
+ youTubePlayer.getCurrentTime());
+ mPlayerPaused = true;
+ }
+function initExpandableNavItems(rootTag) {
+ $(rootTag + ' li.nav-section .nav-section-header').click(function() {
+ var section = $(this).closest('li.nav-section');
+ if (section.hasClass('expanded')) {
+ /* hide me and descendants */
+ section.find('ul').slideUp(250, function() {
+ // remove 'expanded' class from my section and any children
+ section.closest('li').removeClass('expanded');
+ $('li.nav-section', section).removeClass('expanded');
+ resizeNav();
+ });
+ } else {
+ /* show me */
+ // first hide all other siblings
+ var $others = $('li.nav-section.expanded', $(this).closest('ul')).not('.sticky');
+ $others.removeClass('expanded').children('ul').slideUp(250);
+ // now expand me
+ section.closest('li').addClass('expanded');
+ section.children('ul').slideDown(250, function() {
+ resizeNav();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ // Stop expand/collapse behavior when clicking on nav section links
+ // (since we're navigating away from the page)
+ // This selector captures the first instance of <a>, but not those with "#" as the href.
+ $('.nav-section-header').find('a:eq(0)').not('a[href="#"]').click(function(evt) {
+ window.location.href = $(this).attr('href');
+ return false;
+ });
+/** Create the list of breadcrumb links in the sticky header */
+function buildBreadcrumbs() {
+ var $breadcrumbUl = $("#sticky-header ul.breadcrumb");
+ // Add the secondary horizontal nav item, if provided
+ var $selectedSecondNav = $("div#nav-x ul.nav-x a.selected").clone().removeClass("selected");
+ if ($selectedSecondNav.length) {
+ $breadcrumbUl.prepend($("<li>").append($selectedSecondNav))
+ }
+ // Add the primary horizontal nav
+ var $selectedFirstNav = $("div#header-wrap ul.nav-x a.selected").clone().removeClass("selected");
+ // If there's no header nav item, use the logo link and title from alt text
+ if ($selectedFirstNav.length < 1) {
+ $selectedFirstNav = $("<a>")
+ .attr('href', $("div#header .logo a").attr('href'))
+ .text($("div#header .logo img").attr('alt'));
+ }
+ $breadcrumbUl.prepend($("<li>").append($selectedFirstNav));
+/** Highlight the current page in sidenav, expanding children as appropriate */
+function highlightSidenav() {
+ // if something is already highlighted, undo it. This is for dynamic navigation (Samples index)
+ if ($("ul#nav li.selected").length) {
+ unHighlightSidenav();
+ }
+ // look for URL in sidenav, including the hash
+ var $selNavLink = $('#nav').find('a[href="' + mPagePath + location.hash + '"]');
+ // If the selNavLink is still empty, look for it without the hash
+ if ($selNavLink.length == 0) {
+ $selNavLink = $('#nav').find('a[href="' + mPagePath + '"]');
+ }
+ var $selListItem;
+ if ($selNavLink.length) {
+ // Find this page's <li> in sidenav and set selected
+ $selListItem = $selNavLink.closest('li');
+ $selListItem.addClass('selected');
+ // Traverse up the tree and expand all parent nav-sections
+ $selNavLink.parents('li.nav-section').each(function() {
+ $(this).addClass('expanded');
+ $(this).children('ul').show();
+ });
+ }
+function unHighlightSidenav() {
+ $("ul#nav li.selected").removeClass("selected");
+ $('ul#nav li.nav-section.expanded').removeClass('expanded').children('ul').hide();
+function toggleFullscreen(enable) {
+ var delay = 20;
+ var enabled = true;
+ var stylesheet = $('link[rel="stylesheet"][class="fullscreen"]');
+ if (enable) {
+ // Currently NOT USING fullscreen; enable fullscreen
+ stylesheet.removeAttr('disabled');
+ $('#nav-swap .fullscreen').removeClass('disabled');
+ $('#devdoc-nav').css({left:''});
+ setTimeout(updateSidenavFullscreenWidth,delay); // need to wait a moment for css to switch
+ enabled = true;
+ } else {
+ // Currently USING fullscreen; disable fullscreen
+ stylesheet.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $('#nav-swap .fullscreen').addClass('disabled');
+ setTimeout(updateSidenavFixedWidth,delay); // need to wait a moment for css to switch
+ enabled = false;
+ }
+ writeCookie("fullscreen", enabled, null);
+ setNavBarLeftPos();
+ resizeNav(delay);
+ updateSideNavPosition();
+ setTimeout(initSidenavHeightResize,delay);
+function setNavBarLeftPos() {
+ navBarLeftPos = $('#body-content').offset().left;
+function updateSideNavPosition() {
+ var newLeft = $(window).scrollLeft() - navBarLeftPos;
+ $('#devdoc-nav').css({left: -newLeft});
+ $('#devdoc-nav .totop').css({left: -(newLeft - parseInt($('#side-nav').css('margin-left')))});
+// TODO: use $(document).ready instead
+function addLoadEvent(newfun) {
+ var current = window.onload;
+ if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
+ window.onload = newfun;
+ } else {
+ window.onload = function() {
+ current();
+ newfun();
+ }
+ }
+var agent = navigator['userAgent'].toLowerCase();
+// If a mobile phone, set flag and do mobile setup
+if ((agent.indexOf("mobile") != -1) || // android, iphone, ipod
+ (agent.indexOf("blackberry") != -1) ||
+ (agent.indexOf("webos") != -1) ||
+ (agent.indexOf("mini") != -1)) { // opera mini browsers
+ isMobile = true;
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ $("pre:not(.no-pretty-print)").addClass("prettyprint");
+ prettyPrint();
+/* ######### RESIZE THE SIDENAV HEIGHT ########## */
+function resizeNav(delay) {
+ var $nav = $("#devdoc-nav");
+ var $window = $(window);
+ var navHeight;
+ // Get the height of entire window and the total header height.
+ // Then figure out based on scroll position whether the header is visible
+ var windowHeight = $window.height();
+ var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
+ var headerHeight = $('#header-wrapper').outerHeight();
+ var headerVisible = scrollTop < stickyTop;
+ // get the height of space between nav and top of window.
+ // Could be either margin or top position, depending on whether the nav is fixed.
+ var topMargin = (parseInt($nav.css('margin-top')) || parseInt($nav.css('top'))) + 1;
+ // add 1 for the #side-nav bottom margin
+ // Depending on whether the header is visible, set the side nav's height.
+ if (headerVisible) {
+ // The sidenav height grows as the header goes off screen
+ navHeight = windowHeight - (headerHeight - scrollTop) - topMargin;
+ } else {
+ // Once header is off screen, the nav height is almost full window height
+ navHeight = windowHeight - topMargin;
+ }
+ $scrollPanes = $(".scroll-pane");
+ if ($scrollPanes.length > 1) {
+ // subtract the height of the api level widget and nav swapper from the available nav height
+ navHeight -= ($('#api-nav-header').outerHeight(true) + $('#nav-swap').outerHeight(true));
+ $("#swapper").css({height:navHeight + "px"});
+ if ($("#nav-tree").is(":visible")) {
+ $("#nav-tree").css({height:navHeight});
+ }
+ var classesHeight = navHeight - parseInt($("#resize-packages-nav").css("height")) - 10 + "px";
+ //subtract 10px to account for drag bar
+ // if the window becomes small enough to make the class panel height 0,
+ // then the package panel should begin to shrink
+ if (parseInt(classesHeight) <= 0) {
+ $("#resize-packages-nav").css({height:navHeight - 10}); //subtract 10px for drag bar
+ $("#packages-nav").css({height:navHeight - 10});
+ }
+ $("#classes-nav").css({'height':classesHeight, 'margin-top':'10px'});
+ $("#classes-nav .jspContainer").css({height:classesHeight});
+ } else {
+ $nav.height(navHeight);
+ }
+ if (delay) {
+ updateFromResize = true;
+ delayedReInitScrollbars(delay);
+ } else {
+ reInitScrollbars();
+ }
+var updateScrollbars = false;
+var updateFromResize = false;
+/* Re-initialize the scrollbars to account for changed nav size.
+ * This method postpones the actual update by a 1/4 second in order to optimize the
+ * scroll performance while the header is still visible, because re-initializing the
+ * scroll panes is an intensive process.
+ */
+function delayedReInitScrollbars(delay) {
+ // If we're scheduled for an update, but have received another resize request
+ // before the scheduled resize has occured, just ignore the new request
+ // (and wait for the scheduled one).
+ if (updateScrollbars && updateFromResize) {
+ updateFromResize = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // We're scheduled for an update and the update request came from this method's setTimeout
+ if (updateScrollbars && !updateFromResize) {
+ reInitScrollbars();
+ updateScrollbars = false;
+ } else {
+ updateScrollbars = true;
+ updateFromResize = false;
+ setTimeout('delayedReInitScrollbars()',delay);
+ }
+/* Re-initialize the scrollbars to account for changed nav size. */
+function reInitScrollbars() {
+ var pane = $(".scroll-pane").each(function(){
+ var api = $(this).data('jsp');
+ if (!api) { setTimeout(reInitScrollbars,300); return;}
+ api.reinitialise( {verticalGutter:0} );
+ });
+ $(".scroll-pane").removeAttr("tabindex"); // get rid of tabindex added by jscroller
+/* Resize the height of the nav panels in the reference,
+ * and save the new size to a cookie */
+function saveNavPanels() {
+ var basePath = getBaseUri(location.pathname);
+ var section = basePath.substring(1,basePath.indexOf("/",1));
+ writeCookie("height", resizePackagesNav.css("height"), section);
+function restoreHeight(packageHeight) {
+ $("#resize-packages-nav").height(packageHeight);
+ $("#packages-nav").height(packageHeight);
+ // var classesHeight = navHeight - packageHeight;
+ // $("#classes-nav").css({height:classesHeight});
+ // $("#classes-nav .jspContainer").css({height:classesHeight});
+/* ######### END RESIZE THE SIDENAV HEIGHT ########## */
+/** Scroll the jScrollPane to make the currently selected item visible
+ This is called when the page finished loading. */
+function scrollIntoView(nav) {
+ var $nav = $("#"+nav);
+ var element = $nav.jScrollPane({/* ...settings... */});
+ var api ='jsp');
+ if ($':visible')) {
+ var $selected = $(".selected", $nav);
+ if ($selected.length == 0) {
+ // If no selected item found, exit
+ return;
+ }
+ // get the selected item's offset from its container nav by measuring the item's offset
+ // relative to the document then subtract the container nav's offset relative to the document
+ var selectedOffset = $selected.offset().top - $nav.offset().top;
+ if (selectedOffset > $nav.height() * .8) { // multiply nav height by .8 so we move up the item
+ // if it's more than 80% down the nav
+ // scroll the item up by an amount equal to 80% the container nav's height
+ api.scrollTo(0, selectedOffset - ($nav.height() * .8), false);
+ }
+ }
+/* Show popup dialogs */
+function showDialog(id) {
+ $dialog = $("#"+id);
+ $dialog.prepend('<div class="box-border"><div class="top"> <div class="left"></div> <div class="right"></div></div><div class="bottom"> <div class="left"></div> <div class="right"></div> </div> </div>');
+ $dialog.wrapInner('<div/>');
+ $dialog.removeClass("hide");
+/* ######### COOKIES! ########## */
+function readCookie(cookie) {
+ var myCookie = cookie_namespace+"_"+cookie+"=";
+ if (document.cookie) {
+ var index = document.cookie.indexOf(myCookie);
+ if (index != -1) {
+ var valStart = index + myCookie.length;
+ var valEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";", valStart);
+ if (valEnd == -1) {
+ valEnd = document.cookie.length;
+ }
+ var val = document.cookie.substring(valStart, valEnd);
+ return val;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+function writeCookie(cookie, val, section) {
+ if (val==undefined) return;
+ section = section == null ? "_" : "_"+section+"_";
+ var age = 2*365*24*60*60; // set max-age to 2 years
+ var cookieValue = cookie_namespace + section + cookie + "=" + val
+ + "; max-age=" + age +"; path=/";
+ document.cookie = cookieValue;
+/* ######### END COOKIES! ########## */
+var sticky = false;
+var stickyTop;
+var prevScrollLeft = 0; // used to compare current position to previous position of horiz scroll
+/* Sets the vertical scoll position at which the sticky bar should appear.
+ This method is called to reset the position when search results appear or hide */
+function setStickyTop() {
+ stickyTop = $('#header-wrapper').outerHeight() - $('#sticky-header').outerHeight();
+ * Displays sticky nav bar on pages when dac header scrolls out of view
+ */
+$(window).scroll(function(event) {
+ setStickyTop();
+ var hiding = false;
+ var $stickyEl = $('#sticky-header');
+ var $menuEl = $('.menu-container');
+ // Exit if there's no sidenav
+ if ($('#side-nav').length == 0) return;
+ // Exit if the mouse target is a DIV, because that means the event is coming
+ // from a scrollable div and so there's no need to make adjustments to our layout
+ if ($( == "DIV") {
+ return;
+ }
+ var top = $(window).scrollTop();
+ // we set the navbar fixed when the scroll position is beyond the height of the site header...
+ var shouldBeSticky = top >= stickyTop;
+ // ... except if the document content is shorter than the sidenav height.
