blob: a57cd7870a7d94db2933f7c6f6949cb81e4cd197 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "update_engine/cros/hardware_chromeos.h"
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <brillo/key_value_store.h>
#include <debugd/dbus-constants.h>
#include <vboot/crossystem.h>
extern "C" {
#include "vboot/vboot_host.h"
#include "update_engine/common/constants.h"
#include "update_engine/common/hardware.h"
#include "update_engine/common/hwid_override.h"
#include "update_engine/common/platform_constants.h"
#include "update_engine/common/subprocess.h"
#include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
#include "update_engine/cros/dbus_connection.h"
#include "update_engine/cros/requisition_util.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace {
const char kOOBECompletedMarker[] = "/home/chronos/.oobe_completed";
// The stateful directory used by update_engine to store powerwash-safe files.
// The files stored here must be added to the powerwash script allowlist.
const char kPowerwashSafeDirectory[] =
// The powerwash_count marker file contains the number of times the device was
// powerwashed. This value is incremented by the clobber-state script when
// a powerwash is performed.
const char kPowerwashCountMarker[] = "powerwash_count";
// The name of the marker file used to trigger powerwash when post-install
// completes successfully so that the device is powerwashed on next reboot.
const char kPowerwashMarkerFile[] =
// The name of the marker file used to trigger a save of rollback data
// during the next shutdown.
const char kRollbackSaveMarkerFile[] =
// The contents of the powerwash marker file for the non-rollback case.
const char kPowerwashCommand[] = "safe fast keepimg reason=update_engine\n";
// The contents of the powerwas marker file for the rollback case.
const char kRollbackPowerwashCommand[] =
"safe fast keepimg rollback reason=update_engine\n";
// UpdateManager config path.
const char* kConfigFilePath = "/etc/update_manager.conf";
// UpdateManager config options:
const char* kConfigOptsIsOOBEEnabled = "is_oobe_enabled";
const char* kActivePingKey = "first_active_omaha_ping_sent";
} // namespace
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
namespace hardware {
// Factory defined in hardware.h.
std::unique_ptr<HardwareInterface> CreateHardware() {
std::unique_ptr<HardwareChromeOS> hardware(new HardwareChromeOS());
return std::move(hardware);
} // namespace hardware
void HardwareChromeOS::Init() {
LoadConfig("" /* root_prefix */, IsNormalBootMode());
new org::chromium::debugdProxy(DBusConnection::Get()->GetDBus()));
bool HardwareChromeOS::IsOfficialBuild() const {
return VbGetSystemPropertyInt("debug_build") == 0;
bool HardwareChromeOS::IsNormalBootMode() const {
bool dev_mode = VbGetSystemPropertyInt("devsw_boot") != 0;
return !dev_mode;
bool HardwareChromeOS::AreDevFeaturesEnabled() const {
// Even though the debugd tools are also gated on devmode, checking here can
// save us a D-Bus call so it's worth doing explicitly.
if (IsNormalBootMode())
return false;
int32_t dev_features = debugd::DEV_FEATURES_DISABLED;
brillo::ErrorPtr error;
// Some boards may not include debugd so it's expected that this may fail,
// in which case we treat it as disabled.
if (debugd_proxy_ && debugd_proxy_->QueryDevFeatures(&dev_features, &error) &&
!(dev_features & debugd::DEV_FEATURES_DISABLED)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Debugd dev tools enabled.";
return true;
return false;
bool HardwareChromeOS::IsOOBEEnabled() const {
return is_oobe_enabled_;
bool HardwareChromeOS::IsOOBEComplete(base::Time* out_time_of_oobe) const {
if (!is_oobe_enabled_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "OOBE is not enabled but IsOOBEComplete() was called";
struct stat statbuf;
if (stat(kOOBECompletedMarker, &statbuf) != 0) {
if (errno != ENOENT) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Error getting information about " << kOOBECompletedMarker;
return false;
if (out_time_of_oobe != nullptr)
*out_time_of_oobe = base::Time::FromTimeT(statbuf.st_mtime);
return true;
static string ReadValueFromCrosSystem(const string& key) {
char value_buffer[VB_MAX_STRING_PROPERTY];
const char* rv = VbGetSystemPropertyString(
key.c_str(), value_buffer, sizeof(value_buffer));
if (rv != nullptr) {
string return_value(value_buffer);
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(return_value, base::TRIM_ALL, &return_value);
return return_value;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read crossystem key " << key;
return "";
string HardwareChromeOS::GetHardwareClass() const {
return HwidOverride::Read(base::FilePath("/"));
return ReadValueFromCrosSystem("hwid");
string HardwareChromeOS::GetDeviceRequisition() const {
const char* kLocalStatePath = "/home/chronos/Local State";
return ReadDeviceRequisition(base::FilePath(kLocalStatePath));
return "";
int HardwareChromeOS::GetMinKernelKeyVersion() const {
return VbGetSystemPropertyInt("tpm_kernver");
int HardwareChromeOS::GetMaxFirmwareKeyRollforward() const {
return VbGetSystemPropertyInt("firmware_max_rollforward");
bool HardwareChromeOS::SetMaxFirmwareKeyRollforward(
int firmware_max_rollforward) {
// Not all devices have this field yet. So first try to read
// it and if there is an error just fail.
