blob: aa2975a0ca76dc8650d45ef0f71708234ffe74e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Copyright (C) 2012-2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are
* retained for attribution purposes only.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <gralloc_priv.h>
#include <overlay.h>
#include <overlayRotator.h>
#include "hwc_fbupdate.h"
#include "mdp_version.h"
#include <video/msm_hdmi_modes.h>
using namespace qdutils;
using namespace overlay;
using overlay::Rotator;
using namespace overlay::utils;
namespace qhwc {
namespace ovutils = overlay::utils;
IFBUpdate* IFBUpdate::getObject(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy) {
if(qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplit()) {
return new FBSrcSplit(ctx, dpy);
} else if(isDisplaySplit(ctx, dpy)) {
return new FBUpdateSplit(ctx, dpy);
return new FBUpdateNonSplit(ctx, dpy);
IFBUpdate::IFBUpdate(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy) : mDpy(dpy) {
unsigned int size = 0;
uint32_t xres = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres;
uint32_t yres = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yres;
if (ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].fbScaling) {
xres = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xresFB;
yres = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yresFB;
getBufferAttributes((int)xres, (int)yres,
mTileEnabled, size);
void IFBUpdate::reset() {
mModeOn = false;
mRot = NULL;
bool IFBUpdate::prepareAndValidate(hwc_context_t *ctx,
hwc_display_contents_1 *list, int fbZorder) {
hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
mModeOn = prepare(ctx, list, layer->displayFrame, fbZorder) &&
ctx->mOverlay->validateAndSet(mDpy, ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fd);
return mModeOn;
//================= Low res====================================
FBUpdateNonSplit::FBUpdateNonSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy):
IFBUpdate(ctx, dpy) {}
void FBUpdateNonSplit::reset() {
mDest = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
bool FBUpdateNonSplit::preRotateExtDisplay(hwc_context_t *ctx,
hwc_layer_1_t *layer,
ovutils::Whf &info,
hwc_rect_t& sourceCrop,
ovutils::eMdpFlags& mdpFlags,
int& rotFlags)
int extOrient = getExtOrientation(ctx);
ovutils::eTransform orient = static_cast<ovutils::eTransform >(extOrient);
if(mDpy && (extOrient & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90)) {
mRot = ctx->mRotMgr->getNext();
if(mRot == NULL) return false;
ctx->mLayerRotMap[mDpy]->add(layer, mRot);
// Composed FB content will have black bars, if the viewFrame of the
// external is different from {0, 0, fbWidth, fbHeight}, so intersect
// viewFrame with sourceCrop to avoid those black bars
sourceCrop = getIntersection(sourceCrop, ctx->mViewFrame[mDpy]);
//Configure rotator for pre-rotation
if(configRotator(mRot, info, sourceCrop, mdpFlags, orient, 0,
ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].refreshRate) < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: configRotator Failed!", __FUNCTION__);
mRot = NULL;
return false;
updateSource(orient, info, sourceCrop, mRot);
rotFlags |= ovutils::ROT_PREROTATED;
return true;
bool FBUpdateNonSplit::prepare(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
if(!ctx->mMDP.hasOverlay) {
ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_FBUPDATE, "%s, this hw doesnt support overlays",
return false;
mModeOn = configure(ctx, list, fbUpdatingRect, fbZorder);
return mModeOn;
// Configure
bool FBUpdateNonSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
bool ret = false;
hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
if (LIKELY(ctx->mOverlay)) {
overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
int flags = mTileEnabled ?
private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_TILE_RENDERED : 0;
ovutils::Whf info(mAlignedFBWidth, mAlignedFBHeight,
ovutils::getMdpFormat(ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fbformat, flags));
Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
pipeSpecs.formatClass = Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScaling(layer) ||
isActionSafePresent(ctx, mDpy);
pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT;
pipeSpecs.fb = true;
ovutils::eDest dest = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
if(dest == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { //None available
ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d",
__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
return false;
mDest = dest;
if((mDpy && ctx->deviceOrientation) &&
ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating) {
fbZorder = 0;
ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlags = ovutils::OV_MDP_BLEND_FG_PREMULT;
ovutils::eZorder zOrder = static_cast<ovutils::eZorder>(fbZorder);
hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame;
// No FB update optimization on (1) Custom FB resolution,
// (2) External Mirror mode, (3) External orientation
if(!ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fbScaling && !ctx->mBufferMirrorMode
&& !ctx->mExtOrientation) {
sourceCrop = fbUpdatingRect;
displayFrame = fbUpdatingRect;
int transform = layer->transform;
int rotFlags = ovutils::ROT_FLAGS_NONE;
ovutils::eTransform orient =
// use ext orientation if any
int extOrient = getExtOrientation(ctx);
// Do not use getNonWormholeRegion() function to calculate the
// sourceCrop during animation on external display and
// Dont do wormhole calculation when extorientation is set on External
// Dont do wormhole calculation when scaling mode is set on External
if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating && mDpy) {
sourceCrop = layer->displayFrame;
} else if((mDpy && !extOrient
&& !ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mMDPScalingMode)) {
if(ctx->mOverlay->isUIScalingOnExternalSupported() &&
!ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fbScaling) {
getNonWormholeRegion(list, sourceCrop);
displayFrame = sourceCrop;
calcExtDisplayPosition(ctx, NULL, mDpy, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
transform, orient);
//Store the displayFrame, will be used in getDisplayViewFrame
ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mDstRect = displayFrame;
setMdpFlags(ctx, layer, mdpFlags, 0, transform);
// For External use rotator if there is a rotation value set
ret = preRotateExtDisplay(ctx, layer, info,
sourceCrop, mdpFlags, rotFlags);
if(!ret) {
ALOGE("%s: preRotate for external Failed!", __FUNCTION__);
return false;
//For the mdp, since either we are pre-rotating or MDP does flips
orient = ovutils::OVERLAY_TRANSFORM_0;
transform = 0;
ovutils::PipeArgs parg(mdpFlags, info, zOrder,
ret = true;
if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, parg, orient, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
NULL, mDest) < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: configMdp failed for dpy %d", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
ret = false;
return ret;
bool FBUpdateNonSplit::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, private_handle_t *hnd)
if(!mModeOn) {
return true;
bool ret = true;
overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
ovutils::eDest dest = mDest;
int fd = hnd->fd;
uint32_t offset = (uint32_t)hnd->offset;
if(mRot) {
if(!mRot->queueBuffer(fd, offset))
return false;
fd = mRot->getDstMemId();
offset = mRot->getDstOffset();
if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, dest)) {
ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for FBUpdate", __FUNCTION__);
ret = false;
return ret;
//================= High res====================================
FBUpdateSplit::FBUpdateSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy):
IFBUpdate(ctx, dpy) {}
void FBUpdateSplit::reset() {
mDestLeft = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
mDestRight = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
mRot = NULL;
bool FBUpdateSplit::prepare(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
if(!ctx->mMDP.hasOverlay) {
ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_FBUPDATE, "%s, this hw doesnt support overlays",
return false;
mModeOn = configure(ctx, list, fbUpdatingRect, fbZorder);
ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_FBUPDATE, "%s, mModeOn = %d", __FUNCTION__, mModeOn);
return mModeOn;
// Configure
bool FBUpdateSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx,
hwc_display_contents_1 *list, hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
bool ret = false;
hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
if (LIKELY(ctx->mOverlay)) {
int flags = mTileEnabled ?