+ // (this is necessary to avoid crazy behavior on OSX Lion due to overscroll bouncing)
+ if ($("#doc-col").height() < $("#side-nav").height()) {
+ shouldBeSticky = false;
+ }
+ // Account for horizontal scroll
+ var scrollLeft = $(window).scrollLeft();
+ // When the sidenav is fixed and user scrolls horizontally, reposition the sidenav to match
+ if (sticky && (scrollLeft != prevScrollLeft)) {
+ updateSideNavPosition();
+ prevScrollLeft = scrollLeft;
+ }
+ // Don't continue if the header is sufficently far away
+ // (to avoid intensive resizing that slows scrolling)
+ if (sticky == shouldBeSticky) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If sticky header visible and position is now near top, hide sticky
+ if (sticky && !shouldBeSticky) {
+ sticky = false;
+ hiding = true;
+ // make the sidenav static again
+ $('#devdoc-nav')
+ .removeClass('fixed')
+ .css({'width':'auto','margin':''})
+ .prependTo('#side-nav');
+ // delay hide the sticky
+ $menuEl.removeClass('sticky-menu');
+ $stickyEl.fadeOut(250);
+ hiding = false;
+ // update the sidenaav position for side scrolling
+ updateSideNavPosition();
+ } else if (!sticky && shouldBeSticky) {
+ sticky = true;
+ $stickyEl.fadeIn(10);
+ $menuEl.addClass('sticky-menu');
+ // make the sidenav fixed
+ var width = $('#devdoc-nav').width();
+ $('#devdoc-nav')
+ .addClass('fixed')
+ .css({'width':width+'px'})
+ .prependTo('#body-content');
+ // update the sidenaav position for side scrolling
+ updateSideNavPosition();
+ } else if (hiding && top < 15) {
+ $menuEl.removeClass('sticky-menu');
+ $stickyEl.hide();
+ hiding = false;
+ }
+ resizeNav(250); // pass true in order to delay the scrollbar re-initialization for performance
+ * Manages secion card states and nav resize to conclude loading
+ */
+(function() {
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ // Stack hover states
+ $('.section-card-menu').each(function(index, el) {
+ var height = $(el).height();
+ $(el).css({height:height+'px', position:'relative'});
+ var $cardInfo = $(el).find('.card-info');
+ $cardInfo.css({position: 'absolute', bottom:'0px', left:'0px', right:'0px', overflow:'visible'});
+ });
+ });
+function toggle(obj, slide) {
+ var ul = $("ul:first", obj);
+ var li = ul.parent();
+ if (li.hasClass("closed")) {
+ if (slide) {
+ ul.slideDown("fast");
+ } else {
+ }
+ li.removeClass("closed");
+ li.addClass("open");
+ $(".toggle-img", li).attr("title", "hide pages");
+ } else {
+ ul.slideUp("fast");
+ li.removeClass("open");
+ li.addClass("closed");
+ $(".toggle-img", li).attr("title", "show pages");
+ }
+function buildToggleLists() {
+ $(".toggle-list").each(
+ function(i) {
+ $("div:first", this).append("<a class='toggle-img' href='#' title='show pages' onClick='toggle(this.parentNode.parentNode, true); return false;'></a>");
+ $(this).addClass("closed");
+ });
+function hideNestedItems(list, toggle) {
+ $list = $(list);
+ // hide nested lists
+ if($list.hasClass('showing')) {
+ $("li ol", $list).hide('fast');
+ $list.removeClass('showing');
+ // show nested lists
+ } else {
+ $("li ol", $list).show('fast');
+ $list.addClass('showing');
+ }
+ $(".more,.less",$(toggle)).toggle();
+/* Call this to add listeners to a <select> element for Studio/Eclipse/Other docs */
+function setupIdeDocToggle() {
+ $( "select.ide" ).change(function() {
+ var selected = $(this).find("option:selected").attr("value");
+ $(".select-ide").hide();
+ $(".select-ide."+selected).show();
+ $("select.ide").val(selected);
+ });
+function getNavPref() {
+ var v = readCookie('reference_nav');
+ if (v != NAV_PREF_TREE) {
+ }
+ return v;
+function chooseDefaultNav() {
+ nav_pref = getNavPref();
+ if (nav_pref == NAV_PREF_TREE) {
+ $("#nav-panels").toggle();
+ $("#panel-link").toggle();
+ $("#nav-tree").toggle();
+ $("#tree-link").toggle();
+ }
+function swapNav() {
+ if (nav_pref == NAV_PREF_TREE) {
+ nav_pref = NAV_PREF_PANELS;
+ } else {
+ nav_pref = NAV_PREF_TREE;
+ init_default_navtree(toRoot);
+ }
+ writeCookie("nav", nav_pref, "reference");
+ $("#nav-panels").toggle();
+ $("#panel-link").toggle();
+ $("#nav-tree").toggle();
+ $("#tree-link").toggle();
+ resizeNav();
+ // Gross nasty hack to make tree view show up upon first swap by setting height manually
+ $("#nav-tree .jspContainer:visible")
+ .css({'height':$("#nav-tree .jspContainer .jspPane").height() +'px'});
+ // Another nasty hack to make the scrollbar appear now that we have height
+ resizeNav();
+ if ($("#nav-tree").is(':visible')) {
+ scrollIntoView("nav-tree");
+ } else {
+ scrollIntoView("packages-nav");
+ scrollIntoView("classes-nav");
+ }
+/* ############################################ */
+/* ########## LOCALIZATION ############ */
+/* ############################################ */
+function getBaseUri(uri) {
+ var intlUrl = (uri.substring(0,6) == "/intl/");
+ if (intlUrl) {
+ base = uri.substring(uri.indexOf('intl/')+5,uri.length);
+ base = base.substring(base.indexOf('/')+1, base.length);
+ //alert("intl, returning base url: /" + base);
+ return ("/" + base);
+ } else {
+ //alert("not intl, returning uri as found.");
+ return uri;
+ }
+function requestAppendHL(uri) {
+//append "?hl=<lang> to an outgoing request (such as to blog)
+ var lang = getLangPref();
+ if (lang) {
+ var q = 'hl=' + lang;
+ uri += '?' + q;
+ window.location = uri;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+function changeNavLang(lang) {
+ var $links = $("#devdoc-nav,#header,#nav-x,.training-nav-top,.content-footer").find("a["+lang+"-lang]");
+ $links.each(function(i){ // for each link with a translation
+ var $link = $(this);
+ if (lang != "en") { // No need to worry about English, because a language change invokes new request
+ // put the desired language from the attribute as the text
+ $link.text($link.attr(lang+"-lang"))
+ }
+ });
+function changeLangPref(lang, submit) {
+ writeCookie("pref_lang", lang, null);
+ // ####### TODO: Remove this condition once we're stable on devsite #######
+ // This condition is only needed if we still need to support legacy GAE server
+ if (devsite) {
+ // Switch language when on Devsite server
+ if (submit) {
+ $("#setlang").submit();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Switch language when on legacy GAE server
+ if (submit) {
+ window.location = getBaseUri(location.pathname);
+ }
+ }
+function loadLangPref() {
+ var lang = readCookie("pref_lang");
+ if (lang != 0) {
+ $("#language").find("option[value='"+lang+"']").attr("selected",true);
+ }
+function getLangPref() {
+ var lang = $("#language").find(":selected").attr("value");
+ if (!lang) {
+ lang = readCookie("pref_lang");
+ }
+ return (lang != 0) ? lang : 'en';
+/* ########## END LOCALIZATION ############ */
+/* Used to hide and reveal supplemental content, such as long code samples.
+ See the companion CSS in android-developer-docs.css */
+function toggleContent(obj) {
+ var div = $(obj).closest(".toggle-content");
+ var toggleMe = $(".toggle-content-toggleme:eq(0)",div);
+ if (div.hasClass("closed")) { // if it's closed, open it
+ toggleMe.slideDown();
+ $(".toggle-content-text:eq(0)", obj).toggle();
+ div.removeClass("closed").addClass("open");
+ $(".toggle-content-img:eq(0)", div).attr("title", "hide").attr("src", toRoot
+ + "assets/images/triangle-opened.png");
+ } else { // if it's open, close it
+ toggleMe.slideUp('fast', function() { // Wait until the animation is done before closing arrow
+ $(".toggle-content-text:eq(0)", obj).toggle();
+ div.removeClass("open").addClass("closed");
+ div.find(".toggle-content").removeClass("open").addClass("closed")
+ .find(".toggle-content-toggleme").hide();
+ $(".toggle-content-img", div).attr("title", "show").attr("src", toRoot
+ + "assets/images/triangle-closed.png");
+ });
+ }
+ return false;
+/* New version of expandable content */
+function toggleExpandable(link,id) {
+ if($(id).is(':visible')) {
+ $(id).slideUp();
+ $(link).removeClass('expanded');
+ } else {
+ $(id).slideDown();
+ $(link).addClass('expanded');
+ }
+function hideExpandable(ids) {
+ $(ids).slideUp();
+ $(ids).prev('h4').find('a.expandable').removeClass('expanded');
+ * Slideshow 1.0
+ * Used on /index.html and /develop/index.html for carousel
+ *
+ * Sample usage:
+ * HTML -
+ * <div class="slideshow-container">
+ * <a href="" class="slideshow-prev">Prev</a>
+ * <a href="" class="slideshow-next">Next</a>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li class="item"><img src="images/marquee1.jpg"></li>
+ * <li class="item"><img src="images/marquee2.jpg"></li>
+ * <li class="item"><img src="images/marquee3.jpg"></li>
+ * <li class="item"><img src="images/marquee4.jpg"></li>
+ * </ul>
+ * </div>
+ *
+ * <script type="text/javascript">
+ * $('.slideshow-container').dacSlideshow({
+ * auto: true,
+ * btnPrev: '.slideshow-prev',
+ * btnNext: '.slideshow-next'
+ * });
+ * </script>
+ *
+ * Options:
+ * btnPrev: optional identifier for previous button
+ * btnNext: optional identifier for next button
+ * btnPause: optional identifier for pause button
+ * auto: whether or not to auto-proceed
+ * speed: animation speed
+ * autoTime: time between auto-rotation
+ * easing: easing function for transition
+ * start: item to select by default
+ * scroll: direction to scroll in
+ * pagination: whether or not to include dotted pagination
+ *
+ */
+ (function($) {
+ $.fn.dacSlideshow = function(o) {
+ //Options - see above
+ o = $.extend({
+ btnPrev: null,
+ btnNext: null,
+ btnPause: null,
+ auto: true,
+ speed: 500,
+ autoTime: 12000,
+ easing: null,
+ start: 0,
+ scroll: 1,
+ pagination: true
+ }, o || {});
+ //Set up a carousel for each
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var running = false;
+ var animCss = o.vertical ? "top" : "left";
+ var sizeCss = o.vertical ? "height" : "width";
+ var div = $(this);
+ var ul = $("ul", div);
+ var tLi = $("li", ul);
+ var tl = tLi.size();
+ var timer = null;
+ var li = $("li", ul);
+ var itemLength = li.size();
+ var curr = o.start;
+ li.css({float: o.vertical ? "none" : "left"});
+ ul.css({margin: "0", padding: "0", position: "relative", "list-style-type": "none", "z-index": "1"});
+ div.css({position: "relative", "z-index": "2", left: "0px"});
+ var liSize = o.vertical ? height(li) : width(li);
+ var ulSize = liSize * itemLength;
+ var divSize = liSize;
+ li.css({width: li.width(), height: li.height()});
+ ul.css(sizeCss, ulSize+"px").css(animCss, -(curr*liSize));
+ div.css(sizeCss, divSize+"px");
+ //Pagination
+ if (o.pagination) {
+ var pagination = $("<div class='pagination'></div>");
+ var pag_ul = $("<ul></ul>");
+ if (tl > 1) {
+ for (var i=0;i<tl;i++) {
+ var li = $("<li>"+i+"</li>");
+ pag_ul.append(li);
+ if (i==o.start) li.addClass('active');
+ {
+ go(parseInt($(this).text()));
+ })
+ }
+ pagination.append(pag_ul);
+ div.append(pagination);
+ }
+ }
+ //Previous button
+ if(o.btnPrev)
+ $(o.btnPrev).click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return go(curr-o.scroll);
+ });
+ //Next button
+ if(o.btnNext)
+ $(o.btnNext).click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return go(curr+o.scroll);
+ });
+ //Pause button
+ if(o.btnPause)
+ $(o.btnPause).click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if ($(this).hasClass('paused')) {
+ startRotateTimer();
+ } else {
+ pauseRotateTimer();
+ }
+ });
+ //Auto rotation
+ if( startRotateTimer();
+ function startRotateTimer() {
+ clearInterval(timer);
+ timer = setInterval(function() {
+ if (curr == tl-1) {
+ go(0);
+ } else {
+ go(curr+o.scroll);
+ }
+ }, o.autoTime);
+ $(o.btnPause).removeClass('paused');
+ }
+ function pauseRotateTimer() {
+ clearInterval(timer);
+ $(o.btnPause).addClass('paused');
+ }
+ //Go to an item
+ function go(to) {
+ if(!running) {
+ if(to<0) {
+ to = itemLength-1;
+ } else if (to>itemLength-1) {
+ to = 0;
+ }
+ curr = to;
+ running = true;
+ ul.animate(
+ animCss == "left" ? { left: -(curr*liSize) } : { top: -(curr*liSize) } , o.speed, o.easing,
+ function() {
+ running = false;
+ }
+ );
+ $(o.btnPrev + "," + o.btnNext).removeClass("disabled");
+ $( (curr-o.scroll<0 && o.btnPrev)
+ ||
+ (curr+o.scroll > itemLength && o.btnNext)
+ ||
+ []
+ ).addClass("disabled");
+ var nav_items = $('li', pagination);
+ nav_items.removeClass('active');
+ nav_items.eq(to).addClass('active');
+ }
+ if( startRotateTimer();
+ return false;
+ };
+ });
+ };
+ function css(el, prop) {
+ return parseInt($.css(el[0], prop)) || 0;
+ };
+ function width(el) {
+ return el[0].offsetWidth + css(el, 'marginLeft') + css(el, 'marginRight');
+ };
+ function height(el) {
+ return el[0].offsetHeight + css(el, 'marginTop') + css(el, 'marginBottom');
