blob: 248ba9b73c28ea20a2ce19db0114f9fc36d0af1c [file] [log] [blame]
### 6.0.0-alpha2
* Common: Added battery percentage display.
* Common: Added OpenVPN support.
* Common: Updated Japanese translations.
* Common: Added option for 270, 360 rotation.
* Common: Added option to enable WebView reflow immediately after pinch to zoom.
* Common: Added additional settings for Passion RIL to build.
* Common: Added settings for configruable number of recent applications and custom home key binding.
* Common: Added incognito browser window from optedoblivion.
* Common: Upgraded to Superuser 2.2.
* Common: 'System Updates' setting option hidden.
* Common: Added invisible lock pattern option.
* D/S: Opencore build tweaks to prevent the need for a separate D/S branch.
* Heroes: Added light sensor support.
* N1: Bumped to FRF91.