blob: 478c4602c0cbf6089e1915e0c1b170ba4538bad0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "PerformanceAnalysis"
// #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <new>
#include <audio_utils/roundup.h>
#include <media/nblog/NBLog.h>
#include <media/nblog/PerformanceAnalysis.h>
#include <media/nblog/ReportPerformance.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <queue>
#include <utility>
namespace android {
namespace ReportPerformance {
// Given an audio processing wakeup timestamp, buckets the time interval
// since the previous timestamp into a histogram, searches for
// outliers, analyzes the outlier series for unexpectedly
// small or large values and stores these as peaks
void PerformanceAnalysis::logTsEntry(timestamp ts) {
// after a state change, start a new series and do not
// record time intervals in-between
if (mBufferPeriod.mPrevTs == 0) {
mBufferPeriod.mPrevTs = ts;
// calculate time interval between current and previous timestamp
const msInterval diffMs = static_cast<msInterval>(
deltaMs(mBufferPeriod.mPrevTs, ts));
const int diffJiffy = deltaJiffy(mBufferPeriod.mPrevTs, ts);
// old versus new weight ratio when updating the buffer period mean
static constexpr double exponentialWeight = 0.999;
// update buffer period mean with exponential weighting
mBufferPeriod.mMean = (mBufferPeriod.mMean < 0) ? diffMs :
exponentialWeight * mBufferPeriod.mMean + (1.0 - exponentialWeight) * diffMs;
// set mOutlierFactor to a smaller value for the fastmixer thread
const int kFastMixerMax = 10;
// NormalMixer times vary much more than FastMixer times.
// TODO: mOutlierFactor values are set empirically based on what appears to be
// an outlier. Learn these values from the data.
mBufferPeriod.mOutlierFactor = mBufferPeriod.mMean < kFastMixerMax ? 1.8 : 2.0;
// set outlier threshold
mBufferPeriod.mOutlier = mBufferPeriod.mMean * mBufferPeriod.mOutlierFactor;
// Check whether the time interval between the current timestamp
// and the previous one is long enough to count as an outlier
const bool isOutlier = detectAndStoreOutlier(diffMs);
// If an outlier was found, check whether it was a peak
if (isOutlier) {
/*bool isPeak =*/ detectAndStorePeak(
mOutlierData[0].first, mOutlierData[0].second);
// TODO: decide whether to insert a new empty histogram if a peak
// TODO: remove isPeak if unused to avoid "unused variable" error
// occurred at the current timestamp
// Insert a histogram to mHists if it is empty, or
// close the current histogram and insert a new empty one if
// if the current histogram has spanned its maximum time interval.
if (mHists.empty() ||
deltaMs(mHists[0].first, ts) >= kMaxLength.HistTimespanMs) {
mHists.emplace_front(ts, std::map<int, int>());
// When memory is full, delete oldest histogram
// TODO: use a circular buffer
if (mHists.size() >= kMaxLength.Hists) {
// add current time intervals to histogram
// update previous timestamp
mBufferPeriod.mPrevTs = ts;
// forces short-term histogram storage to avoid adding idle audio time interval
// to buffer period data
void PerformanceAnalysis::handleStateChange() {
mBufferPeriod.mPrevTs = 0;
// Checks whether the time interval between two outliers is far enough from
// a typical delta to be considered a peak.
// looks for changes in distribution (peaks), which can be either positive or negative.
// The function sets the mean to the starting value and sigma to 0, and updates
// them as long as no peak is detected. When a value is more than 'threshold'
// standard deviations from the mean, a peak is detected and the mean and sigma
// are set to the peak value and 0.
bool PerformanceAnalysis::detectAndStorePeak(msInterval diff, timestamp ts) {
bool isPeak = false;
if (mOutlierData.empty()) {
return false;
// Update mean of the distribution
// TypicalDiff is used to check whether a value is unusually large
// when we cannot use standard deviations from the mean because the sd is set to 0.
mOutlierDistribution.mTypicalDiff = (mOutlierDistribution.mTypicalDiff *
(mOutlierData.size() - 1) + diff) / mOutlierData.size();
// Initialize short-term mean at start of program
if (mOutlierDistribution.mMean == 0) {
mOutlierDistribution.mMean = diff;
// Update length of current sequence of outliers
// Check whether a large deviation from the mean occurred.