if (GetMaxFirmwareKeyRollforward() == -1)
return false;
return VbSetSystemPropertyInt("firmware_max_rollforward",
firmware_max_rollforward) == 0;
int HardwareChromeOS::GetMinFirmwareKeyVersion() const {
return VbGetSystemPropertyInt("tpm_fwver");
bool HardwareChromeOS::SetMaxKernelKeyRollforward(int kernel_max_rollforward) {
return VbSetSystemPropertyInt("kernel_max_rollforward",
kernel_max_rollforward) == 0;
int HardwareChromeOS::GetPowerwashCount() const {
int powerwash_count;
base::FilePath marker_path =
string contents;
if (!utils::ReadFile(marker_path.value(), &contents))
return -1;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(contents, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &contents);
if (!base::StringToInt(contents, &powerwash_count))
return -1;
return powerwash_count;
bool HardwareChromeOS::SchedulePowerwash(bool save_rollback_data) {
if (save_rollback_data) {
if (!utils::WriteFile(kRollbackSaveMarkerFile, nullptr, 0)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Error in creating rollback save marker file: "
<< kRollbackSaveMarkerFile << ". Rollback will not"
<< " preserve any data.";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Rollback data save has been scheduled on next shutdown.";
const char* powerwash_command =
save_rollback_data ? kRollbackPowerwashCommand : kPowerwashCommand;
bool result = utils::WriteFile(
kPowerwashMarkerFile, powerwash_command, strlen(powerwash_command));
if (result) {
LOG(INFO) << "Created " << kPowerwashMarkerFile
<< " to powerwash on next reboot ("
<< "save_rollback_data=" << save_rollback_data << ")";
} else {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Error in creating powerwash marker file: "
<< kPowerwashMarkerFile;
return result;
bool HardwareChromeOS::CancelPowerwash() {
bool result = base::DeleteFile(base::FilePath(kPowerwashMarkerFile));
if (result) {
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully deleted the powerwash marker file : "
<< kPowerwashMarkerFile;
} else {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not delete the powerwash marker file : "
<< kPowerwashMarkerFile;
// Delete the rollback save marker file if it existed.
if (!base::DeleteFile(base::FilePath(kRollbackSaveMarkerFile))) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not remove rollback save marker";
return result;
bool HardwareChromeOS::GetNonVolatileDirectory(base::FilePath* path) const {
*path = base::FilePath(constants::kNonVolatileDirectory);
return true;
bool HardwareChromeOS::GetPowerwashSafeDirectory(base::FilePath* path) const {
*path = base::FilePath(kPowerwashSafeDirectory);
return true;
int64_t HardwareChromeOS::GetBuildTimestamp() const {
// TODO(senj): implement this in Chrome OS.
return 0;
void HardwareChromeOS::LoadConfig(const string& root_prefix, bool normal_mode) {
brillo::KeyValueStore store;
if (normal_mode) {
store.Load(base::FilePath(root_prefix + kConfigFilePath));
} else {
if (store.Load(base::FilePath(root_prefix + kStatefulPartition +
kConfigFilePath))) {
LOG(INFO) << "UpdateManager Config loaded from stateful partition.";
} else {
store.Load(base::FilePath(root_prefix + kConfigFilePath));
if (!store.GetBoolean(kConfigOptsIsOOBEEnabled, &is_oobe_enabled_))
is_oobe_enabled_ = true; // Default value.
bool HardwareChromeOS::GetFirstActiveOmahaPingSent() const {
string active_ping_str;
if (!utils::GetVpdValue(kActivePingKey, &active_ping_str)) {
return false;
int active_ping;
if (active_ping_str.empty() ||
!base::StringToInt(active_ping_str, &active_ping)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to parse active_ping value: " << active_ping_str;
return false;
return static_cast<bool>(active_ping);
bool HardwareChromeOS::SetFirstActiveOmahaPingSent() {
int exit_code = 0;
string output, error;
vector<string> vpd_set_cmd = {
"vpd", "-i", "RW_VPD", "-s", string(kActivePingKey) + "=1"};
if (!Subprocess::SynchronousExec(vpd_set_cmd, &exit_code, &output, &error) ||
exit_code) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set vpd key for " << kActivePingKey
<< " with exit code: " << exit_code << " with output: " << output
<< " and error: " << error;
return false;
} else if (!error.empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "vpd succeeded but with error logs: " << error;
vector<string> vpd_dump_cmd = {"dump_vpd_log", "--force"};
if (!Subprocess::SynchronousExec(vpd_dump_cmd, &exit_code, &output, &error) ||
exit_code) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to cache " << kActivePingKey << " using dump_vpd_log"
<< " with exit code: " << exit_code << " with output: " << output
<< " and error: " << error;
return false;
} else if (!error.empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "dump_vpd_log succeeded but with error logs: " << error;
return true;
void HardwareChromeOS::SetWarmReset(bool warm_reset) {}
void HardwareChromeOS::SetVbmetaDigestForInactiveSlot(bool reset) {}
std::string HardwareChromeOS::GetVersionForLogging(
const std::string& partition_name) const {
// TODO(zhangkelvin) Implement per-partition timestamp for Chrome OS.
return "";
ErrorCode HardwareChromeOS::IsPartitionUpdateValid(
const std::string& partition_name, const std::string& new_version) const {
// TODO(zhangkelvin) Implement per-partition timestamp for Chrome OS.
return ErrorCode::kSuccess;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine