vendor: push up xxhdpi dpi to 370
slight increase of our default dpi on xxhdpi devices due that
google maps has problems on 361
(attention to test it you need to clear data/cache of mapps after the
dpi change otherwise it behaves the same lol)
Change-Id: Ia372544fd89087eb363bdf17310ff82acb3cde24
diff --git a/tools/squisher b/tools/squisher
index 2385257..4b4c502 100755
--- a/tools/squisher
+++ b/tools/squisher
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
elif [ "$DEVICELCD" = "320" ]; then
sed -i 's/ro.sf.lcd_density=320/ro.sf.lcd_density=245/g' $OUT/system/build.prop
elif [ "$DEVICELCD" = "480" ]; then
- sed -i 's/ro.sf.lcd_density=480/ro.sf.lcd_density=361/g' $OUT/system/build.prop
+ sed -i 's/ro.sf.lcd_density=480/ro.sf.lcd_density=370/g' $OUT/system/build.prop
elif [ "$DEVICELCD" = "213" ]; then
sed -i 's/ro.sf.lcd_density=213/ro.sf.lcd_density=182/g' $OUT/system/build.prop