// If the standard deviation has been reset to zero, the comparison is
// instead to the mean of the full mOutlierInterval sequence.
if ((fabs(diff - mOutlierDistribution.mMean) <
mOutlierDistribution.kMaxDeviation * mOutlierDistribution.mSd) ||
(mOutlierDistribution.mSd == 0 &&
fabs(diff - mOutlierDistribution.mMean) <
mOutlierDistribution.mTypicalDiff)) {
// update the mean and sd using online algorithm
// Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Online_algorithm
const double kDelta = diff - mOutlierDistribution.mMean;
mOutlierDistribution.mMean += kDelta / mOutlierDistribution.mN;
const double kDelta2 = diff - mOutlierDistribution.mMean;
mOutlierDistribution.mM2 += kDelta * kDelta2;
mOutlierDistribution.mSd = (mOutlierDistribution.mN < 2) ? 0 :
sqrt(mOutlierDistribution.mM2 / (mOutlierDistribution.mN - 1));
} else {
// new value is far from the mean:
// store peak timestamp and reset mean, sd, and short-term sequence
isPeak = true;
// if mPeaks has reached capacity, delete oldest data
// Note: this means that mOutlierDistribution values do not exactly
// match the data we have in mPeakTimestamps, but this is not an issue
// in practice for estimating future peaks.
// TODO: turn this into a circular buffer
if (mPeakTimestamps.size() >= kMaxLength.Peaks) {
mOutlierDistribution.mMean = 0;
mOutlierDistribution.mSd = 0;
mOutlierDistribution.mN = 0;
mOutlierDistribution.mM2 = 0;
return isPeak;
// Determines whether the difference between a timestamp and the previous
// one is beyond a threshold. If yes, stores the timestamp as an outlier
// and writes to mOutlierdata in the following format:
// Time elapsed since previous outlier: Timestamp of start of outlier
// e.g. timestamps (ms) 1, 4, 5, 16, 18, 28 will produce pairs (4, 5), (13, 18).
// TODO: learn what timestamp sequences correlate with glitches instead of
// manually designing a heuristic.
bool PerformanceAnalysis::detectAndStoreOutlier(const msInterval diffMs) {
bool isOutlier = false;
if (diffMs >= mBufferPeriod.mOutlier) {
isOutlier = true;
mOutlierDistribution.mElapsed, mBufferPeriod.mPrevTs);
// Remove oldest value if the vector is full
// TODO: turn this into a circular buffer
// TODO: make sure kShortHistSize is large enough that that data will never be lost
// before being written to file or to a FIFO
if (mOutlierData.size() >= kMaxLength.Outliers) {
mOutlierDistribution.mElapsed = 0;
mOutlierDistribution.mElapsed += diffMs;
return isOutlier;
static int widthOf(int x) {
int width = 0;
if (x < 0) {
x = x == INT_MIN ? INT_MAX : -x;
// assert (x >= 0)
do {
x /= 10;
} while (x > 0);
return width;
// computes the column width required for a specific histogram value
inline int numberWidth(double number, int leftPadding) {
// Added values account for whitespaces needed around numbers, and for the
// dot and decimal digit not accounted for by widthOf
return std::max(std::max(widthOf(static_cast<int>(number)) + 3, 2), leftPadding + 1);
// rounds value to precision based on log-distance from mean
inline double logRound(double x, double mean) {
// Larger values decrease range of high resolution and prevent overflow
// of a histogram on the console.
// The following formula adjusts kBase based on the buffer period length.
// Different threads have buffer periods ranging from 2 to 40. The
// formula below maps buffer period 2 to kBase = ~1, 4 to ~2, 20 to ~3, 40 to ~4.