+ };
+ })(jQuery);
+ * dacSlideshow 1.0
+ * Used on develop/index.html for side-sliding tabs
+ *
+ * Sample usage:
+ * HTML -
+ * <div class="slideshow-container">
+ * <a href="" class="slideshow-prev">Prev</a>
+ * <a href="" class="slideshow-next">Next</a>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li class="item"><img src="images/marquee1.jpg"></li>
+ * <li class="item"><img src="images/marquee2.jpg"></li>
+ * <li class="item"><img src="images/marquee3.jpg"></li>
+ * <li class="item"><img src="images/marquee4.jpg"></li>
+ * </ul>
+ * </div>
+ *
+ * <script type="text/javascript">
+ * $('.slideshow-container').dacSlideshow({
+ * auto: true,
+ * btnPrev: '.slideshow-prev',
+ * btnNext: '.slideshow-next'
+ * });
+ * </script>
+ *
+ * Options:
+ * btnPrev: optional identifier for previous button
+ * btnNext: optional identifier for next button
+ * auto: whether or not to auto-proceed
+ * speed: animation speed
+ * autoTime: time between auto-rotation
+ * easing: easing function for transition
+ * start: item to select by default
+ * scroll: direction to scroll in
+ * pagination: whether or not to include dotted pagination
+ *
+ */
+ (function($) {
+ $.fn.dacTabbedList = function(o) {
+ //Options - see above
+ o = $.extend({
+ speed : 250,
+ easing: null,
+ nav_id: null,
+ frame_id: null
+ }, o || {});
+ //Set up a carousel for each
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var curr = 0;
+ var running = false;
+ var animCss = "margin-left";
+ var sizeCss = "width";
+ var div = $(this);
+ var nav = $(o.nav_id, div);
+ var nav_li = $("li", nav);
+ var nav_size = nav_li.size();
+ var frame = div.find(o.frame_id);
+ var content_width = $(frame).find('ul').width();
+ //Buttons
+ $(nav_li).click(function(e) {
+ go($(nav_li).index($(this)));
+ })
+ //Go to an item
+ function go(to) {
+ if(!running) {
+ curr = to;
+ running = true;
+ frame.animate({ 'margin-left' : -(curr*content_width) }, o.speed, o.easing,
+ function() {
+ running = false;
+ }
+ );
+ nav_li.removeClass('active');
+ nav_li.eq(to).addClass('active');
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ });
+ };
+ function css(el, prop) {
+ return parseInt($.css(el[0], prop)) || 0;
+ };
+ function width(el) {
+ return el[0].offsetWidth + css(el, 'marginLeft') + css(el, 'marginRight');
+ };
+ function height(el) {
+ return el[0].offsetHeight + css(el, 'marginTop') + css(el, 'marginBottom');
+ };
+ })(jQuery);
+/* ######################################################## */
+/* ################ SEARCH SUGGESTIONS ################## */
+/* ######################################################## */
+var gSelectedIndex = -1; // the index position of currently highlighted suggestion
+var gSelectedColumn = -1; // which column of suggestion lists is currently focused
+var gMatches = new Array();
+var gLastText = "";
+var gInitialized = false;
+var ROW_COUNT_FRAMEWORK = 20; // max number of results in list
+var gListLength = 0;
+var gGoogleMatches = new Array();
+var ROW_COUNT_GOOGLE = 15; // max number of results in list
+var gGoogleListLength = 0;
+var gDocsMatches = new Array();
+var ROW_COUNT_DOCS = 100; // max number of results in list
+var gDocsListLength = 0;
+function onSuggestionClick(link) {
+ // When user clicks a suggested document, track it
+ ga('send', 'event', 'Suggestion Click', 'clicked: ' + $(link).attr('href'),
+ 'query: ' + $("#search_autocomplete").val().toLowerCase());
+function set_item_selected($li, selected)
+ if (selected) {
+ $li.attr('class','jd-autocomplete jd-selected');
+ } else {
+ $li.attr('class','jd-autocomplete');
+ }
+function set_item_values(toroot, $li, match)
+ var $link = $('a',$li);
+ $link.html(match.__hilabel || match.label);
+ $link.attr('href',toroot +;
+function set_item_values_jd(toroot, $li, match)
+ var $link = $('a',$li);
+ $link.html(match.title);
+ $link.attr('href',toroot + match.url);
+function new_suggestion($list) {
+ var $li = $("<li class='jd-autocomplete'></li>");
+ $list.append($li);
+ $li.mousedown(function() {
+ window.location = this.firstChild.getAttribute("href");
+ });
+ $li.mouseover(function() {
+ $('.search_filtered_wrapper li').removeClass('jd-selected');
+ $(this).addClass('jd-selected');
+ gSelectedColumn = $(".search_filtered:visible").index($(this).closest('.search_filtered'));
+ gSelectedIndex = $("li", $(".search_filtered:visible")[gSelectedColumn]).index(this);
+ });
+ $li.append("<a onclick='onSuggestionClick(this)'></a>");
+ $li.attr('class','show-item');
+ return $li;
+function sync_selection_table(toroot)
+ var $li; //list item jquery object
+ var i; //list item iterator
+ // if there are NO results at all, hide all columns
+ if (!(gMatches.length > 0) && !(gGoogleMatches.length > 0) && !(gDocsMatches.length > 0)) {
+ $('.suggest-card').hide(300);
+ return;
+ }
+ // if there are api results
+ if ((gMatches.length > 0) || (gGoogleMatches.length > 0)) {
+ // reveal suggestion list
+ $('.suggest-card.dummy').show();
+ $('.suggest-card.reference').show();
+ var listIndex = 0; // list index position
+ // reset the lists
+ $(".search_filtered_wrapper.reference li").remove();
+ // ########### ANDROID RESULTS #############
+ if (gMatches.length > 0) {
+ // determine android results to show
+ gListLength = gMatches.length < ROW_COUNT_FRAMEWORK ?
+ gMatches.length : ROW_COUNT_FRAMEWORK;
+ for (i=0; i<gListLength; i++) {
+ var $li = new_suggestion($(".suggest-card.reference ul"));
+ set_item_values(toroot, $li, gMatches[i]);
+ set_item_selected($li, i == gSelectedIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ // ########### GOOGLE RESULTS #############
+ if (gGoogleMatches.length > 0) {
+ // show header for list
+ $(".suggest-card.reference ul").append("<li class='header'>in Google Services:</li>");
+ // determine google results to show
+ gGoogleListLength = gGoogleMatches.length < ROW_COUNT_GOOGLE ? gGoogleMatches.length : ROW_COUNT_GOOGLE;
+ for (i=0; i<gGoogleListLength; i++) {
+ var $li = new_suggestion($(".suggest-card.reference ul"));
+ set_item_values(toroot, $li, gGoogleMatches[i]);
+ set_item_selected($li, i == gSelectedIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('.suggest-card.reference').hide();
+ $('.suggest-card.dummy').hide();
+ }
+ // ########### JD DOC RESULTS #############
+ if (gDocsMatches.length > 0) {
+ // reset the lists
+ $(" li").remove();
+ // determine google results to show
+ // NOTE: The order of the conditions below for the sugg.type MUST BE SPECIFIC:
+ // The order must match the reverse order that each section appears as a card in
+ // the suggestion UI... this may be only for the "develop" grouped items though.
+ gDocsListLength = gDocsMatches.length < ROW_COUNT_DOCS ? gDocsMatches.length : ROW_COUNT_DOCS;
+ for (i=0; i<gDocsListLength; i++) {
+ var sugg = gDocsMatches[i];
+ var $li;
+ if (sugg.type == "design") {
+ $li = new_suggestion($(" ul"));
+ } else
+ if (sugg.type == "distribute") {
+ $li = new_suggestion($(".suggest-card.distribute ul"));
+ } else
+ if (sugg.type == "samples") {
+ $li = new_suggestion($(".suggest-card.develop .child-card.samples"));
+ } else
+ if (sugg.type == "training") {
+ $li = new_suggestion($(".suggest-card.develop"));
+ } else
+ if (sugg.type == "about"||"guide"||"tools"||"google") {
+ $li = new_suggestion($(".suggest-card.develop .child-card.guides"));
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ set_item_values_jd(toroot, $li, sugg);
+ set_item_selected($li, i == gSelectedIndex);
+ }
+ // add heading and show or hide card
+ if ($(" li").length > 0) {
+ $(" ul").prepend("<li class='header'>Design:</li>");
+ $("").show(300);
+ } else {
+ $('').hide(300);
+ }
+ if ($(".suggest-card.distribute li").length > 0) {
+ $(".suggest-card.distribute ul").prepend("<li class='header'>Distribute:</li>");
+ $(".suggest-card.distribute").show(300);
+ } else {
+ $('.suggest-card.distribute').hide(300);
+ }
+ if ($(".child-card.guides li").length > 0) {
+ $(".child-card.guides").prepend("<li class='header'>Guides:</li>");
+ $(".child-card.guides li").appendTo(".suggest-card.develop ul");
+ }
+ if ($(" li").length > 0) {
+ $("").prepend("<li class='header'>Training:</li>");
+ $(" li").appendTo(".suggest-card.develop ul");
+ }
+ if ($(".child-card.samples li").length > 0) {
+ $(".child-card.samples").prepend("<li class='header'>Samples:</li>");
+ $(".child-card.samples li").appendTo(".suggest-card.develop ul");
+ }
+ if ($(".suggest-card.develop li").length > 0) {
+ $(".suggest-card.develop").show(300);
+ } else {
+ $('.suggest-card.develop').hide(300);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $(' .suggest-card:not(.dummy)').hide(300);
+ }
+/** Called by the search input's onkeydown and onkeyup events.
+ * Handles navigation with keyboard arrows, Enter key to invoke search,
+ * otherwise invokes search suggestions on key-up event.
+ * @param e The JS event
+ * @param kd True if the event is key-down
+ * @param toroot A string for the site's root path
+ * @returns True if the event should bubble up
+ */
+function search_changed(e, kd, toroot)
+ var currentLang = getLangPref();
+ var search = document.getElementById("search_autocomplete");
+ var text = search.value.replace(/(^ +)|( +$)/g, '');
+ // get the ul hosting the currently selected item
+ gSelectedColumn = gSelectedColumn >= 0 ? gSelectedColumn : 0;
+ var $columns = $(".search_filtered_wrapper").find(".search_filtered:visible");
+ var $selectedUl = $columns[gSelectedColumn];
+ // show/hide the close button
+ if (text != '') {
+ $(".search .close").removeClass("hide");
+ } else {
+ $(".search .close").addClass("hide");
+ }
+ // 27 = esc
+ if (e.keyCode == 27) {
+ // close all search results
+ if (kd) $('.search .close').trigger('click');
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 13 = enter
+ else if (e.keyCode == 13) {
+ if (gSelectedIndex < 0) {
+ $('.suggest-card').hide();
+ if ($("#searchResults").is(":hidden") && (search.value != "")) {
+ // if results aren't showing (and text not empty), return true to allow search to execute
+ $('body,html').animate({scrollTop:0}, '500', 'swing');
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // otherwise, results are already showing, so allow ajax to auto refresh the results
+ // and ignore this Enter press to avoid the reload.
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (kd && gSelectedIndex >= 0) {
+ // click the link corresponding to selected item
+ $("a",$("li",$selectedUl)[gSelectedIndex]).get()[0].click();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // If Google results are showing, return true to allow ajax search to execute
+ else if ($("#searchResults").is(":visible")) {
+ // Also, if search_results is scrolled out of view, scroll to top to make results visible
+ if ((sticky ) && (search.value != "")) {
+ $('body,html').animate({scrollTop:0}, '500', 'swing');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // 38 UP ARROW
+ else if (kd && (e.keyCode == 38)) {
+ // if the next item is a header, skip it
+ if ($($("li", $selectedUl)[gSelectedIndex-1]).hasClass("header")) {
+ gSelectedIndex--;
+ }
+ if (gSelectedIndex >= 0) {
+ $('li', $selectedUl).removeClass('jd-selected');
+ gSelectedIndex--;
+ $('li:nth-child('+(gSelectedIndex+1)+')', $selectedUl).addClass('jd-selected');
+ // If user reaches top, reset selected column
+ if (gSelectedIndex < 0) {
+ gSelectedColumn = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 40 DOWN ARROW
+ else if (kd && (e.keyCode == 40)) {
+ // if the next item is a header, skip it
+ if ($($("li", $selectedUl)[gSelectedIndex+1]).hasClass("header")) {
+ gSelectedIndex++;
+ }
+ if ((gSelectedIndex < $("li", $selectedUl).length-1) ||
+ ($($("li", $selectedUl)[gSelectedIndex+1]).hasClass("header"))) {
+ $('li', $selectedUl).removeClass('jd-selected');
+ gSelectedIndex++;
+ $('li:nth-child('+(gSelectedIndex+1)+')', $selectedUl).addClass('jd-selected');
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Consider left/right arrow navigation
+ // NOTE: Order of suggest columns are reverse order (index position 0 is on right)
+ else if (kd && $columns.length > 1 && gSelectedColumn >= 0) {
+ // 37 LEFT ARROW
+ // go left only if current column is not left-most column (last column)
+ if (e.keyCode == 37 && gSelectedColumn < $columns.length - 1) {
+ $('li', $selectedUl).removeClass('jd-selected');
+ gSelectedColumn++;
+ $selectedUl = $columns[gSelectedColumn];
+ // keep or reset the selected item to last item as appropriate
+ gSelectedIndex = gSelectedIndex >
+ $("li", $selectedUl).length-1 ?
