blob: 3b7b1a67305b8ff53e15fe89df6c3d9e9403a7ac [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Applying a Chrome OS update payload.
This module is used internally by the main Payload class for applying an update
payload. The interface for invoking the applier is as follows:
applier = PayloadApplier(payload)
import array
import bz2
import hashlib
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import common
from error import PayloadError
# Helper functions.
def _VerifySha256(file_obj, expected_hash, name, length=-1):
"""Verifies the SHA256 hash of a file.
file_obj: file object to read
expected_hash: the hash digest we expect to be getting
name: name string of this hash, for error reporting
length: precise length of data to verify (optional)
PayloadError if computed hash doesn't match expected one, or if fails to
read the specified length of data.
# pylint: disable=E1101
hasher = hashlib.sha256()
block_length = 1024 * 1024
max_length = length if length >= 0 else sys.maxint
while max_length > 0:
read_length = min(max_length, block_length)
data =
if not data:
max_length -= len(data)
if length >= 0 and max_length > 0:
raise PayloadError(
'insufficient data (%d instead of %d) when verifying %s' %
(length - max_length, length, name))
actual_hash = hasher.digest()
if actual_hash != expected_hash:
raise PayloadError('%s hash (%s) not as expected (%s)' %
(name, actual_hash.encode('hex'),
def _ReadExtents(file_obj, extents, block_size, max_length=-1):
"""Reads data from file as defined by extent sequence.
This tries to be efficient by not copying data as it is read in chunks.
file_obj: file object
extents: sequence of block extents (offset and length)
block_size: size of each block
max_length: maximum length to read (optional)
A character array containing the concatenated read data.
data = array.array('c')
for ex in extents:
if max_length == 0:
break * block_size)
read_length = ex.num_blocks * block_size
if max_length > 0:
read_length = min(max_length, read_length)
max_length -= read_length
data.fromfile(file_obj, read_length)
return data
def _WriteExtents(file_obj, data, extents, block_size, base_name):
"""Write data to file as defined by extent sequence.
This tries to be efficient by not copy data as it is written in chunks.
file_obj: file object
data: data to write
extents: sequence of block extents (offset and length)
block_size: size of each block
base_name: name string of extent block for error reporting
PayloadError when things don't add up.
data_offset = 0
data_length = len(data)
for ex, ex_name in common.ExtentIter(extents, base_name):
if data_offset == data_length:
raise PayloadError('%s: more write extents than data' % ex_name)
write_length = min(data_length - data_offset, ex.num_blocks * block_size) * block_size)
data_view = buffer(data, data_offset, write_length)
data_offset += write_length
if data_offset < data_length:
raise PayloadError('%s: more data than write extents' % base_name)
# Payload application.
class PayloadApplier(object):
"""Applying an update payload.
This is a short-lived object whose purpose is to isolate the logic used for
applying an update payload.
def __init__(self, payload):
assert payload.is_init, 'uninitialized update payload'
self.payload = payload
self.block_size = payload.manifest.block_size
def _ApplyReplaceOperation(self, op, op_name, out_data, part_file, part_size):
"""Applies a REPLACE{,_BZ} operation.
op: the operation object
op_name: name string for error reporting
out_data: the data to be written
part_file: the partition file object
part_size: the size of the partition
PayloadError if something goes wrong.
block_size = self.block_size
data_length = len(out_data)
# Decompress data if needed.
if op.type == common.OpType.REPLACE_BZ:
out_data = bz2.decompress(out_data)
data_length = len(out_data)
# Write data to blocks specified in dst extents.
data_start = 0
for ex, ex_name in common.ExtentIter(op.dst_extents,
'%s.dst_extents' % op_name):
start_block = ex.start_block
num_blocks = ex.num_blocks
count = num_blocks * block_size
# Make sure it's not a fake (signature) operation.
if start_block != common.PSEUDO_EXTENT_MARKER:
data_end = data_start + count
# Make sure we're not running past partition boundary.
if (start_block + num_blocks) * block_size > part_size:
raise PayloadError(
'%s: extent (%s) exceeds partition size (%d)' %
(ex_name, common.FormatExtent(ex, block_size),
# Make sure that we have enough data to write.
if data_end >= data_length + block_size:
raise PayloadError(
'%s: more dst blocks than data (even with padding)')
# Pad with zeros if necessary.
if data_end > data_length:
padding = data_end - data_length
out_data += '\0' * padding * block_size) * block_size)
data_start += count
# Make sure we wrote all data.
if data_start < data_length:
raise PayloadError('%s: wrote fewer bytes (%d) than expected (%d)' %
(op_name, data_start, data_length))
def _ApplyMoveOperation(self, op, op_name, part_file):
"""Applies a MOVE operation.
op: the operation object
op_name: name string for error reporting
part_file: the partition file object
PayloadError if something goes wrong.
block_size = self.block_size
# Gather input raw data from src extents.
in_data = _ReadExtents(part_file, op.src_extents, block_size)
# Dump extracted data to dst extents.
_WriteExtents(part_file, in_data, op.dst_extents, block_size,
'%s.dst_extents' % op_name)
def _ApplyBsdiffOperation(self, op, op_name, patch_data, part_file):
"""Applies a BSDIFF operation.
