blob: 665fd71d692d875e94e73543caba98820e5d55a6 [file] [log] [blame]
This script is used to synchronize LineageOS' translations with Crowdin's. Also, it can handle
automatic commiting to Gerrit and pushing/downloading to/from Crowdin.
The Ruby variant of crowdin-cli >= 0.5.2 is required for this to work.
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
source /home/your_username/.rvm/scripts/rvm # Add this to your .bashrc file!
rvm all do gem install crowdin-cli
python-git is used for Git integration.
sudo apt-get install python-git
Copy <cm_version>_extra_packages.xml to .repo/local_manifests of each <cm_version> tree
to make sure you sync all the extra packages not included in the main manifest.
Export the following environment variables to set the API keys and the base path.
Base path should contain all LineageOS trees in subfolders, named after LineageOS branches.
Syncing stable trees requires an additional environment variable plus a 'stable'
subfolder under the base path, due to crowdin API limitations:
export CM_CROWDIN_API_KEY=your_api_key
export CM_AOSP_CROWDIN_API_KEY=your_aosp_api_key
export CM_CROWDIN_BASE_PATH=your_base_path
export CM_CROWDIN_STABLE_BASE_PATH=your_stable_base_path
export CM_CROWDIN_API_KEY=1234567890
export CM_AOSP_CROWDIN_API_KEY=0987654321
export CM_CROWDIN_BASE_PATH=/mnt/android/lineageos
export CM_CROWDIN_STABLE_BASE_PATH=/mnt/android/lineageos/stable
./ --username your_gerrit_username --branch cm_version --ticket jira_id [--upload-sources] [--upload-translations] [--download]
- When committing fails, the reason of it cannot be determined. Often this is just when there
are no new translations, so the script will not exit when this happens.
Submitting changes
This repository is preconfigured to use the git-review plugin. More information can be found at:
You can upload your change to gerrit with commands like these:
git add *
git commit
git review