| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| # Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The CyanogenMod Project |
| # (C) 2017, The LineageOS Project |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| from __future__ import print_function |
| |
| import base64 |
| import json |
| import netrc |
| import os |
| import re |
| import sys |
| try: |
| # For python3 |
| import urllib.error |
| import urllib.parse |
| import urllib.request |
| except ImportError: |
| # For python2 |
| import imp |
| import urllib2 |
| import urlparse |
| urllib = imp.new_module('urllib') |
| urllib.error = urllib2 |
| urllib.parse = urlparse |
| urllib.request = urllib2 |
| |
| from xml.etree import ElementTree |
| |
| product = sys.argv[1] |
| |
| if len(sys.argv) > 2: |
| depsonly = sys.argv[2] |
| else: |
| depsonly = None |
| |
| try: |
| device = product[product.index("_") + 1:] |
| except: |
| device = product |
| |
| if not depsonly: |
| print("Device %s not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from BlissRoms-Devices GitHub (http://github.com/BlissRoms-Devices)." % device) |
| |
| repositories = [] |
| |
| try: |
| authtuple = netrc.netrc().authenticators("api.github.com") |
| |
| if authtuple: |
| auth_string = ('%s:%s' % (authtuple[0], authtuple[2])).encode() |
| githubauth = base64.encodestring(auth_string).decode().replace('\n', '') |
| else: |
| githubauth = None |
| except: |
| githubauth = None |
| |
| def add_auth(githubreq): |
| if githubauth: |
| githubreq.add_header("Authorization","Basic %s" % githubauth) |
| |
| if not depsonly: |
| githubreq = urllib.request.Request("https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=%s+user:BlissRoms-Devices+in:name+fork:true" % device) |
| add_auth(githubreq) |
| try: |
| result = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(githubreq).read().decode()) |
| except urllib.error.URLError: |
| print("Failed to search GitHub") |
| sys.exit() |
| except ValueError: |
| print("Failed to parse return data from GitHub") |
| sys.exit() |
| for res in result.get('items', []): |
| repositories.append(res) |
| |
| local_manifests = r'.repo/local_manifests' |
| if not os.path.exists(local_manifests): os.makedirs(local_manifests) |
| |
| def exists_in_tree(lm, path): |
| for child in lm.getchildren(): |
| if child.attrib['path'] == path: |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| # in-place prettyprint formatter |
| def indent(elem, level=0): |
| i = "\n" + level*" " |
| if len(elem): |
| if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): |
| elem.text = i + " " |
| if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): |
| elem.tail = i |
| for elem in elem: |
| indent(elem, level+1) |
| if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): |
| elem.tail = i |
| else: |
| if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): |
| elem.tail = i |
| |
| def get_manifest_path(): |
| '''Find the current manifest path |
| In old versions of repo this is at .repo/manifest.xml |
| In new versions, .repo/manifest.xml includes an include |
| to some arbitrary file in .repo/manifests''' |
| |
| m = ElementTree.parse(".repo/manifest.xml") |
| try: |
| m.findall('default')[0] |
| return '.repo/manifest.xml' |
| except IndexError: |
| return ".repo/manifests/{}".format(m.find("include").get("name")) |
| |
| def get_default_revision(): |
| #m = ElementTree.parse(get_manifest_path()) |
| #d = m.findall('default')[0] |
| #r = d.get('revision') |
| #return r.replace('refs/heads/', '').replace('refs/tags/', '') |
| # Return q branch for now (workaround) |
| return "q" |
| |
| def get_from_manifest(devicename): |
| try: |
| lm = ElementTree.parse(".repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml") |
| lm = lm.getroot() |
| except: |
| lm = ElementTree.Element("manifest") |
| |
| for localpath in lm.findall("project"): |
| if re.search("android_device_.*_%s$" % device, localpath.get("name")): |
| return localpath.get("path") |
| |
| return None |
| |
| def project_is_removed_device(projectpath): |
| try: |
| lm = ElementTree.parse(".repo/manifests/bliss.xml") |
| lm = lm.getroot() |
| except: |
| lm = ElementTree.Element("manifest") |
| for localpath in lm.findall("remove-project"): |
| if localpath.get("name") == projectpath: |
| print("Warning: project was removed from AOSP manifest") |
| return True |
| |
| |
| def is_in_manifest(projectpath): |
| try: |
| lm = ElementTree.parse(".repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml") |
| lm = lm.getroot() |
| except: |
| lm = ElementTree.Element("manifest") |
| |
| for localpath in lm.findall("project"): |
| if localpath.get("path") == projectpath: |
| return True |
| |
| # Search in main manifest, too |
| try: |
| lm = ElementTree.parse(get_manifest_path()) |
| lm = lm.getroot() |
| except: |
| lm = ElementTree.Element("manifest") |
| |
| for localpath in lm.findall("project"): |
| if localpath.get("path") == projectpath: |
| # Detect whether proejctpath is a device or not |
| if project_is_removed_device(projectpath): |
| return False |
| return True |
| |
| # ... and don't forget the bliss snippet |
| try: |
| lm = ElementTree.parse(".repo/manifests/bliss.xml") |
| lm = lm.getroot() |
| except: |
| lm = ElementTree.Element("manifest") |
| |
| for localpath in lm.findall("project"): |
| if localpath.get("path") == projectpath: |