op: the operation object
op_name: name string for error reporting
patch_data: the binary patch content
part_file: the partition file object
PayloadError if something goes wrong.
block_size = self.block_size
# Gather input raw data and write to a temp file.
in_data = _ReadExtents(part_file, op.src_extents, block_size,
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as in_file:
in_file_name =
# Dump patch data to file.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as patch_file:
patch_file_name =
# Allocate tepmorary output file.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as out_file:
out_file_name =
# Invoke bspatch.
bspatch_cmd = ['bspatch', in_file_name, out_file_name, patch_file_name]
# Read output.
with open(out_file_name, 'rb') as out_file:
out_data =
if len(out_data) != op.dst_length:
raise PayloadError(
'%s: actual patched data length (%d) not as expected (%d)' %
(op_name, len(out_data), op.dst_length))
# Write output back to partition, with padding.
unaligned_out_len = len(out_data) % block_size
if unaligned_out_len:
out_data += '\0' * (block_size - unaligned_out_len)
_WriteExtents(part_file, out_data, op.dst_extents, block_size,
'%s.dst_extents' % op_name)
# Delete all temporary files.
def _ApplyOperations(self, operations, base_name, part_file, part_size):
"""Applies a sequence of update operations to a partition.
This assumes an in-place update semantics, namely all reads are performed
first, then the data is processed and written back to the same file.
operations: the sequence of operations
base_name: the name of the operation sequence
part_file: the partition file object, open for reading/writing
part_size: the partition size
PayloadError if anything goes wrong while processing the payload.
for op, op_name in common.OperationIter(operations, base_name):
# Read data blob.
data = self.payload.ReadDataBlob(op.data_offset, op.data_length)
if op.type in (common.OpType.REPLACE, common.OpType.REPLACE_BZ):
self._ApplyReplaceOperation(op, op_name, data, part_file, part_size)
elif op.type == common.OpType.MOVE:
self._ApplyMoveOperation(op, op_name, part_file)
elif op.type == common.OpType.BSDIFF:
self._ApplyBsdiffOperation(op, op_name, data, part_file)
raise PayloadError('%s: unknown operation type (%d)' %
(op_name, op.type))
def _ApplyToPartition(self, operations, part_name, base_name,
dst_part_file_name, dst_part_info,
src_part_file_name=None, src_part_info=None):
"""Applies an update to a partition.
operations: the sequence of update operations to apply
part_name: the name of the partition, for error reporting
base_name: the name of the operation sequence
dst_part_file_name: file name to write partition data to
dst_part_info: size and expected hash of dest partition
src_part_file_name: file name of source partition (optional)
src_part_info: size and expected hash of source partition (optional)
PayloadError if anything goes wrong with the update.
# Do we have a source partition?
if src_part_file_name:
# Verify the source partition.
with open(src_part_file_name, 'rb') as src_part_file:
_VerifySha256(src_part_file, src_part_info.hash, part_name,
# Copy the src partition to the dst one.
shutil.copyfile(src_part_file_name, dst_part_file_name)
# Preallocate the dst partition file.
['fallocate', '-l', str(dst_part_info.size), dst_part_file_name])
# Apply operations.
with open(dst_part_file_name, 'r+b') as dst_part_file:
self._ApplyOperations(operations, base_name, dst_part_file,
# Verify the resulting partition.
with open(dst_part_file_name, 'rb') as dst_part_file:
_VerifySha256(dst_part_file, dst_part_info.hash, part_name,
def Run(self, dst_kernel_part, dst_rootfs_part, src_kernel_part=None,
"""Applier entry point, invoking all update operations.
dst_kernel_part: name of dest kernel partition file
dst_rootfs_part: name of dest rootfs partition file
src_kernel_part: name of source kernel partition file (optional)
src_rootfs_part: name of source rootfs partition file (optional)
PayloadError if payload application failed.
# Make sure the arguments are sane and match the payload.
if not (dst_kernel_part and dst_rootfs_part):
raise PayloadError('missing dst {kernel,rootfs} partitions')
if not (src_kernel_part or src_rootfs_part):
if not self.payload.IsFull():
raise PayloadError('trying to apply a non-full update without src '
'{kernel,rootfs} partitions')
elif src_kernel_part and src_rootfs_part:
if not self.payload.IsDelta():
raise PayloadError('trying to apply a non-delta update onto src '
'{kernel,rootfs} partitions')
raise PayloadError('not all src partitions provided')
# Apply update to rootfs.
self.payload.manifest.install_operations, 'rootfs',
'install_operations', dst_rootfs_part,
self.payload.manifest.new_rootfs_info, src_rootfs_part,
# Apply update to kernel update.
self.payload.manifest.kernel_install_operations, 'kernel',
'kernel_install_operations', dst_kernel_part,
self.payload.manifest.new_kernel_info, src_kernel_part,