+ $("li", $selectedUl).length-1 : gSelectedIndex;
+ // if the corresponding item is a header, move down
+ if ($($("li", $selectedUl)[gSelectedIndex]).hasClass("header")) {
+ gSelectedIndex++;
+ }
+ // set item selected
+ $('li:nth-child('+(gSelectedIndex+1)+')', $selectedUl).addClass('jd-selected');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // go right only if current column is not the right-most column (first column)
+ else if (e.keyCode == 39 && gSelectedColumn > 0) {
+ $('li', $selectedUl).removeClass('jd-selected');
+ gSelectedColumn--;
+ $selectedUl = $columns[gSelectedColumn];
+ // keep or reset the selected item to last item as appropriate
+ gSelectedIndex = gSelectedIndex >
+ $("li", $selectedUl).length-1 ?
+ $("li", $selectedUl).length-1 : gSelectedIndex;
+ // if the corresponding item is a header, move down
+ if ($($("li", $selectedUl)[gSelectedIndex]).hasClass("header")) {
+ gSelectedIndex++;
+ }
+ // set item selected
+ $('li:nth-child('+(gSelectedIndex+1)+')', $selectedUl).addClass('jd-selected');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if key-up event and not arrow down/up/left/right,
+ // read the search query and add suggestions to gMatches
+ else if (!kd && (e.keyCode != 40)
+ && (e.keyCode != 38)
+ && (e.keyCode != 37)
+ && (e.keyCode != 39)) {
+ gSelectedIndex = -1;
+ gMatches = new Array();
+ matchedCount = 0;
+ gGoogleMatches = new Array();
+ matchedCountGoogle = 0;
+ gDocsMatches = new Array();
+ matchedCountDocs = 0;
+ // Search for Android matches
+ for (var i=0; i<DATA.length; i++) {
+ var s = DATA[i];
+ if (text.length != 0 &&
+ s.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(text.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
+ gMatches[matchedCount] = s;
+ matchedCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ rank_autocomplete_api_results(text, gMatches);
+ for (var i=0; i<gMatches.length; i++) {
+ var s = gMatches[i];
+ }
+ // Search for Google matches
+ for (var i=0; i<GOOGLE_DATA.length; i++) {
+ var s = GOOGLE_DATA[i];
+ if (text.length != 0 &&
+ s.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(text.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
+ gGoogleMatches[matchedCountGoogle] = s;
+ matchedCountGoogle++;
+ }
+ }
+ rank_autocomplete_api_results(text, gGoogleMatches);
+ for (var i=0; i<gGoogleMatches.length; i++) {
+ var s = gGoogleMatches[i];
+ }
+ highlight_autocomplete_result_labels(text);
+ // Search for matching JD docs
+ if (text.length >= 2) {
+ // Regex to match only the beginning of a word
+ var textRegex = new RegExp("\\b" + text.toLowerCase(), "g");
+ // Search for Training classes
+ for (var i=0; i<TRAINING_RESOURCES.length; i++) {
+ // current search comparison, with counters for tag and title,
+ // used later to improve ranking
+ s.matched_tag = 0;
+ s.matched_title = 0;
+ var matched = false;
+ // Check if query matches any tags; work backwards toward 1 to assist ranking
+ for (var j = s.keywords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ // it matches a tag
+ if (s.keywords[j].toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_tag = j + 1; // add 1 to index position
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't consider doc title for lessons (only for class landing pages),
+ // unless the lesson has a tag that already matches
+ if ((s.lang == currentLang) &&
+ (!(s.type == "training" && s.url.indexOf("index.html") == -1) || matched)) {
+ // it matches the doc title
+ if (s.title.toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_title = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched) {
+ gDocsMatches[matchedCountDocs] = s;
+ matchedCountDocs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for API Guides
+ for (var i=0; i<GUIDE_RESOURCES.length; i++) {
+ // current search comparison, with counters for tag and title,
+ // used later to improve ranking
+ var s = GUIDE_RESOURCES[i];
+ s.matched_tag = 0;
+ s.matched_title = 0;
+ var matched = false;
+ // Check if query matches any tags; work backwards toward 1 to assist ranking
+ for (var j = s.keywords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ // it matches a tag
+ if (s.keywords[j].toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_tag = j + 1; // add 1 to index position
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if query matches the doc title, but only for current language
+ if (s.lang == currentLang) {
+ // if query matches the doc title
+ if (s.title.toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_title = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched) {
+ gDocsMatches[matchedCountDocs] = s;
+ matchedCountDocs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for Tools Guides
+ for (var i=0; i<TOOLS_RESOURCES.length; i++) {
+ // current search comparison, with counters for tag and title,
+ // used later to improve ranking
+ var s = TOOLS_RESOURCES[i];
+ s.matched_tag = 0;
+ s.matched_title = 0;
+ var matched = false;
+ // Check if query matches any tags; work backwards toward 1 to assist ranking
+ for (var j = s.keywords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ // it matches a tag
+ if (s.keywords[j].toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_tag = j + 1; // add 1 to index position
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if query matches the doc title, but only for current language
+ if (s.lang == currentLang) {
+ // if query matches the doc title
+ if (s.title.toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_title = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched) {
+ gDocsMatches[matchedCountDocs] = s;
+ matchedCountDocs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for About docs
+ for (var i=0; i<ABOUT_RESOURCES.length; i++) {
+ // current search comparison, with counters for tag and title,
+ // used later to improve ranking
+ var s = ABOUT_RESOURCES[i];
+ s.matched_tag = 0;
+ s.matched_title = 0;
+ var matched = false;
+ // Check if query matches any tags; work backwards toward 1 to assist ranking
+ for (var j = s.keywords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ // it matches a tag
+ if (s.keywords[j].toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_tag = j + 1; // add 1 to index position
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if query matches the doc title, but only for current language
+ if (s.lang == currentLang) {
+ // if query matches the doc title
+ if (s.title.toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_title = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched) {
+ gDocsMatches[matchedCountDocs] = s;
+ matchedCountDocs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for Design guides
+ for (var i=0; i<DESIGN_RESOURCES.length; i++) {
+ // current search comparison, with counters for tag and title,
+ // used later to improve ranking
+ var s = DESIGN_RESOURCES[i];
+ s.matched_tag = 0;
+ s.matched_title = 0;
+ var matched = false;
+ // Check if query matches any tags; work backwards toward 1 to assist ranking
+ for (var j = s.keywords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ // it matches a tag
+ if (s.keywords[j].toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_tag = j + 1; // add 1 to index position
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if query matches the doc title, but only for current language
+ if (s.lang == currentLang) {
+ // if query matches the doc title
+ if (s.title.toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_title = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched) {
+ gDocsMatches[matchedCountDocs] = s;
+ matchedCountDocs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for Distribute guides
+ for (var i=0; i<DISTRIBUTE_RESOURCES.length; i++) {
+ // current search comparison, with counters for tag and title,
+ // used later to improve ranking
+ s.matched_tag = 0;
+ s.matched_title = 0;
+ var matched = false;
+ // Check if query matches any tags; work backwards toward 1 to assist ranking
+ for (var j = s.keywords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ // it matches a tag
+ if (s.keywords[j].toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_tag = j + 1; // add 1 to index position
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if query matches the doc title, but only for current language
+ if (s.lang == currentLang) {
+ // if query matches the doc title
+ if (s.title.toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_title = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched) {
+ gDocsMatches[matchedCountDocs] = s;
+ matchedCountDocs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for Google guides
+ for (var i=0; i<GOOGLE_RESOURCES.length; i++) {
+ // current search comparison, with counters for tag and title,
+ // used later to improve ranking
+ var s = GOOGLE_RESOURCES[i];
+ s.matched_tag = 0;
+ s.matched_title = 0;
+ var matched = false;
+ // Check if query matches any tags; work backwards toward 1 to assist ranking
+ for (var j = s.keywords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ // it matches a tag
+ if (s.keywords[j].toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_tag = j + 1; // add 1 to index position
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if query matches the doc title, but only for current language
+ if (s.lang == currentLang) {
+ // if query matches the doc title
+ if (s.title.toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_title = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched) {
+ gDocsMatches[matchedCountDocs] = s;
+ matchedCountDocs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for Samples
+ for (var i=0; i<SAMPLES_RESOURCES.length; i++) {
+ // current search comparison, with counters for tag and title,
+ // used later to improve ranking
+ s.matched_tag = 0;
+ s.matched_title = 0;
+ var matched = false;
+ // Check if query matches any tags; work backwards toward 1 to assist ranking
+ for (var j = s.keywords.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ // it matches a tag
+ if (s.keywords[j].toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_tag = j + 1; // add 1 to index position
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if query matches the doc title, but only for current language
+ if (s.lang == currentLang) {
+ // if query matches the doc title.t
+ if (s.title.toLowerCase().match(textRegex)) {
+ matched = true;
+ s.matched_title = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched) {
+ gDocsMatches[matchedCountDocs] = s;
+ matchedCountDocs++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Rank/sort all the matched pages
+ rank_autocomplete_doc_results(text, gDocsMatches);
+ }
+ // draw the suggestions
+ sync_selection_table(toroot);
+ return true; // allow the event to bubble up to the search api
+ }
+/* Order the jd doc result list based on match quality */
+function rank_autocomplete_doc_results(query, matches) {
+ query = query || '';
+ if (!matches || !matches.length)
+ return;
+ var _resultScoreFn = function(match) {
+ var score = 1.0;
+ // if the query matched a tag
+ if (match.matched_tag > 0) {
+ // multiply score by factor relative to position in tags list (max of 3)
+ score *= 3 / match.matched_tag;
+ // if it also matched the title
+ if (match.matched_title > 0) {
+ score *= 2;
+ }
+ } else if (match.matched_title > 0) {
+ score *= 3;
+ }
+ return score;
+ };
+ for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) {
+ matches[i].__resultScore = _resultScoreFn(matches[i]);
+ }
+ matches.sort(function(a,b){
+ var n = b.__resultScore - a.__resultScore;
+ if (n == 0) // lexicographical sort if scores are the same
+ n = (a.label < b.label) ? -1 : 1;
+ return n;
+ });
+/* Order the result list based on match quality */
+function rank_autocomplete_api_results(query, matches) {
+ query = query || '';
+ if (!matches || !matches.length)
+ return;
+ // helper function that gets the last occurence index of the given regex
+ // in the given string, or -1 if not found
+ var _lastSearch = function(s, re) {
+ if (s == '')
+ return -1;
+ var l = -1;
+ var tmp;
+ while ((tmp = >= 0) {
+ if (l < 0) l = 0;
+ l += tmp;
+ s = s.substr(tmp + 1);
+ }
+ return l;
+ };
+ // helper function that counts the occurrences of a given character in
+ // a given string
+ var _countChar = function(s, c) {
+ var n = 0;
+ for (var i=0; i<s.length; i++)
+ if (s.charAt(i) == c) ++n;
+ return n;
+ };
+ var queryLower = query.toLowerCase();
+ var queryAlnum = (queryLower.match(/\w+/) || [''])[0];
+ var partPrefixAlnumRE = new RegExp('\\b' + queryAlnum);
+ var partExactAlnumRE = new RegExp('\\b' + queryAlnum + '\\b');
+ var _resultScoreFn = function(result) {
+ // scores are calculated based on exact and prefix matches,
+ // and then number of path separators (dots) from the last
+ // match (i.e. favoring classes and deep package names)
+ var score = 1.0;
+ var labelLower = result.label.toLowerCase();
+ var t;
+ t = _lastSearch(labelLower, partExactAlnumRE);
+ if (t >= 0) {
+ // exact part match
+ var partsAfter = _countChar(labelLower.substr(t + 1), '.');
+ score *= 200 / (partsAfter + 1);
+ } else {
+ t = _lastSearch(labelLower, partPrefixAlnumRE);
+ if (t >= 0) {
+ // part prefix match
+ var partsAfter = _countChar(labelLower.substr(t + 1), '.');
+ score *= 20 / (partsAfter + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return score;
+ };
+ for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) {
+ // if the API is deprecated, default score is 0; otherwise, perform scoring
+ if (matches[i].deprecated == "true") {
+ matches[i].__resultScore = 0;
+ } else {
+ matches[i].__resultScore = _resultScoreFn(matches[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ matches.sort(function(a,b){
+ var n = b.__resultScore - a.__resultScore;
+ if (n == 0) // lexicographical sort if scores are the same
+ n = (a.label < b.label) ? -1 : 1;
+ return n;
+ });
+/* Add emphasis to part of string that matches query */
+function highlight_autocomplete_result_labels(query) {
+ query = query || '';
+ if ((!gMatches || !gMatches.length) && (!gGoogleMatches || !gGoogleMatches.length))
+ return;
+ var queryLower = query.toLowerCase();
+ var queryAlnumDot = (queryLower.match(/[\w\.]+/) || [''])[0];
+ var queryRE = new RegExp(
+ '(' + queryAlnumDot.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + ')', 'ig');
+ for (var i=0; i<gMatches.length; i++) {
+ gMatches[i].__hilabel = gMatches[i].label.replace(
+ queryRE, '<b>$1</b>');
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i<gGoogleMatches.length; i++) {
+ gGoogleMatches[i].__hilabel = gGoogleMatches[i].label.replace(
+ queryRE, '<b>$1</b>');
+ }
+function search_focus_changed(obj, focused)
+ if (!focused) {
+ if(obj.value == ""){
+ $(".search .close").addClass("hide");
+ }
+ $(".suggest-card").hide();
+ }
+function submit_search() {
+ var query = document.getElementById('search_autocomplete').value;
+ location.hash = 'q=' + query;
+ loadSearchResults();
+ $("#searchResults").slideDown('slow', setStickyTop);
+ return false;
+function hideResults() {
+ $("#searchResults").slideUp('fast', setStickyTop);
+ $(".search .close").addClass("hide");