| return True |
| |
| return False |
| |
| def add_to_manifest(repositories, fallback_branch = None): |
| try: |
| lm = ElementTree.parse(".repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml") |
| lm = lm.getroot() |
| except: |
| lm = ElementTree.Element("manifest") |
| |
| for repository in repositories: |
| repo_name = repository['repository'] |
| repo_target = repository['target_path'] |
| print('Checking if %s is fetched from %s' % (repo_target, repo_name)) |
| if is_in_manifest(repo_target): |
| print('BlissRoms/%s already fetched to %s' % (repo_name, repo_target)) |
| continue |
| |
| print('Adding dependency: %s -> %s' % (repo_name, repo_target)) |
| |
| # Check if repository name contains organization |
| if "/" in repo_name: |
| project = ElementTree.Element("project", attrib = { "path": repo_target, |
| "remote": "github", "name": "%s" % repo_name }) |
| else: |
| project = ElementTree.Element("project", attrib = { "path": repo_target, |
| "remote": "github", "name": "BlissRoms-Devices/%s" % repo_name }) |
| |
| if 'revision' in repository: |
| project.set('revision',repository['revision']) |
| elif fallback_branch: |
| print("Using fallback branch %s for %s" % (fallback_branch, repo_name)) |
| project.set('revision', fallback_branch) |
| else: |
| print("Using default branch for %s" % repo_name) |
| project.set('revision', "q") |
| |
| lm.append(project) |
| |
| indent(lm, 0) |
| raw_xml = ElementTree.tostring(lm).decode() |
| raw_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' + raw_xml |
| |
| f = open('.repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml', 'w') |
| f.write(raw_xml) |
| f.close() |
| |
| def fetch_dependencies(repo_path, fallback_branch = None): |
| print('Looking for dependencies in %s' % repo_path) |
| dependencies_path = repo_path + '/bliss.dependencies' |
| syncable_repos = [] |
| verify_repos = [] |
| |
| if os.path.exists(dependencies_path): |
| dependencies_file = open(dependencies_path, 'r') |
| dependencies = json.loads(dependencies_file.read()) |
| fetch_list = [] |
| |
| for dependency in dependencies: |
| if not is_in_manifest(dependency['target_path']): |
| fetch_list.append(dependency) |
| syncable_repos.append(dependency['target_path']) |
| verify_repos.append(dependency['target_path']) |
| else: |
| verify_repos.append(dependency['target_path']) |
| |
| dependencies_file.close() |
| |
| if len(fetch_list) > 0: |
| print('Adding dependencies to manifest') |
| add_to_manifest(fetch_list, fallback_branch) |
| else: |
| print('%s has no additional dependencies.' % repo_path) |
| |
| if len(syncable_repos) > 0: |
| print('Syncing dependencies') |
| os.system('repo sync --force-sync %s' % ' '.join(syncable_repos)) |
| |
| for deprepo in verify_repos: |
| fetch_dependencies(deprepo) |
| |
| def has_branch(branches, revision): |
| return revision in [branch['name'] for branch in branches] |
| |
| if depsonly: |
| repo_path = get_from_manifest(device) |
| if repo_path: |
| fetch_dependencies(repo_path) |
| else: |
| print("Trying dependencies-only mode on a non-existing device tree?") |
| |
| sys.exit() |
| |
| else: |
| for repository in repositories: |
| repo_name = repository['name'] |
| if re.match(r"^android_device_[^_]*_" + device + "$", repo_name): |
| print("Found repository: %s" % repository['name']) |
| |
| manufacturer = repo_name.replace("android_device_", "").replace("_" + device, "") |
| |
| default_revision = get_default_revision() |
| print("Default revision: %s" % default_revision) |
| print("Checking branch info") |
| githubreq = urllib.request.Request(repository['branches_url'].replace('{/branch}', '')) |
| add_auth(githubreq) |
| result = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(githubreq).read().decode()) |
| |
| |
| ## Try tags, too, since that's what releases use |
| if not has_branch(result, default_revision): |
| githubreq = urllib.request.Request(repository['tags_url'].replace('{/tag}', '')) |
| add_auth(githubreq) |
| result.extend (json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(githubreq).read().decode())) |
| |
| repo_path = "device/%s/%s" % (manufacturer, device) |
| adding = {'repository':repo_name,'target_path':repo_path} |
| |
| fallback_branch = None |
| if not has_branch(result, default_revision): |
| if os.getenv('ROOMSERVICE_BRANCHES'): |
| fallbacks = list(filter(bool, os.getenv('ROOMSERVICE_BRANCHES').split(' '))) |
| for fallback in fallbacks: |
| if has_branch(result, fallback): |
| print("Using fallback branch: %s" % fallback) |
| fallback_branch = fallback |
| break |
| |
| if not fallback_branch: |
| print("Default revision %s not found in %s. Bailing." % (default_revision, repo_name)) |
| print("Branches found:") |
| for branch in [branch['name'] for branch in result]: |
| print(branch) |
| print("Use the ROOMSERVICE_BRANCHES environment variable to specify a list of fallback branches.") |
| sys.exit() |
| |
| add_to_manifest([adding], fallback_branch) |
| |
| print("Syncing repository to retrieve project.") |
| os.system('repo sync --force-sync %s' % repo_path) |
| print("Repository synced!") |
| |
| fetch_dependencies(repo_path, fallback_branch) |
| print("Done") |
| sys.exit() |
| |
| print("Repository for %s not found in the BlissRoms-Devices Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifests/roomservice.xml." % device) |