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Section: User Commands (1)<BR>Updated: July 30, 2002<BR><A HREF="#index">Index</A>
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<A NAME="lbAB">&nbsp;</A>
nano - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico Clone
<A NAME="lbAC">&nbsp;</A>
<A NAME="lbAD">&nbsp;</A>
This manual page documents briefly the <B>nano</B> command.
<B>nano</B> is a small, free and friendly editor which aims to replace
Pico, the default editor included in the non-free Pine package. Rather
than just copying Pico's look and feel, <B>nano</B> also implements some
missing (or disabled by default) features in Pico, such as &quot;search and
replace&quot; and &quot;go to line number&quot;.
<A NAME="lbAE">&nbsp;</A>
Places cursor at <I>LINE</I> on startup.
<DT><B>-B (--backup)</B>
When saving a file, back up the previous version of it to the current
filename suffixed with a ~.
<DT><B>-D (--dos)</B>
Write file in DOS format.
<DT><B>-F (--multibuffer)</B>
Enable multiple file buffers, if available.
<DT><B>-I (--ignorercfiles)</B>
Don't look at /etc/nanorc or ~/.nanorc, if nanorc support is available.
<DT><B>-K (--keypad)</B>
Do not use the ncurses keypad() call unless necessary. Try this flag if
you find that the arrow keys on the numeric keypad do not work for you
under nano.
<DT><B>-M (--mac)</B>
Write file in Mac format.
<DT><B>-N (--noconvert)</B>
Disable automatic conversion of files from DOS/Mac format.
<DT><B>-Q </B><I>[str]</I> (--quotestr=<I>[str]</I>)
Set the quoting string for justifying. The default is
&quot;^([ \t]*[|&gt;:}#])+&quot; if regular expression support is available, or
&quot;&gt; &quot; otherwise.
<DT><B>-R (--regexp)</B>
Enable regular expression matching for search strings, as well as
\n subexpression replacement for replace strings, if available.
<DT><B>-S (--smooth)</B>
Enable smooth scrolling. Text will scroll line-by-line, instead of the
usual chunk-by-chunk behavior.
<DT><B>-T </B><I>[num]</I> (--tabsize=<I>[num]</I>)
Set the size (width) of a tab.
<DT><B>-V (--version)</B>
Show the current version number and author.
<DT><B>-Y </B><I>[str]</I> (--syntax=<I>[str]</I>)
Specify a specific syntax highlighting from the .nanorc to use, if
<DT><B>-c (--const)</B>
Constantly show the cursor position.
<DT><B>-h (--help)</B>
Display a summary of command line options.
<DT><B>-i (--autoindent)</B>
Indent new lines to the previous line's indentation. Useful when editing
source code.
<DT><B>-k (--cut)</B>
Enable cut from cursor to end of line with ^K.
<DT><B>-l (--nofollow)</B>
If the file being edited is a symbolic link, replace the link with
a new file, do not follow it. Good for editing files in /tmp, perhaps?
<DT><B>-m (--mouse)</B>
Enable mouse support (if available for your system).
<DT><B>-o </B><I>[dir]</I> (--operatingdir=<I>[dir]</I>)
Set operating directory. Makes nano set up something similar to a
<DT><B>-p (--pico)</B>
Emulate Pico as closely as possible. This affects both the &quot;shortcut
list&quot; at the bottom of the screen, as well as the display and entry of
previous search and replace strings.
<DT><B>-r </B><I>[#cols]</I> (--fill=<I>[#cols]</I>)
Wrap lines at column #cols. By default, this is the width of the
screen, less eight. If this value is negative, wrapping will occur at
#cols from the right of the screen, allowing it to vary along with the
screen width if the screen is resized.
<DT><B>-s </B><I>[prog]</I> (--speller=<I>[prog]</I>)
Enable alternative spell checker command.
<DT><B>-t (--tempfile)</B>
Always save changed buffer without prompting. Same as Pico -t option.
<DT><B>-v (--view)</B>
View file (read only) mode.
<DT><B>-w (--nowrap)</B>
Disable wrapping of long lines.
<DT><B>-x (--nohelp)</B>
Disable help screen at bottom of editor.
<DT><B>-z (--suspend)</B>
Enable suspend ability.
<DT><B>-a, -b, -e, -f, -g, -j</B>
Ignored, for compatibility with Pico.
<A NAME="lbAF">&nbsp;</A>
<B>nano</B> will try to dump the buffer into an emergency file in some
cases. Mainly, this will happen if <B>nano</B> receives a SIGHUP or runs
out of memory, when it will write the buffer into a file named
&quot;; if the buffer didn't have a name already, or will add a
&quot;.save&quot; suffix to the current filename. If an emergency file with that
name already exists in the current directory, &quot;.save&quot; and a number (e.g.
&quot;.save.1&quot;) will be suffixed to the current filename in order to make it
unique. In multibuffer mode, <B>nano</B> will write all the open buffers
to the respective emergency files.
<A NAME="lbAG">&nbsp;</A>
Please send any comments or bug reports to
<B><A HREF=""></A>.</B>
The <B>nano</B> mailing list is available from
<B><A HREF=""></A>.</B>
To subscribe, email to <A HREF=""></A> with a
subject of &quot;subscribe&quot;.
<A NAME="lbAH">&nbsp;</A>
<A HREF=""></A>
<A NAME="lbAI">&nbsp;</A>
Chris Allegretta &lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;, et al (see AUTHORS and THANKS for
This manual page was originally written by Jordi Mallach
&lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;, for the Debian GNU system (but may be
used by others).
<A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A><H2>Index</H2>
<DT><A HREF="#lbAB">NAME</A><DD>
<DT><A HREF="#lbAG">BUGS</A><DD>
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Time: 21:12:05 GMT, July 30, 2002