+ location.hash = '';
+ $("#search_autocomplete").val("").blur();
+ // reset the ajax search callback to nothing, so results don't appear unless ENTER
+ searchControl.setSearchStartingCallback(this, function(control, searcher, query) {});
+ // forcefully regain key-up event control (previously jacked by search api)
+ $("#search_autocomplete").keyup(function(event) {
+ return search_changed(event, false, toRoot);
+ });
+ return false;
+/* ########################################################## */
+/* ################ CUSTOM SEARCH ENGINE ################## */
+/* ########################################################## */
+var searchControl;
+google.load('search', '1', {"callback" : function() {
+ searchControl = new;
+ } });
+function loadSearchResults() {
+ document.getElementById("search_autocomplete").style.color = "#000";
+ searchControl = new;
+ // use our existing search form and use tabs when multiple searchers are used
+ drawOptions = new;
+ drawOptions.setDrawMode(;
+ drawOptions.setInput(document.getElementById("search_autocomplete"));
+ // configure search result options
+ searchOptions = new;
+ searchOptions.setExpandMode(GSearchControl.EXPAND_MODE_OPEN);
+ // configure each of the searchers, for each tab
+ devSiteSearcher = new;
+ devSiteSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("All");
+ devSiteSearcher.setSiteRestriction("001482626316274216503:zu90b7s047u");
+ designSearcher = new;
+ designSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Design");
+ designSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+ trainingSearcher = new;
+ trainingSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Training");
+ trainingSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+ guidesSearcher = new;
+ guidesSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Guides");
+ guidesSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+ referenceSearcher = new;
+ referenceSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Reference");
+ referenceSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+ googleSearcher = new;
+ googleSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Google Services");
+ googleSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+ blogSearcher = new;
+ blogSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Blog");
+ blogSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+ // add each searcher to the search control
+ searchControl.addSearcher(devSiteSearcher, searchOptions);
+ searchControl.addSearcher(designSearcher, searchOptions);
+ searchControl.addSearcher(trainingSearcher, searchOptions);
+ searchControl.addSearcher(guidesSearcher, searchOptions);
+ searchControl.addSearcher(referenceSearcher, searchOptions);
+ searchControl.addSearcher(googleSearcher, searchOptions);
+ searchControl.addSearcher(blogSearcher, searchOptions);
+ // configure result options
+ searchControl.setResultSetSize(;
+ searchControl.setLinkTarget(;
+ searchControl.setTimeoutInterval(;
+ searchControl.setNoResultsString(;
+ // upon ajax search, refresh the url and search title
+ searchControl.setSearchStartingCallback(this, function(control, searcher, query) {
+ updateResultTitle(query);
+ var query = document.getElementById('search_autocomplete').value;
+ location.hash = 'q=' + query;
+ });
+ // once search results load, set up click listeners
+ searchControl.setSearchCompleteCallback(this, function(control, searcher, query) {
+ addResultClickListeners();
+ });
+ // draw the search results box
+ searchControl.draw(document.getElementById("leftSearchControl"), drawOptions);
+ // get query and execute the search
+ searchControl.execute(decodeURI(getQuery(location.hash)));
+ document.getElementById("search_autocomplete").focus();
+ addTabListeners();
+// End of loadSearchResults
+ if (location.hash.indexOf("q=") == -1) {
+ // if there's no query in the url, don't search and make sure results are hidden
+ $('#searchResults').hide();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // first time loading search results for this page
+ $('#searchResults').slideDown('slow', setStickyTop);
+ $(".search .close").removeClass("hide");
+ loadSearchResults();
+ }
+}, true);
+/* Adjust the scroll position to account for sticky header, only if the hash matches an id.
+ This does not handle <a name=""> tags. Some CSS fixes those, but only for reference docs. */
+function offsetScrollForSticky() {
+ // Ignore if there's no search bar (some special pages have no header)
+ if ($("#search-container").length < 1) return;
+ var hash = escape(location.hash.substr(1));
+ var $matchingElement = $("#"+hash);
+ // Sanity check that there's an element with that ID on the page
+ if ($matchingElement.length) {
+ // If the position of the target element is near the top of the page (<20px, where we expect it
+ // to be because we need to move it down 60px to become in view), then move it down 60px
+ if (Math.abs($matchingElement.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop()) < 20) {
+ $(window).scrollTop($(window).scrollTop() - 60);
+ }
+ }
+// when an event on the browser history occurs (back, forward, load) requery hash and do search
+$(window).hashchange( function(){
+ // Ignore if there's no search bar (some special pages have no header)
+ if ($("#search-container").length < 1) return;
+ // If the hash isn't a search query or there's an error in the query,
+ // then adjust the scroll position to account for sticky header, then exit.
+ if ((location.hash.indexOf("q=") == -1) || (query == "undefined")) {
+ // If the results pane is open, close it.
+ if (!$("#searchResults").is(":hidden")) {
+ hideResults();
+ }
+ offsetScrollForSticky();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, we have a search to do
+ var query = decodeURI(getQuery(location.hash));
+ searchControl.execute(query);
+ $('#searchResults').slideDown('slow', setStickyTop);
+ $("#search_autocomplete").focus();
+ $(".search .close").removeClass("hide");
+ updateResultTitle(query);
+function updateResultTitle(query) {
+ $("#searchTitle").html("Results for <em>" + escapeHTML(query) + "</em>");
+// forcefully regain key-up event control (previously jacked by search api)
+$("#search_autocomplete").keyup(function(event) {
+ return search_changed(event, false, toRoot);
+// add event listeners to each tab so we can track the browser history
+function addTabListeners() {
+ var tabHeaders = $(".gsc-tabHeader");
+ for (var i = 0; i < tabHeaders.length; i++) {
+ $(tabHeaders[i]).attr("id",i).click(function() {
+ /*
+ // make a copy of the page numbers for the search left pane
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ // remove any residual page numbers
+ $('#searchResults .gsc-tabsArea').remove();
+ // move the page numbers to the left position; make a clone,
+ // because the element is drawn to the DOM only once
+ // and because we're going to remove it (previous line),
+ // we need it to be available to move again as the user navigates
+ $('#searchResults .gsc-webResult')
+ .clone().appendTo('#searchResults .gsc-tabsArea');
+ }, 200);
+ */
+ });
+ }
+ setTimeout(function(){$(tabHeaders[0]).click()},200);
+// add analytics tracking events to each result link
+function addResultClickListeners() {
+ $("#searchResults").each(function(index, link) {
+ // When user clicks enter for Google search results, track it
+ $(link).click(function() {
+ ga('send', 'event', 'Google Click', 'clicked: ' + $(this).attr('href'),
+ 'query: ' + $("#search_autocomplete").val().toLowerCase());
+ });
+ });
+function getQuery(hash) {
+ var queryParts = hash.split('=');
+ return queryParts[1];
+/* returns the given string with all HTML brackets converted to entities
+ TODO: move this to the site's JS library */
+function escapeHTML(string) {
+ return string.replace(/</g,"<")
+ .replace(/>/g,">");
+/* ######################################################## */
+/* ################# JAVADOC REFERENCE ################### */
+/* ######################################################## */
+/* Initialize some droiddoc stuff, but only if we're in the reference */
+if (location.pathname.indexOf("/reference") == 0) {
+ if(!(location.pathname.indexOf("/reference-gms/packages.html") == 0)
+ && !(location.pathname.indexOf("/reference-gcm/packages.html") == 0)
+ && !(location.pathname.indexOf("/reference/com/google") == 0)) {
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ // init available apis based on user pref
+ changeApiLevel();
+ initSidenavHeightResize()
+ });
+ }
+var API_LEVEL_COOKIE = "api_level";
+var minLevel = 1;
+var maxLevel = 1;
+/******* SIDENAV DIMENSIONS ************/
+ function initSidenavHeightResize() {
+ // Change the drag bar size to nicely fit the scrollbar positions
+ var $dragBar = $(".ui-resizable-s");
+ $dragBar.css({'width': $dragBar.parent().width() - 5 + "px"});
+ $( "#resize-packages-nav" ).resizable({
+ containment: "#nav-panels",
+ handles: "s",
+ alsoResize: "#packages-nav",
+ resize: function(event, ui) { resizeNav(); }, /* resize the nav while dragging */
+ stop: function(event, ui) { saveNavPanels(); } /* once stopped, save the sizes to cookie */
+ });
+ }
+function updateSidenavFixedWidth() {
+ if (!sticky) return;
+ $('#devdoc-nav').css({
+ 'width' : $('#side-nav').css('width'),
+ 'margin' : $('#side-nav').css('margin')
+ });
+ $('#devdoc-nav a.totop').css({'display':'block','width':$("#nav").innerWidth()+'px'});
+ initSidenavHeightResize();
+function updateSidenavFullscreenWidth() {
+ if (!sticky) return;
+ $('#devdoc-nav').css({
+ 'width' : $('#side-nav').css('width'),
+ 'margin' : $('#side-nav').css('margin')
+ });
+ $('#devdoc-nav .totop').css({'left': 'inherit'});
+ initSidenavHeightResize();
+function buildApiLevelSelector() {
+ maxLevel = SINCE_DATA.length;
+ var userApiLevel = parseInt(readCookie(API_LEVEL_COOKIE));
+ userApiLevel = userApiLevel == 0 ? maxLevel : userApiLevel; // If there's no cookie (zero), use the max by default
+ minLevel = parseInt($("#doc-api-level").attr("class"));
+ // Handle provisional api levels; the provisional level will always be the highest possible level
+ // Provisional api levels will also have a length; other stuff that's just missing a level won't,
+ // so leave those kinds of entities at the default level of 1 (for example, the R.styleable class)
+ if (isNaN(minLevel) && minLevel.length) {
+ minLevel = maxLevel;
+ }
+ var select = $("#apiLevelSelector").html("").change(changeApiLevel);
+ for (var i = maxLevel-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var option = $("<option />").attr("value",""+SINCE_DATA[i]).append(""+SINCE_DATA[i]);
+ // if (SINCE_DATA[i] < minLevel) option.addClass("absent"); // always false for strings (codenames)
+ select.append(option);
+ }
+ // get the DOM element and use setAttribute cuz IE6 fails when using jquery .attr('selected',true)
+ var selectedLevelItem = $("#apiLevelSelector option[value='"+userApiLevel+"']").get(0);
+ selectedLevelItem.setAttribute('selected',true);
+function changeApiLevel() {
+ maxLevel = SINCE_DATA.length;
+ var selectedLevel = maxLevel;
+ selectedLevel = parseInt($("#apiLevelSelector option:selected").val());
+ toggleVisisbleApis(selectedLevel, "body");
+ writeCookie(API_LEVEL_COOKIE, selectedLevel, null);
+ if (selectedLevel < minLevel) {
+ var thing = ($("#jd-header").html().indexOf("package") != -1) ? "package" : "class";
+ $("#naMessage").show().html("<div><p><strong>This " + thing
+ + " requires API level " + minLevel + " or higher.</strong></p>"
+ + "<p>This document is hidden because your selected API level for the documentation is "
+ + selectedLevel + ". You can change the documentation API level with the selector "
+ + "above the left navigation.</p>"
+ + "<p>For more information about specifying the API level your app requires, "
+ + "read <a href='" + toRoot + "training/basics/supporting-devices/platforms.html'"
+ + ">Supporting Different Platform Versions</a>.</p>"
+ + "<input type='button' value='OK, make this page visible' "
+ + "title='Change the API level to " + minLevel + "' "
+ + "onclick='$(\"#apiLevelSelector\").val(\"" + minLevel + "\");changeApiLevel();' />"
+ + "</div>");
+ } else {
+ $("#naMessage").hide();
+ }
+function toggleVisisbleApis(selectedLevel, context) {
+ var apis = $(".api",context);
+ apis.each(function(i) {
+ var obj = $(this);
+ var className = obj.attr("class");
+ var apiLevelIndex = className.lastIndexOf("-")+1;
+ var apiLevelEndIndex = className.indexOf(" ", apiLevelIndex);
+ apiLevelEndIndex = apiLevelEndIndex != -1 ? apiLevelEndIndex : className.length;
+ var apiLevel = className.substring(apiLevelIndex, apiLevelEndIndex);
+ if (apiLevel.length == 0) { // for odd cases when the since data is actually missing, just bail
+ return;
+ }
+ apiLevel = parseInt(apiLevel);
+ // Handle provisional api levels; if this item's level is the provisional one, set it to the max
+ var selectedLevelNum = parseInt(selectedLevel)
+ var apiLevelNum = parseInt(apiLevel);
+ if (isNaN(apiLevelNum)) {
+ apiLevelNum = maxLevel;
+ }
+ // Grey things out that aren't available and give a tooltip title
+ if (apiLevelNum > selectedLevelNum) {
+ obj.addClass("absent").attr("title","Requires API Level \""
+ + apiLevel + "\" or higher. To reveal, change the target API level "
+ + "above the left navigation.");
+ }
+ else obj.removeClass("absent").removeAttr("title");
+ });
+/* ################# SIDENAV TREE VIEW ################### */
+function new_node(me, mom, text, link, children_data, api_level)
+ var node = new Object();
+ node.children = Array();
+ node.children_data = children_data;
+ node.depth = mom.depth + 1;
+ = document.createElement("li");
+ mom.get_children_ul().appendChild(;
+ node.label_div = document.createElement("div");
+ node.label_div.className = "label";
+ if (api_level != null) {
+ $(node.label_div).addClass("api");
+ $(node.label_div).addClass("api-level-"+api_level);
+ }
+ if (children_data != null) {
+ node.expand_toggle = document.createElement("a");
+ node.expand_toggle.href = "javascript:void(0)";
+ node.expand_toggle.onclick = function() {
+ if (node.expanded) {
+ $(node.get_children_ul()).slideUp("fast");
+ node.plus_img.src = me.toroot + "assets/images/triangle-closed-small.png";
+ node.expanded = false;
+ } else {
+ expand_node(me, node);
+ }
+ };
+ node.label_div.appendChild(node.expand_toggle);
+ node.plus_img = document.createElement("img");
+ node.plus_img.src = me.toroot + "assets/images/triangle-closed-small.png";
+ node.plus_img.className = "plus";
+ node.plus_img.width = "8";
+ node.plus_img.border = "0";
+ node.expand_toggle.appendChild(node.plus_img);
+ node.expanded = false;
+ }
+ var a = document.createElement("a");
+ node.label_div.appendChild(a);
+ node.label = document.createTextNode(text);
+ a.appendChild(node.label);
+ if (link) {
+ a.href = me.toroot + link;
+ } else {
+ if (children_data != null) {
+ a.className = "nolink";
+ a.href = "javascript:void(0)";
+ a.onclick = node.expand_toggle.onclick;
+ // This next line shouldn't be necessary. I'll buy a beer for the first
+ // person who figures out how to remove this line and have the link
+ // toggle shut on the first try.