private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_TILE_RENDERED : 0;
ovutils::Whf info(mAlignedFBWidth, mAlignedFBHeight,
ovutils::getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, flags));
overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlags = ovutils::OV_MDP_BLEND_FG_PREMULT;
ovutils::eZorder zOrder = static_cast<ovutils::eZorder>(fbZorder);
ovutils::eTransform orient =
const int hw_w = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres;
const int hw_h = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yres;
const int lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
mDestLeft = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
mDestRight = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame;
// No FB update optimization on (1) Custom FB resolution,
// (2) External Mirror mode, (3) External orientation
if(!ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fbScaling && !ctx->mBufferMirrorMode
&& !ctx->mExtOrientation) {
sourceCrop = fbUpdatingRect;
displayFrame = fbUpdatingRect;
int transform = layer->transform;
// use ext orientation if any
int extOrient = getExtOrientation(ctx);
// Do not use getNonWormholeRegion() function to calculate the
// sourceCrop during animation on external display and
// Dont do wormhole calculation when extorientation is set on External
// Dont do wormhole calculation when scaling mode is set on External
if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating && mDpy) {
sourceCrop = layer->displayFrame;
} else if((mDpy && !extOrient
&& !ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mMDPScalingMode)) {
if(!qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
!ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fbScaling) {
getNonWormholeRegion(list, sourceCrop);
displayFrame = sourceCrop;
calcExtDisplayPosition(ctx, NULL, mDpy, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
transform, orient);
ret = true;
Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
pipeSpecs.formatClass = Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
pipeSpecs.needsScaling = qhwc::needsScaling(layer);
pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
pipeSpecs.fb = true;
/* Configure left pipe */
if(displayFrame.left < lSplit) {
pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_LEFT;
ovutils::eDest destL = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
if(destL == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { //None available
ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d's left"
" mixer", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
return false;
mDestLeft = destL;
//XXX: FB layer plane alpha is currently sent as zero from
ovutils::PipeArgs pargL(mdpFlags,
hwc_rect_t cropL = sourceCrop;
hwc_rect_t dstL = displayFrame;
hwc_rect_t scissorL = {0, 0, lSplit, hw_h };
qhwc::calculate_crop_rects(cropL, dstL, scissorL, 0);
if (configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, pargL, orient, cropL,
dstL, NULL, destL)< 0) {
ALOGE("%s: configMdp fails for left FB", __FUNCTION__);
ret = false;
/* Configure right pipe */
if(displayFrame.right > lSplit) {
pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_RIGHT;
ovutils::eDest destR = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
if(destR == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { //None available
ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d's"
" right mixer", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
return false;
mDestRight = destR;
ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlagsR = mdpFlags;
ovutils::setMdpFlags(mdpFlagsR, ovutils::OV_MDSS_MDP_RIGHT_MIXER);
//XXX: FB layer plane alpha is currently sent as zero from
ovutils::PipeArgs pargR(mdpFlagsR,
hwc_rect_t cropR = sourceCrop;
hwc_rect_t dstR = displayFrame;
hwc_rect_t scissorR = {lSplit, 0, hw_w, hw_h };
qhwc::calculate_crop_rects(cropR, dstR, scissorR, 0);
dstR.left -= lSplit;
dstR.right -= lSplit;
if (configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, pargR, orient, cropR,
dstR, NULL, destR) < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: configMdp fails for right FB", __FUNCTION__);
ret = false;
return ret;
bool FBUpdateSplit::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, private_handle_t *hnd)
if(!mModeOn) {
return true;
bool ret = true;
overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
if(mDestLeft != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
if (!ov.queueBuffer(hnd->fd, (uint32_t)hnd->offset, mDestLeft)) {
ALOGE("%s: queue failed for left of dpy = %d",
__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
ret = false;
if(mDestRight != ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
if (!ov.queueBuffer(hnd->fd, (uint32_t)hnd->offset, mDestRight)) {
ALOGE("%s: queue failed for right of dpy = %d",
__FUNCTION__, mDpy);
ret = false;
return ret;
FBSrcSplit::FBSrcSplit(hwc_context_t *ctx, const int& dpy):
FBUpdateSplit(ctx, dpy) {}
bool FBSrcSplit::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1 *list,
hwc_rect_t fbUpdatingRect, int fbZorder) {
hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[list->numHwLayers - 1];
overlay::Overlay& ov = *(ctx->mOverlay);
int flags = mTileEnabled ? private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_TILE_RENDERED : 0;
ovutils::Whf info(mAlignedFBWidth,
ovutils::getMdpFormat(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, flags));
ovutils::eMdpFlags mdpFlags = OV_MDP_BLEND_FG_PREMULT;
ovutils::eZorder zOrder = static_cast<ovutils::eZorder>(fbZorder);
ovutils::PipeArgs parg(mdpFlags,
hwc_rect_t sourceCrop = integerizeSourceCrop(layer->sourceCropf);
hwc_rect_t displayFrame = layer->displayFrame;
// No FB update optimization on (1) Custom FB resolution,
// (2) External Mirror mode, (3) External orientation
if(!ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fbScaling && !ctx->mBufferMirrorMode
&& !ctx->mExtOrientation) {
sourceCrop = fbUpdatingRect;
displayFrame = fbUpdatingRect;
int transform = layer->transform;
ovutils::eTransform orient =
// use ext orientation if any
int extOrient = getExtOrientation(ctx);
// Do not use getNonWormholeRegion() function to calculate the
// sourceCrop during animation on external display and
// Dont do wormhole calculation when extorientation is set on External
// Dont do wormhole calculation when scaling mode is set on External
if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].isDisplayAnimating && mDpy) {
sourceCrop = layer->displayFrame;
} else if((mDpy && !extOrient
&& !ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].mMDPScalingMode)) {
if(!qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26() &&
!ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].fbScaling) {
getNonWormholeRegion(list, sourceCrop);
displayFrame = sourceCrop;
calcExtDisplayPosition(ctx, NULL, mDpy, sourceCrop, displayFrame,
transform, orient);
hwc_rect_t cropL = sourceCrop;
hwc_rect_t cropR = sourceCrop;
hwc_rect_t dstL = displayFrame;
hwc_rect_t dstR = displayFrame;
if(ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].s3dMode == HDMI_S3D_SIDE_BY_SIDE) {
dstL.left = displayFrame.left/2;
dstL.right = displayFrame.right/2;
dstR.left = mAlignedFBWidth/2 + displayFrame.left/2;
dstR.right = mAlignedFBWidth/2 + displayFrame.right/2;
} else if(ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].s3dMode == HDMI_S3D_TOP_AND_BOTTOM) { =;
dstL.bottom = displayFrame.bottom/2; = mAlignedFBHeight/2 +;
dstR.bottom = mAlignedFBHeight/2 + displayFrame.bottom/2;
//Request left pipe (or 1 by default)
Overlay::PipeSpecs pipeSpecs;
pipeSpecs.formatClass = Overlay::FORMAT_RGB;
pipeSpecs.needsScaling = (qhwc::needsScaling(layer) ||
pipeSpecs.dpy = mDpy;
pipeSpecs.mixer = Overlay::MIXER_DEFAULT;
pipeSpecs.fb = true;
ovutils::eDest destL = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
if(destL == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d's left"
" mixer", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
return false;
ovutils::eDest destR = ovutils::OV_INVALID;
/* Use 2 pipes IF
a) FB's width is > Mixer width or
b) On primary, driver has indicated with caps to split always. This is
based on an empirically derived value of panel height.
c) The composition is 3D
const bool primarySplitAlways = (mDpy == HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY) and
const uint32_t lSplit = getLeftSplit(ctx, mDpy);
const uint32_t cropWidth = sourceCrop.right - sourceCrop.left;
const uint32_t cropHeight = sourceCrop.bottom -;
const uint32_t dstWidth = displayFrame.right - displayFrame.left;
const uint32_t dstHeight = displayFrame.bottom -;
const uint32_t layerClock = getLayerClock(dstWidth, dstHeight, cropHeight);
const uint32_t mixerClock = lSplit;
if((cropWidth > qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getMaxPipeWidth()) or
(primarySplitAlways and
(cropWidth > lSplit or layerClock > mixerClock)) or
needs3DComposition(ctx, mDpy)) {
destR = ov.getPipe(pipeSpecs);
if(destR == ovutils::OV_INVALID) {
ALOGE("%s: No pipes available to configure fb for dpy %d's right"
" mixer", __FUNCTION__, mDpy);
return false;
if(ctx->mOverlay->needsPrioritySwap(destL, destR)) {
qhwc::swap(destL, destR);
//Split crop equally when using 2 pipes
if(!needs3DComposition(ctx, mDpy)) {
cropL.right = (sourceCrop.right + sourceCrop.left) / 2;
cropR.left = cropL.right;
dstL.right = (displayFrame.right + displayFrame.left) / 2;
dstR.left = dstL.right;
mDestLeft = destL;
mDestRight = destR;
if(destL != OV_INVALID) {
if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, parg, orient,
cropL, dstL, NULL /*metadata*/, destL) < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: commit failed for left mixer config", __FUNCTION__);
return false;
// XXX: Figure out why we need this with source split
// Currently, the driver silently fails to configure the right pipe
// if we don't increment the zorder
if (needs3DComposition(ctx, mDpy))
parg.zorder = eZorder(parg.zorder + 1);
//configure right pipe
if(destR != OV_INVALID) {
if(configMdp(ctx->mOverlay, parg, orient,
cropR, dstR, NULL /*metadata*/, destR) < 0) {
ALOGE("%s: commit failed for right mixer config", __FUNCTION__);
return false;
return true;
}; //namespace qhwc