vendor: notch-city: Add 3 mode display cutout handler
[@AgentFabulous - POSP]
- Introduces the HideCutout and StatusBarStock overlay used in the
3 mode display cutout handler. The HideCutout overlay is necessary
since we can't register a content observer in the display manager code.
We only have access to resources during boot. Thus, leave this as an
overlay and let the config and overlay change methods handle this.
Though we can probably do statusbar stock height toggling in the
SystemUI code without overlays, I kinda got lazy by the end, just
live with it god damn it xD
Signed-off-by: Kshitij Gupta <>
Change-Id: I62f63f39bcb410cfbc68e0028b9cef3d748d7eb6
9 files changed