+ node.expanded = false;
+ }
+ }
+ node.children_ul = null;
+ node.get_children_ul = function() {
+ if (!node.children_ul) {
+ node.children_ul = document.createElement("ul");
+ node.children_ul.className = "children_ul";
+ = "none";
+ }
+ return node.children_ul;
+ };
+ return node;
+function expand_node(me, node)
+ if (node.children_data && !node.expanded) {
+ if (node.children_visited) {
+ $(node.get_children_ul()).slideDown("fast");
+ } else {
+ get_node(me, node);
+ if ($(node.label_div).hasClass("absent")) {
+ $(node.get_children_ul()).addClass("absent");
+ }
+ $(node.get_children_ul()).slideDown("fast");
+ }
+ node.plus_img.src = me.toroot + "assets/images/triangle-opened-small.png";
+ node.expanded = true;
+ // perform api level toggling because new nodes are new to the DOM
+ var selectedLevel = $("#apiLevelSelector option:selected").val();
+ toggleVisisbleApis(selectedLevel, "#side-nav");
+ }
+function get_node(me, mom)
+ mom.children_visited = true;
+ for (var i in mom.children_data) {
+ var node_data = mom.children_data[i];
+ mom.children[i] = new_node(me, mom, node_data[0], node_data[1],
+ node_data[2], node_data[3]);
+ }
+function this_page_relative(toroot)
+ var full = document.location.pathname;
+ var file = "";
+ if (toroot.substr(0, 1) == "/") {
+ if (full.substr(0, toroot.length) == toroot) {
+ return full.substr(toroot.length);
+ } else {
+ // the file isn't under toroot. Fail.
+ return null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (toroot != "./") {
+ toroot = "./" + toroot;
+ }
+ do {
+ if (toroot.substr(toroot.length-3, 3) == "../" || toroot == "./") {
+ var pos = full.lastIndexOf("/");
+ file = full.substr(pos) + file;
+ full = full.substr(0, pos);
+ toroot = toroot.substr(0, toroot.length-3);
+ }
+ } while (toroot != "" && toroot != "/");
+ return file.substr(1);
+ }
+function find_page(url, data)
+ var nodes = data;
+ var result = null;
+ for (var i in nodes) {
+ var d = nodes[i];
+ if (d[1] == url) {
+ return new Array(i);
+ }
+ else if (d[2] != null) {
+ result = find_page(url, d[2]);
+ if (result != null) {
+ return (new Array(i).concat(result));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+function init_default_navtree(toroot) {
+ // load json file for navtree data
+ $.getScript(toRoot + 'navtree_data.js', function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) {
+ // when the file is loaded, initialize the tree
+ if(jqxhr.status === 200) {
+ init_navtree("tree-list", toroot, NAVTREE_DATA);
+ }
+ });
+ // perform api level toggling because because the whole tree is new to the DOM
+ var selectedLevel = $("#apiLevelSelector option:selected").val();
+ toggleVisisbleApis(selectedLevel, "#side-nav");
+function init_navtree(navtree_id, toroot, root_nodes)
+ var me = new Object();
+ me.toroot = toroot;
+ me.node = new Object();
+ = document.getElementById(navtree_id);
+ me.node.children_data = root_nodes;
+ me.node.children = new Array();
+ me.node.children_ul = document.createElement("ul");
+ me.node.get_children_ul = function() { return me.node.children_ul; };
+ //me.node.children_ul.className = "children_ul";
+ me.node.depth = 0;
+ get_node(me, me.node);
+ me.this_page = this_page_relative(toroot);
+ me.breadcrumbs = find_page(me.this_page, root_nodes);
+ if (me.breadcrumbs != null && me.breadcrumbs.length != 0) {
+ var mom = me.node;
+ for (var i in me.breadcrumbs) {
+ var j = me.breadcrumbs[i];
+ mom = mom.children[j];
+ expand_node(me, mom);
+ }
+ mom.label_div.className = mom.label_div.className + " selected";
+ addLoadEvent(function() {
+ scrollIntoView("nav-tree");
+ });
+ }
+/* TODO: eliminate redundancy with non-google functions */
+function init_google_navtree(navtree_id, toroot, root_nodes)
+ var me = new Object();
+ me.toroot = toroot;
+ me.node = new Object();
+ = document.getElementById(navtree_id);
+ me.node.children_data = root_nodes;
+ me.node.children = new Array();
+ me.node.children_ul = document.createElement("ul");
+ me.node.get_children_ul = function() { return me.node.children_ul; };
+ //me.node.children_ul.className = "children_ul";
+ me.node.depth = 0;
+ get_google_node(me, me.node);
+function new_google_node(me, mom, text, link, children_data, api_level)
+ var node = new Object();
+ var child;
+ node.children = Array();
+ node.children_data = children_data;
+ node.depth = mom.depth + 1;
+ node.get_children_ul = function() {
+ if (!node.children_ul) {
+ node.children_ul = document.createElement("ul");
+ node.children_ul.className = "tree-list-children";
+ }
+ return node.children_ul;
+ };
+ = document.createElement("li");
+ mom.get_children_ul().appendChild(;
+ if(link) {
+ child = document.createElement("a");
+ }
+ else {
+ child = document.createElement("span");
+ child.className = "tree-list-subtitle";
+ }
+ if (children_data != null) {
+ node.label_div = document.createElement("div");
+ node.label_div.className = "nav-section-header-ref";
+ get_google_node(me, node);
+ node.label_div.appendChild(child);
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ if(link) {
+ child.href = me.toroot + link;
+ }
+ node.label = document.createTextNode(text);
+ child.appendChild(node.label);
+ node.children_ul = null;
+ return node;
+function get_google_node(me, mom)
+ mom.children_visited = true;
+ var linkText;
+ for (var i in mom.children_data) {
+ var node_data = mom.children_data[i];
+ linkText = node_data[0];
+ if(linkText.match("^"+"")==""){
+ linkText = linkText.substr(19, linkText.length);
+ }
+ mom.children[i] = new_google_node(me, mom, linkText, node_data[1],
+ node_data[2], node_data[3]);
+ }
+/****** NEW version of script to build google and sample navs dynamically ******/
+// TODO: update Google reference docs to tolerate this new implementation
+var NODE_NAME = 0;
+var NODE_HREF = 1;
+var NODE_GROUP = 2;
+var NODE_TAGS = 3;
+function init_google_navtree2(navtree_id, data)
+ var $containerUl = $("#"+navtree_id);
+ for (var i in data) {
+ var node_data = data[i];
+ $containerUl.append(new_google_node2(node_data));
+ }
+ // Make all third-generation list items 'sticky' to prevent them from collapsing
+ $containerUl.find('li li li.nav-section').addClass('sticky');
+ initExpandableNavItems("#"+navtree_id);
+function new_google_node2(node_data)
+ var linkText = node_data[NODE_NAME];
+ if(linkText.match("^"+"")==""){
+ linkText = linkText.substr(19, linkText.length);
+ }
+ var $li = $('<li>');
+ var $a;
+ if (node_data[NODE_HREF] != null) {
+ $a = $('<a href="' + toRoot + node_data[NODE_HREF] + '" title="' + linkText + '" >'
+ + linkText + '</a>');
+ } else {
+ $a = $('<a href="#" onclick="return false;" title="' + linkText + '" >'
+ + linkText + '/</a>');
+ }
+ var $childUl = $('<ul>');
+ if (node_data[NODE_CHILDREN] != null) {
+ $li.addClass("nav-section");
+ $a = $('<div class="nav-section-header">').append($a);
+ if (node_data[NODE_HREF] == null) $a.addClass('empty');
+ for (var i in node_data[NODE_CHILDREN]) {
+ var child_node_data = node_data[NODE_CHILDREN][i];
+ $childUl.append(new_google_node2(child_node_data));
+ }
+ $li.append($childUl);
+ }
+ $li.prepend($a);
+ return $li;
+function showGoogleRefTree() {
+ init_default_google_navtree(toRoot);
+ init_default_gcm_navtree(toRoot);
+function init_default_google_navtree(toroot) {
+ // load json file for navtree data
+ $.getScript(toRoot + 'gms_navtree_data.js', function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) {
+ // when the file is loaded, initialize the tree
+ if(jqxhr.status === 200) {
+ init_google_navtree("gms-tree-list", toroot, GMS_NAVTREE_DATA);
+ highlightSidenav();
+ resizeNav();
+ }
+ });
+function init_default_gcm_navtree(toroot) {
+ // load json file for navtree data
+ $.getScript(toRoot + 'gcm_navtree_data.js', function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) {
+ // when the file is loaded, initialize the tree
+ if(jqxhr.status === 200) {
+ init_google_navtree("gcm-tree-list", toroot, GCM_NAVTREE_DATA);
+ highlightSidenav();
+ resizeNav();
+ }
+ });
+function showSamplesRefTree() {
+ init_default_samples_navtree(toRoot);
+function init_default_samples_navtree(toroot) {
+ // load json file for navtree data
+ $.getScript(toRoot + 'samples_navtree_data.js', function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) {
+ // when the file is loaded, initialize the tree
+ if(jqxhr.status === 200) {
+ // hack to remove the "about the samples" link then put it back in
+ // after we nuke the list to remove the dummy static list of samples
+ var $firstLi = $("#nav.samples-nav > li:first-child").clone();
+ $("#nav.samples-nav").empty();
+ $("#nav.samples-nav").append($firstLi);
+ init_google_navtree2("nav.samples-nav", SAMPLES_NAVTREE_DATA);
+ highlightSidenav();
+ resizeNav();
+ if ($("#jd-content #samples").length) {
+ showSamples();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+/* Toggle an inherited class (arrow toggle)
+ * @param linkObj The link that was clicked.
+ * @param expand 'true' to ensure it's expanded. 'false' to ensure it's closed.
+ * 'null' to simply toggle.
+ */
+function toggleInherited(linkObj, expand) {
+ var base = linkObj.getAttribute("id");
+ var list = document.getElementById(base + "-list");
+ var summary = document.getElementById(base + "-summary");
+ var trigger = document.getElementById(base + "-trigger");
+ var a = $(linkObj);
+ if ( (expand == null && a.hasClass("closed")) || expand ) {
+ = "none";
+ = "block";
+ trigger.src = toRoot + "assets/images/triangle-opened.png";
+ a.removeClass("closed");
+ a.addClass("opened");
+ } else if ( (expand == null && a.hasClass("opened")) || (expand == false) ) {
+ = "block";
+ = "none";
+ trigger.src = toRoot + "assets/images/triangle-closed.png";
+ a.removeClass("opened");
+ a.addClass("closed");
+ }
+ return false;
+/* Toggle all inherited classes in a single table (e.g. all inherited methods)
+ * @param linkObj The link that was clicked.
+ * @param expand 'true' to ensure it's expanded. 'false' to ensure it's closed.
+ * 'null' to simply toggle.
