blob: 21e708a3fe3ecb328b4f862d098480d335a4eed6 [file] [log] [blame]
#permissive cnd;
type cnd, domain;
type cnd_exec, exec_type, file_type;
file_type_auto_trans(cnd, socket_device, cnd_socket);
# cnd is started by init, type transit from init domain to cnd domain
# associate netdomain as an attribute of cnd domain
allow cnd smem_log_device:chr_file rw_file_perms;
# allow cnd the following capability
allow cnd self:capability { setuid setgid dac_override net_raw chown
fsetid net_admin sys_module };
allow cnd self:capability2 block_suspend;
# socket used to communicate with kernel via the netlink syscall
allow cnd self:netlink_tcpdiag_socket { bind create write read
nlmsg_read getopt};
allow cnd self:netlink_route_socket { read bind create write
nlmsg_read };
allow cnd self:netlink_socket { create setopt getopt bind getattr write read };
# allow cnd to set system property
allow cnd system_prop:property_service set;
allow cnd property_socket:sock_file write;
allow cnd init:unix_stream_socket connectto;
# allow cnd to communicate with wlan driver
allow cnd kernel:system module_request;
# allow cnd to access cnd_data_file
allow cnd cnd_data_file:file create_file_perms;
allow cnd cnd_data_file:sock_file { unlink create setattr };
allow cnd cnd_data_file:dir { open read write add_name remove_name search };
# allow cnd to access qmux_radio_socket
# cnd access diag_device /dev/diag for logging
allow cnd diag_device:chr_file { read write open ioctl };
# allow cnd to access wpa_socket
allow cnd wpa:unix_dgram_socket sendto;
allow cnd wpa_socket:dir { write remove_name search add_name search };
allow cnd wpa_socket:sock_file { write create unlink setattr };
allow cnd wifi_data_file:dir search;
# allow cnd to obtain wakelock
allow cnd sysfs_wake_lock:file { open append };
# allow cnd to communicate with all application
allow cnd appdomain:dir search;
allow cnd appdomain:fd use;
allow cnd appdomain:file { read open };
allow cnd appdomain:tcp_socket rw_socket_perms;
# allow cnd to communicate with system_server
allow cnd system_server:dir search;
allow cnd system_server:file { read open };
allow cnd system_server:tcp_socket { write getattr shutdown getopt read bind };
# allow cnd to communicate with mediaserver
allow cnd mediaserver:dir search;
allow cnd mediaserver:fd use;
allow cnd mediaserver:tcp_socket { read write bind getattr shutdown getopt };
allow cnd mediaserver:file { open read };
# allow cnd to perform socket operation on itself
allow cnd self:socket create_socket_perms;
# allow cnd to access ipa_dev
allow cnd ipa_dev:chr_file r_file_perms;
# allow access to nims
allow cnd socket_device:dir remove_name;