// TODO: tighten this for higher means, the data still overflows
const double kBase = log(mean) / log(2.2);
const double power = floor(
log(abs(x - mean) / mean) / log(kBase)) + 2;
// do not round values close to the mean
if (power < 1) {
return x;
const int factor = static_cast<int>(pow(10, power));
return (static_cast<int>(x) * factor) / factor;
// TODO Make it return a std::string instead of modifying body
// TODO: move this to ReportPerformance, probably make it a friend function
// of PerformanceAnalysis
void PerformanceAnalysis::reportPerformance(String8 *body, int author, log_hash_t hash,
int maxHeight) {
if (mHists.empty()) {
// ms of active audio in displayed histogram
double elapsedMs = 0;
// starting timestamp of histogram
timestamp startingTs = mHists[0].first;
// histogram which stores .1 precision ms counts instead of Jiffy multiple counts
std::map<double, int> buckets;
for (const auto &shortHist: mHists) {
for (const auto &countPair : shortHist.second) {
const double ms = static_cast<double>(countPair.first) / kJiffyPerMs;
buckets[logRound(ms, mBufferPeriod.mMean)] += countPair.second;
elapsedMs += ms * countPair.second;
// underscores and spaces length corresponds to maximum width of histogram
static const int kLen = 200;
std::string underscores(kLen, '_');
std::string spaces(kLen, ' ');
auto it = buckets.begin();
double maxDelta = it->first;
int maxCount = it->second;
// Compute maximum values
while (++it != buckets.end()) {
if (it->first > maxDelta) {
maxDelta = it->first;
if (it->second > maxCount) {
maxCount = it->second;
int height = log2(maxCount) + 1; // maxCount > 0, safe to call log2
const int leftPadding = widthOf(1 << height);
const int bucketWidth = numberWidth(maxDelta, leftPadding);
int scalingFactor = 1;
// scale data if it exceeds maximum height
if (height > maxHeight) {
scalingFactor = (height + maxHeight) / maxHeight;
height /= scalingFactor;
body->appendFormat("\n%*s %3.2f %s", leftPadding + 11,
"Occurrences in", (elapsedMs / kMsPerSec), "seconds of audio:");
body->appendFormat("\n%*s%d, %lld, %lld\n", leftPadding + 11,
"Thread, hash, starting timestamp: ", author,
static_cast<long long int>(hash), static_cast<long long int>(startingTs));
// write histogram label line with bucket values
body->appendFormat("\n%s", " ");
body->appendFormat("%*s", leftPadding, " ");
for (auto const &x : buckets) {
const int colWidth = numberWidth(x.first, leftPadding);
body->appendFormat("%*d", colWidth, x.second);
// write histogram ascii art
body->appendFormat("\n%s", " ");
for (int row = height * scalingFactor; row >= 0; row -= scalingFactor) {
const int value = 1 << row;
body->appendFormat("%.*s", leftPadding, spaces.c_str());
for (auto const &x : buckets) {
const int colWidth = numberWidth(x.first, leftPadding);
body->appendFormat("%.*s%s", colWidth - 1,
spaces.c_str(), x.second < value ? " " : "|");
body->appendFormat("\n%s", " ");
// print x-axis
const int columns = static_cast<int>(buckets.size());
body->appendFormat("%*c", leftPadding, ' ');
body->appendFormat("%.*s", (columns + 1) * bucketWidth, underscores.c_str());
body->appendFormat("\n%s", " ");
// write footer with bucket labels
body->appendFormat("%*s", leftPadding, " ");
for (auto const &x : buckets) {
const int colWidth = numberWidth(x.first, leftPadding);
body->appendFormat("%*.*f", colWidth, 1, x.first);
body->appendFormat("%.*s%s", bucketWidth, spaces.c_str(), "ms\n");
// Now report glitches
body->appendFormat("\ntime elapsed between glitches and glitch timestamps:\n");
for (const auto &outlier: mOutlierData) {
body->appendFormat("%lld: %lld\n", static_cast<long long>(outlier.first),
static_cast<long long>(outlier.second));
// writes summary of performance into specified file descriptor
void dump(int fd, int indent, PerformanceAnalysisMap &threadPerformanceAnalysis) {
String8 body;
const char* const kDirectory = "/data/misc/audioserver/";
for (auto & thread : threadPerformanceAnalysis) {
for (auto & hash: thread.second) {
PerformanceAnalysis& curr = hash.second;
// write performance data to console
curr.reportPerformance(&body, thread.first, hash.first);
if (!body.isEmpty()) {
dumpLine(fd, indent, body);
// write to file
writeToFile(curr.mHists, curr.mOutlierData, curr.mPeakTimestamps,
kDirectory, false, thread.first, hash.first);
// Writes a string into specified file descriptor
void dumpLine(int fd, int indent, const String8 &body) {
dprintf(fd, "%.*s%s \n", indent, "", body.string());
} // namespace ReportPerformance
} // namespace android