+ */
+function toggleAllInherited(linkObj, expand) {
+ var a = $(linkObj);
+ var table = $(a.parent().parent().parent()); // ugly way to get table/tbody
+ var expandos = $(".jd-expando-trigger", table);
+ if ( (expand == null && a.text() == "[Expand]") || expand ) {
+ expandos.each(function(i) {
+ toggleInherited(this, true);
+ });
+ a.text("[Collapse]");
+ } else if ( (expand == null && a.text() == "[Collapse]") || (expand == false) ) {
+ expandos.each(function(i) {
+ toggleInherited(this, false);
+ });
+ a.text("[Expand]");
+ }
+ return false;
+/* Toggle all inherited members in the class (link in the class title)
+ */
+function toggleAllClassInherited() {
+ var a = $("#toggleAllClassInherited"); // get toggle link from class title
+ var toggles = $(".toggle-all", $("#body-content"));
+ if (a.text() == "[Expand All]") {
+ toggles.each(function(i) {
+ toggleAllInherited(this, true);
+ });
+ a.text("[Collapse All]");
+ } else {
+ toggles.each(function(i) {
+ toggleAllInherited(this, false);
+ });
+ a.text("[Expand All]");
+ }
+ return false;
+/* Expand all inherited members in the class. Used when initiating page search */
+function ensureAllInheritedExpanded() {
+ var toggles = $(".toggle-all", $("#body-content"));
+ toggles.each(function(i) {
+ toggleAllInherited(this, true);
+ });
+ $("#toggleAllClassInherited").text("[Collapse All]");
+ * - Listen for Ctrl+F (Cmd on Mac) and expand all inherited members (to aid page search)
+ */
+var agent = navigator['userAgent'].toLowerCase();
+var mac = agent.indexOf("macintosh") != -1;
+$(document).keydown( function(e) {
+var control = mac ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey; // get ctrl key
+ if (control && e.which == 70) { // 70 is "F"
+ ensureAllInheritedExpanded();
+ }
+/* On-demand functions */
+/** Move sample code line numbers out of PRE block and into non-copyable column */
+function initCodeLineNumbers() {
+ var numbers = $("#codesample-block a.number");
+ if (numbers.length) {
+ $("#codesample-line-numbers").removeClass("hidden").append(numbers);
+ }
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ // select entire line when clicked
+ $("span.code-line").click(function() {
+ if (!shifted) {
+ selectText(this);
+ }
+ });
+ // invoke line link on double click
+ $(".code-line").dblclick(function() {
+ document.location.hash = $(this).attr('id');
+ });
+ // highlight the line when hovering on the number
+ $("#codesample-line-numbers a.number").mouseover(function() {
+ var id = $(this).attr('href');
+ $(id).css('background','#e7e7e7');
+ });
+ $("#codesample-line-numbers a.number").mouseout(function() {
+ var id = $(this).attr('href');
+ $(id).css('background','none');
+ });
+ });
+// create SHIFT key binder to avoid the selectText method when selecting multiple lines
+var shifted = false;
+$(document).bind('keyup keydown', function(e){shifted = e.shiftKey; return true;} );
+// courtesy of
+function selectText(element) {
+ var doc = document
+ , range, selection
+ ;
+ if (doc.body.createTextRange) { //ms
+ range = doc.body.createTextRange();
+ range.moveToElementText(element);
+ } else if (window.getSelection) { //all others
+ selection = window.getSelection();
+ range = doc.createRange();
+ range.selectNodeContents(element);
+ selection.removeAllRanges();
+ selection.addRange(range);
+ }
+/** Display links and other information about samples that match the
+ group specified by the URL */
+function showSamples() {
+ var group = $("#samples").attr('class');
+ $("#samples").html("<p>Here are some samples for <b>" + group + "</b> apps:</p>");
+ var $ul = $("<ul>");
+ $selectedLi = $("#nav li.selected");
+ $selectedLi.children("ul").children("li").each(function() {
+ var $li = $("<li>").append($(this).find("a").first().clone());
+ $ul.append($li);
+ });
+ $("#samples").append($ul);
+/* ########################################################## */
+/* ################### RESOURCE CARDS ##################### */
+/* ########################################################## */
+/** Handle resource queries, collections, and grids (sections). Requires
+ jd_tag_helpers.js and the *_unified_data.js to be loaded. */
+(function() {
+ // Prevent the same resource from being loaded more than once per page.
+ var addedPageResources = {};
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ $('.resource-widget').each(function() {
+ initResourceWidget(this);
+ });
+ /* Pass the line height to ellipsisfade() to adjust the height of the
+ text container to show the max number of lines possible, without
+ showing lines that are cut off. This works with the css ellipsis
+ classes to fade last text line and apply an ellipsis char. */
+ //card text currently uses 15px line height.
+ var lineHeight = 15;
+ $('.card-info .text').ellipsisfade(lineHeight);
+ });
+ /*
+ Three types of resource layouts:
+ Flow - Uses a fixed row-height flow using float left style.
+ Carousel - Single card slideshow all same dimension absolute.
+ Stack - Uses fixed columns and flexible element height.
+ */
+ function initResourceWidget(widget) {
+ var $widget = $(widget);
+ var isFlow = $widget.hasClass('resource-flow-layout'),
+ isCarousel = $widget.hasClass('resource-carousel-layout'),
+ isStack = $widget.hasClass('resource-stack-layout');
+ // find size of widget by pulling out its class name
+ var sizeCols = 1;
+ var m = $widget.get(0).className.match(/\bcol-(\d+)\b/);
+ if (m) {
+ sizeCols = parseInt(m[1], 10);
+ }
+ var opts = {
+ cardSizes: ($'cardsizes') || '').split(','),
+ maxResults: parseInt($'maxresults') || '100', 10),
+ itemsPerPage: $'itemsperpage'),
+ sortOrder: $'sortorder'),
+ query: $'query'),
+ section: $'section'),
+ sizeCols: sizeCols,
+ /* Added by LFL 6/6/14 */
+ resourceStyle: $'resourcestyle') || 'card',
+ stackSort: $'stacksort') || 'true'
+ };
+ // run the search for the set of resources to show
+ var resources = buildResourceList(opts);
+ if (isFlow) {
+ drawResourcesFlowWidget($widget, opts, resources);
+ } else if (isCarousel) {
+ drawResourcesCarouselWidget($widget, opts, resources);
+ } else if (isStack) {
+ /* Looks like this got removed and is not used, so repurposing for the
+ homepage style layout.
+ Modified by LFL 6/6/14
+ */
+ //var sections = buildSectionList(opts);
+ opts['numStacks'] = $'numstacks');
+ drawResourcesStackWidget($widget, opts, resources/*, sections*/);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Initializes a Resource Carousel Widget */
+ function drawResourcesCarouselWidget($widget, opts, resources) {
+ $widget.empty();
+ var plusone = true; //always show plusone on carousel
+ $widget.addClass('resource-card slideshow-container')
+ .append($('<a>').addClass('slideshow-prev').text('Prev'))
+ .append($('<a>').addClass('slideshow-next').text('Next'));
+ var css = { 'width': $widget.width() + 'px',
+ 'height': $widget.height() + 'px' };
+ var $ul = $('<ul>');
+ for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) {
+ var $card = $('<a>')
+ .attr('href', cleanUrl(resources[i].url))
+ .decorateResourceCard(resources[i],plusone);
+ $('<li>').css(css)
+ .append($card)
+ .appendTo($ul);
+ }
+ $('<div>').addClass('frame')
+ .append($ul)
+ .appendTo($widget);
+ $widget.dacSlideshow({
+ auto: true,
+ btnPrev: '.slideshow-prev',
+ btnNext: '.slideshow-next'
+ });
+ };
+ /* Initializes a Resource Card Stack Widget (column-based layout)
+ Modified by LFL 6/6/14
+ */
+ function drawResourcesStackWidget($widget, opts, resources, sections) {
+ // Don't empty widget, grab all items inside since they will be the first
+ // items stacked, followed by the resource query
+ var plusone = true; //by default show plusone on section cards
+ var cards = $widget.find('.resource-card').detach().toArray();
+ var numStacks = opts.numStacks || 1;
+ var $stacks = [];
+ var urlString;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numStacks; ++i) {
+ $stacks[i] = $('<div>').addClass('resource-card-stack')
+ .appendTo($widget);
+ }
+ var sectionResources = [];
+ // Extract any subsections that are actually resource cards
+ if (sections) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; ++i) {
+ if (!sections[i].sections || !sections[i].sections.length) {
+ // Render it as a resource card
+ sectionResources.push(
+ $('<a>')
+ .addClass('resource-card section-card')
+ .attr('href', cleanUrl(sections[i].resource.url))
+ .decorateResourceCard(sections[i].resource,plusone)[0]
+ );
+ } else {
+ cards.push(
+ $('<div>')
+ .addClass('resource-card section-card-menu')
+ .decorateResourceSection(sections[i],plusone)[0]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cards = cards.concat(sectionResources);
+ for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) {
+ var $card = createResourceElement(resources[i], opts);
+ if (opts.resourceStyle.indexOf('related') > -1) {
+ $card.addClass('related-card');
+ }
+ cards.push($card[0]);
+ }
+ if (opts.stackSort != 'false') {
+ for (var i = 0; i < cards.length; ++i) {
+ // Find the stack with the shortest height, but give preference to
+ // left to right order.
+ var minHeight = $stacks[0].height();
+ var minIndex = 0;
+ for (var j = 1; j < numStacks; ++j) {
+ var height = $stacks[j].height();
+ if (height < minHeight - 45) {
+ minHeight = height;
+ minIndex = j;
+ }
+ }
+ $stacks[minIndex].append($(cards[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ Create a resource card using the given resource object and a list of html
+ configured options. Returns a jquery object containing the element.
+ */
+ function createResourceElement(resource, opts, plusone) {
+ var $el;
+ // The difference here is that generic cards are not entirely clickable
+ // so its a div instead of an a tag, also the generic one is not given
+ // the resource-card class so it appears with a transparent background
+ // and can be styled in whatever way the css setup.
+ if (opts.resourceStyle == 'generic') {
+ $el = $('<div>')
+ .addClass('resource')
+ .attr('href', cleanUrl(resource.url))
+ .decorateResource(resource, opts);
+ } else {
+ var cls = 'resource resource-card';
+ $el = $('<a>')
+ .addClass(cls)
+ .attr('href', cleanUrl(resource.url))
+ .decorateResourceCard(resource, plusone);
+ }
+ return $el;
+ }
+ /* Initializes a flow widget, see distribute.scss for generating accompanying css */
+ function drawResourcesFlowWidget($widget, opts, resources) {
+ $widget.empty();
+ var cardSizes = opts.cardSizes || ['6x6'];
+ var i = 0, j = 0;
+ var plusone = true; // by default show plusone on resource cards
+ while (i < resources.length) {
+ var cardSize = cardSizes[j++ % cardSizes.length];
+ cardSize = cardSize.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/,'');
+ // Some card sizes do not get a plusone button, such as where space is constrained
+ // or for cards commonly embedded in docs (to improve overall page speed).
+ plusone = !((cardSize == "6x2") || (cardSize == "6x3") ||
+ (cardSize == "9x2") || (cardSize == "9x3") ||
+ (cardSize == "12x2") || (cardSize == "12x3"));
+ // A stack has a third dimension which is the number of stacked items
+ var isStack = cardSize.match(/(\d+)x(\d+)x(\d+)/);
+ var stackCount = 0;
+ var $stackDiv = null;
+ if (isStack) {
+ // Create a stack container which should have the dimensions defined
+ // by the product of the items inside.
