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<A NAME="lbAB">&nbsp;</A>
nanorc - GNU nano's rcfile
<A NAME="lbAC">&nbsp;</A>
This manual page documents GNU <B>nano</B>'s rcfile.
<B>nano</B> is a small, free and friendly editor which aims to replace
Pico, the default editor included in the non-free Pine package. Rather
than just copying Pico's look and feel, <B>nano</B> also implements some
missing (or disabled by default) features in Pico, such as &quot;search and
replace&quot; and &quot;go to line number&quot;.
The <I>nanorc</I> file contains the default settings for <B>nano</B>.
During startup, <B>nano</B> will first read its system-wide settings from
and then user-specific settings from
<A NAME="lbAD">&nbsp;</A>
The configuration file accepts a series of &quot;set&quot; and &quot;unset&quot; commands,
which can be used to configure nano on startup without using the
command-line options. Additionally, the &quot;syntax&quot; and &quot;color&quot; keywords
are used to define syntax highlighting rules for different text
patterns. GNU nano will read one command per line.
Options in rcfiles take precedence over nano's defaults, and command
line options override rcfile settings.
Options are unset by default, except for options that take an argument.
The supported commands and arguments are:
<DT><B>set/unset autoindent</B><DD>
Use auto-indentation.
<DT><B>set/unset backup</B><DD>
Create backup files in
<DT><B>set/unset const</B><DD>
Constantly display the cursor position in the status bar.
<DT><B>set/unset cut</B><DD>
Use cut to end of line with ^K by default.
<DT><B>set fill </B><I>n</I><DD>
Wrap lines at column number <I>n</I>. If <I>n</I> is 0 or less, the line
length will be the screen width less <I>n</I>. The default value is -8.
<DT><B>set/unset historylog</B><DD>
for saving and reading search/replace strings.
<DT><B>set/unset multibuffer</B><DD>
Allow inserting files into their own buffers.
<DT><B>set/unset noconvert</B><DD>
Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.
<DT><B>set/unset nofollow</B><DD>
Don't follow symlinks when writing files.
<DT><B>set/unset nohelp</B><DD>
Don't display the help lists at the bottom of the screen.
<DT><B>set/unset nowrap</B><DD>
Don't wrap text at all.
<DT><B>set operatingdir &quot;</B><I>directory</I>&quot;<DD>
<B>nano</B> will only read and write files inside <I>directory</I> and its
subdirectories. Also, the current directory is changed to here, so
files are inserted from this dir. By default the operating directory
feature is turned off.
<DT><B>set/unset preserve</B><DD>
Preserve the XON and XOFF keys (^Q and ^S).
<DT><B>set quotestr &quot;</B><I>string</I>&quot;<DD>
The email-quote string, used to justify email-quoted paragraphs. This
is an &quot;extended regular expression&quot; if your system supports them,
otherwise a literal string. The default value is
<TT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TT>set quotestr &quot;^([&nbsp;\t]*[|&gt;:}#])+&quot;<BR>
if you have regexps, otherwise set quotestr &quot;&gt;&nbsp;&quot;. Note that '\t'
above stands for a literal Tab character.
<DT><B>set/unset rebinddelete</B><DD>
Interpret the Delete key differently so that both Backspace and Delete
work properly. You should only need to use this option if Backspace
acts like Delete on your system.
<DT><B>set/unset regexp</B><DD>
Do regular expression searches by default.
<DT><B>set/unset smooth</B><DD>
Use smooth scrolling by default.
<DT><B>set speller </B><I>spellprog</I><DD>
Use spelling checker <I>spellprog</I> instead of the built-in one, which
calls <I>spell</I>.
<DT><B>set/unset suspend</B><DD>
Allow nano to be suspended with ^Z.
<DT><B>set tabsize </B><I>n</I><DD>
Use a tab size of <I>n</I> instead of the default (8); must be greater
than 0.
<DT><B>set/unset tempfile</B><DD>
Save automatically on exit, don't prompt.
<DT><B>set/unset view</B><DD>
Disallow file modification.
<DT><B>syntax </B><I>str</I> [<I>fileregex</I> ... ]
Defines a syntax named <I>str</I> which can be activated via the <B>-Y</B>
flag, or will be automatically activated if the current filename matches
<I>fileregex</I>. All following <B>color</B> statements will apply to
<I>syntax</I> until a new syntax is defined.
<DT><B>color </B><I>fgcolor</I>[,<I>bgcolor</I>] <I>regex</I> ...
For the currently defined syntax, display all expressions matching
<I>regex</I> with foreground color <I>fgcolor</I> and optional background
color <I>bgcolor</I>. Legal colors for foreground and background color
are: white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, and cyan. You may
use the prefix &quot;bright&quot; to force a stronger color highlight. If your
terminal supports transparency, not specifying a <I>bgcolor</I> tells
<B>nano</B> to attempt to use a transparent background.
<DT><B>color </B><I>fgcolor</I>[,<I>bgcolor</I>] start=<I>sr</I> end=<I>er</I>
Display expressions which start with <I>sr</I> and end with <I>er</I>
with foreground color <I>fgcolor</I> and optional background color
<I>bgcolor</I>. This allows syntax highlighting to span multiple lines.
Note that all subsequent instances of <I>sr</I> after an initial <I>sr</I>
is found will be highlighted until the first instance of <I>er</I>.
</I><A NAME="lbAE">&nbsp;</A>
System-wide configuration file
Per-user configuration file
<A NAME="lbAF">&nbsp;</A>
<DT><B><A HREF="http://localhost/cgi-bin/man/man2html?1+nano">nano</A></B>(1)<DD>
<I>/usr/share/doc/nano/examples/nanorc.sample</I> (or equivalent on your
<A NAME="lbAG">&nbsp;</A>
Chris Allegretta &lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;, et al (see
for details).
This manual page was written by Jordi Mallach &lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;.
<A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A><H2>Index</H2>
<DT><A HREF="#lbAB">NAME</A><DD>
This document was created by
<A HREF="http://localhost/cgi-bin/man/man2html">man2html</A>,
using the manual pages.<BR>
Time: 21:17:00 GMT, August 24, 2003