+ $stackDiv = $('<div>').addClass('resource-card-stack resource-card-' + isStack[1]
+ + 'x' + isStack[2] * isStack[3]) .appendTo($widget);
+ }
+ // Build each stack item or just a single item
+ do {
+ var resource = resources[i];
+ var $card = createResourceElement(resources[i], opts, plusone);
+ $card.addClass('resource-card-' + cardSize +
+ ' resource-card-' + resource.type);
+ if (isStack) {
+ $card.addClass('resource-card-' + isStack[1] + 'x' + isStack[2]);
+ if (++stackCount == parseInt(isStack[3])) {
+ $card.addClass('resource-card-row-stack-last');
+ stackCount = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ stackCount = 0;
+ }
+ $card.appendTo($stackDiv || $widget);
+ } while (++i < resources.length && stackCount > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Build a site map of resources using a section as a root. */
+ function buildSectionList(opts) {
+ if (opts.section && SECTION_BY_ID[opts.section]) {
+ return SECTION_BY_ID[opts.section].sections || [];
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
+ function buildResourceList(opts) {
+ var maxResults = opts.maxResults || 100;
+ var query = opts.query || '';
+ var expressions = parseResourceQuery(query);
+ var addedResourceIndices = {};
+ var results = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) {
+ var clauses = expressions[i];
+ // build initial set of resources from first clause
+ var firstClause = clauses[0];
+ var resources = [];
+ switch (firstClause.attr) {
+ case 'type':
+ resources = ALL_RESOURCES_BY_TYPE[firstClause.value];
+ break;
+ case 'lang':
+ resources = ALL_RESOURCES_BY_LANG[firstClause.value];
+ break;
+ case 'tag':
+ resources = ALL_RESOURCES_BY_TAG[firstClause.value];
+ break;
+ case 'collection':
+ var urls = RESOURCE_COLLECTIONS[firstClause.value].resources || [];
+ resources ={ return ALL_RESOURCES_BY_URL[url]; });
+ break;
+ case 'section':
+ var urls = SITE_MAP[firstClause.value].sections || [];
+ resources ={ return ALL_RESOURCES_BY_URL[url]; });
+ break;
+ }
+ // console.log(firstClause.attr + ':' + firstClause.value);
+ resources = resources || [];
+ // use additional clauses to filter corpus
+ if (clauses.length > 1) {
+ var otherClauses = clauses.slice(1);
+ resources = resources.filter(getResourceMatchesClausesFilter(otherClauses));
+ }
+ // filter out resources already added
+ if (i > 1) {
+ resources = resources.filter(getResourceNotAlreadyAddedFilter(addedResourceIndices));
+ }
+ // add to list of already added indices
+ for (var j = 0; j < resources.length; j++) {
+ // console.log(resources[j].title);
+ addedResourceIndices[resources[j].index] = 1;
+ }
+ // concat to final results list
+ results = results.concat(resources);
+ }
+ if (opts.sortOrder && results.length) {
+ var attr = opts.sortOrder;
+ if (opts.sortOrder == 'random') {
+ var i = results.length, j, temp;
+ while (--i) {
+ j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
+ temp = results[i];
+ results[i] = results[j];
+ results[j] = temp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var desc = attr.charAt(0) == '-';
+ if (desc) {
+ attr = attr.substring(1);
+ }
+ results = results.sort(function(x,y) {
+ return (desc ? -1 : 1) * (parseInt(x[attr], 10) - parseInt(y[attr], 10));
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ results = results.filter(getResourceNotAlreadyAddedFilter(addedPageResources));
+ results = results.slice(0, maxResults);
+ for (var j = 0; j < results.length; ++j) {
+ addedPageResources[results[j].index] = 1;
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ function getResourceNotAlreadyAddedFilter(addedResourceIndices) {
+ return function(resource) {
+ return !addedResourceIndices[resource.index];
+ };
+ }
+ function getResourceMatchesClausesFilter(clauses) {
+ return function(resource) {
+ return doesResourceMatchClauses(resource, clauses);
+ };
+ }
+ function doesResourceMatchClauses(resource, clauses) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) {
+ var map;
+ switch (clauses[i].attr) {
+ case 'type':
+ map = IS_RESOURCE_OF_TYPE[clauses[i].value];
+ break;
+ case 'lang':
+ map = IS_RESOURCE_IN_LANG[clauses[i].value];
+ break;
+ case 'tag':
+ map = IS_RESOURCE_TAGGED[clauses[i].value];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!map || (!!clauses[i].negative ? map[resource.index] : !map[resource.index])) {
+ return clauses[i].negative;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function cleanUrl(url)
+ {
+ if (url && url.indexOf('//') === -1) {
+ url = toRoot + url;
+ }
+ return url;
+ }
+ function parseResourceQuery(query) {
+ // Parse query into array of expressions (expression e.g. 'tag:foo + type:video')
+ var expressions = [];
+ var expressionStrs = query.split(',') || [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < expressionStrs.length; i++) {
+ var expr = expressionStrs[i] || '';
+ // Break expression into clauses (clause e.g. 'tag:foo')
+ var clauses = [];
+ var clauseStrs = expr.split(/(?=[\+\-])/);
+ for (var j = 0; j < clauseStrs.length; j++) {
+ var clauseStr = clauseStrs[j] || '';
+ // Get attribute and value from clause (e.g. attribute='tag', value='foo')
+ var parts = clauseStr.split(':');
+ var clause = {};
+ clause.attr = parts[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
+ if (clause.attr) {
+ if (clause.attr.charAt(0) == '+') {
+ clause.attr = clause.attr.substring(1);
+ } else if (clause.attr.charAt(0) == '-') {
+ clause.negative = true;
+ clause.attr = clause.attr.substring(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts.length > 1) {
+ clause.value = parts[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
+ }
+ clauses.push(clause);
+ }
+ if (!clauses.length) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ expressions.push(clauses);
+ }
+ return expressions;
+ }
+(function($) {
+ /*
+ Utility method for creating dom for the description area of a card.
+ Used in decorateResourceCard and decorateResource.
+ */
+ function buildResourceCardDescription(resource, plusone) {
+ var $description = $('<div>').addClass('description ellipsis');
+ $description.append($('<div>').addClass('text').html(resource.summary));
+ if (resource.cta) {
+ $description.append($('<a>').addClass('cta').html(resource.cta));
+ }
+ if (plusone) {
+ var plusurl = resource.url.indexOf("//") > -1 ? resource.url :
+ "//" + resource.url;
+ $description.append($('<div>').addClass('util')
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('g-plusone')
+ .attr('data-size', 'small')
+ .attr('data-align', 'right')
+ .attr('data-href', plusurl)));
+ }
+ return $description;
+ }
+ /* Simple jquery function to create dom for a standard resource card */
+ $.fn.decorateResourceCard = function(resource,plusone) {
+ var section = || resource.type;
+ var imgUrl = resource.image ||
+ 'assets/images/resource-card-default-android.jpg';
+ if (imgUrl.indexOf('//') === -1) {
+ imgUrl = toRoot + imgUrl;
+ }
+ $('<div>').addClass('card-bg')
+ .css('background-image', 'url(' + (imgUrl || toRoot +
+ 'assets/images/resource-card-default-android.jpg') + ')')
+ .appendTo(this);
+ $('<div>').addClass('card-info' + (!resource.summary ? ' empty-desc' : ''))
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('section').text(section))
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('title').html(resource.title))
+ .append(buildResourceCardDescription(resource, plusone))
+ .appendTo(this);
+ return this;
+ };
+ /* Simple jquery function to create dom for a resource section card (menu) */
+ $.fn.decorateResourceSection = function(section,plusone) {
+ var resource = section.resource;
+ //keep url clean for matching and offline mode handling
+ var urlPrefix = resource.image.indexOf("//") > -1 ? "" : toRoot;
+ var $base = $('<a>')
+ .addClass('card-bg')
+ .attr('href', resource.url)
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('card-section-icon')
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('icon'))
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('section').html(resource.title)))
+ .appendTo(this);
+ var $cardInfo = $('<div>').addClass('card-info').appendTo(this);
+ if (section.sections && section.sections.length) {
+ // Recurse the section sub-tree to find a resource image.
+ var stack = [section];
+ while (stack.length) {
+ if (stack[0].resource.image) {
+ $base.css('background-image', 'url(' + urlPrefix + stack[0].resource.image + ')');
+ break;
+ }
+ if (stack[0].sections) {
+ stack = stack.concat(stack[0].sections);
+ }
+ stack.shift();
+ }
+ var $ul = $('<ul>')
+ .appendTo($cardInfo);
+ var max = section.sections.length > 3 ? 3 : section.sections.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
+ var subResource = section.sections[i];
+ if (!plusone) {
+ $('<li>')
+ .append($('<a>').attr('href', subResource.url)
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('title').html(subResource.title))
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('description ellipsis')
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('text').html(subResource.summary))
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('util'))))
+ .appendTo($ul);
+ } else {
+ $('<li>')
+ .append($('<a>').attr('href', subResource.url)
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('title').html(subResource.title))
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('description ellipsis')
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('text').html(subResource.summary))
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('util')
+ .append($('<div>').addClass('g-plusone')
+ .attr('data-size', 'small')
+ .attr('data-align', 'right')
+ .attr('data-href', resource.url)))))
+ .appendTo($ul);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add a more row
+ if (max < section.sections.length) {
+ $('<li>')
+ .append($('<a>').attr('href', resource.url)
+ .append($('<div>')
+ .addClass('title')
+ .text('More')))
+ .appendTo($ul);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // No sub-resources, just render description?
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ /* Render other types of resource styles that are not cards. */
+ $.fn.decorateResource = function(resource, opts) {
+ var imgUrl = resource.image ||
+ 'assets/images/resource-card-default-android.jpg';
+ var linkUrl = resource.url;
+ if (imgUrl.indexOf('//') === -1) {
+ imgUrl = toRoot + imgUrl;
+ }
+ if (linkUrl && linkUrl.indexOf('//') === -1) {
+ linkUrl = toRoot + linkUrl;
+ }
+ $(this).append(
+ $('<div>').addClass('image')
+ .css('background-image', 'url(' + imgUrl + ')'),
+ $('<div>').addClass('info').append(
+ $('<h4>').addClass('title').html(resource.title),
+ $('<p>').addClass('summary').html(resource.summary),
+ $('<a>').attr('href', linkUrl).addClass('cta').html('Learn More')
+ )
+ );
+ return this;
+ };
+/* Calculate the vertical area remaining */
+(function($) {
+ $.fn.ellipsisfade= function(lineHeight) {
+ this.each(function() {
+ // get element text
+ var $this = $(this);
+ var remainingHeight = $this.parent().parent().height();
+ $this.parent().siblings().each(function ()
+ {
+ if ($(this).is(":visible")) {
+ var h = $(this).height();
+ remainingHeight = remainingHeight - h;
+ }
+ });
+ adjustedRemainingHeight = ((remainingHeight)/lineHeight>>0)*lineHeight
+ $this.parent().css({'height': adjustedRemainingHeight});
+ $this.css({'height': "auto"});
+ });
+ return this;
+ };
+}) (jQuery);
+ Fullscreen Carousel
+ The following allows for an area at the top of the page that takes over the
+ entire browser height except for its top offset and an optional bottom
+ padding specified as a data attribute.
+ <div class="fullscreen-carousel">
+ <div class="fullscreen-carousel-content">
+ <!-- content here -->
+ </div>
+ <div class="fullscreen-carousel-content">
+ <!-- content here -->
+ </div>
+ etc ...
+ </div>
+ Control over how the carousel takes over the screen can mostly be defined in
+ a css file. Setting min-height on the .fullscreen-carousel-content elements
+ will prevent them from shrinking to far vertically when the browser is very
+ short, and setting max-height on the .fullscreen-carousel itself will prevent
+ the area from becoming to long in the case that the browser is stretched very
+ tall.
+ There is limited functionality for having multiple sections since that request
+ was removed, but it is possible to add .next-arrow and .prev-arrow elements to
+ scroll between multiple content areas.
+(function() {
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ $('.fullscreen-carousel').each(function() {
+ initWidget(this);
+ });
+ });
+ function initWidget(widget) {
+ var $widget = $(widget);
+ var topOffset = $widget.offset().top;
+ var padBottom = parseInt($'paddingbottom')) || 0;
+ var maxHeight = 0;
+ var minHeight = 0;
+ var $content = $widget.find('.fullscreen-carousel-content');
+ var $nextArrow = $widget.find('.next-arrow');
+ var $prevArrow = $widget.find('.prev-arrow');
+ var $curSection = $($content[0]);
+ if ($content.length <= 1) {
+ $nextArrow.hide();
+ $prevArrow.hide();
+ } else {
+ $ {
+ var index = ($content.index($curSection) + 1);
+ $curSection.hide();
+ $curSection = $($content[index >= $content.length ? 0 : index]);
+ $;
+ });
+ $ {
+ var index = ($content.index($curSection) - 1);
+ $curSection.hide();
+ $curSection = $($content[index < 0 ? $content.length - 1 : 0]);
+ $;
+ });
+ }
+ // Just hide all content sections except first.
+ $content.each(function(index) {
+ if ($(this).height() > minHeight) minHeight = $(this).height();
+ $(this).css({position: 'absolute', display: index > 0 ? 'none' : ''});
+ });
+ // Register for changes to window size, and trigger.
+ $(window).resize(resizeWidget);
+ resizeWidget();
+ function resizeWidget() {
+ var height = $(window).height() - topOffset - padBottom;
+ $widget.width($(window).width());
+ $widget.height(height < minHeight ? minHeight :
+ (maxHeight && height > maxHeight ? maxHeight : height));
+ }
+ }
+ Tab Carousel
+ The following allows tab widgets to be installed via the html below. Each
+ tab content section should have a data-tab attribute matching one of the
+ nav items'. Also each tab content section should have a width matching the
+ tab carousel.
+ <div class="tab-carousel">
+ <ul class="tab-nav">
+ <li><a href="#" data-tab="handsets">Handsets</a>
+ <li><a href="#" data-tab="wearable">Wearable</a>
+ <li><a href="#" data-tab="tv">TV</a>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tab-carousel-content">
+ <div data-tab="handsets">
+ <!--Full width content here-->
+ </div>
+ <div data-tab="wearable">
+ <!--Full width content here-->
+ </div>
+ <div data-tab="tv">
+ <!--Full width content here-->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+(function() {
+ $(document).ready(function() {
+ $('.tab-carousel').each(function() {
+ initWidget(this);
+ });
+ });
+ function initWidget(widget) {
+ var $widget = $(widget);
+ var $nav = $widget.find('.tab-nav');
+ var $anchors = $nav.find('[data-tab]');
+ var $li = $nav.find('li');
+ var $contentContainer = $widget.find('.tab-carousel-content');
+ var $tabs = $contentContainer.find('[data-tab]');
+ var $curTab = $($tabs[0]); // Current tab is first tab.
+ var width = $widget.width();
+ // Setup nav interactivity.
+ $ {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ var query = '[data-tab=' + $(this).data('tab') + ']';
+ transitionWidget($tabs.filter(query));
+ });
+ // Add highlight for navigation on first item.
+ var $highlight = $('<div>').addClass('highlight')
+ .css({left:$li.position().left + 'px', width:$li.outerWidth() + 'px'})
+ .appendTo($nav);
+ // Store height since we will change contents to absolute.
+ $contentContainer.height($contentContainer.height());
+ // Absolutely position tabs so they're ready for transition.
+ $tabs.each(function(index) {
+ $(this).css({position: 'absolute', left: index > 0 ? width + 'px' : '0'});
+ });
+ function transitionWidget($toTab) {
+ if (!$$toTab)) {
+ var curIndex = $tabs.index($curTab[0]);
+ var toIndex = $tabs.index($toTab[0]);
+ var dir = toIndex > curIndex ? 1 : -1;
+ // Animate content sections.
+ $toTab.css({left:(width * dir) + 'px'});
+ $curTab.animate({left:(width * -dir) + 'px'});
+ $toTab.animate({left:'0'});
+ // Animate navigation highlight.
+ $highlight.animate({left:$($li[toIndex]).position().left + 'px',
+ width:$($li[toIndex]).outerWidth() + 'px'})
+ // Store new current section.
+ $curTab = $toTab;
+ }
+ }
+ }