blob: cfbb8a82f0696f5e90850277839b32dde528d0e9 [file] [log] [blame]
Michael Bestas3952f6c2016-08-26 01:12:08 +03001#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (C) 2013-15 The CyanogenMod Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
19# Run -h for a description of this utility.
22from __future__ import print_function
24import sys
25import json
26import os
27import subprocess
28import re
29import argparse
30import textwrap
31from xml.etree import ElementTree
34 # For python3
35 import urllib.error
36 import urllib.request
37except ImportError:
38 # For python2
39 import imp
40 import urllib2
41 urllib = imp.new_module('urllib')
42 urllib.error = urllib2
43 urllib.request = urllib2
46# Verifies whether pathA is a subdirectory (or the same) as pathB
47def is_subdir(a, b):
48 a = os.path.realpath(a) + '/'
49 b = os.path.realpath(b) + '/'
50 return b == a[:len(b)]
53def fetch_query_via_ssh(remote_url, query):
54 """Given a remote_url and a query, return the list of changes that fit it
55 This function is slightly messy - the ssh api does not return data in the same structure as the HTTP REST API
56 We have to get the data, then transform it to match what we're expecting from the HTTP RESET API"""
57 if remote_url.count(':') == 2:
58 (uri, userhost, port) = remote_url.split(':')
59 userhost = userhost[2:]
60 elif remote_url.count(':') == 1:
61 (uri, userhost) = remote_url.split(':')
62 userhost = userhost[2:]
63 port = 29418
64 else:
65 raise Exception('Malformed URI: Expecting ssh://[user@]host[:port]')
68 out = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', '-x', '-p{0}'.format(port), userhost, 'gerrit', 'query', '--format=JSON --patch-sets --current-patch-set', query])
69 if not hasattr(out, 'encode'):
70 out = out.decode()
71 reviews = []
72 for line in out.split('\n'):
73 try:
74 data = json.loads(line)
75 # make our data look like the http rest api data
76 review = {
77 'branch': data['branch'],
78 'change_id': data['id'],
79 'current_revision': data['currentPatchSet']['revision'],
80 'number': int(data['number']),
81 'revisions': {patch_set['revision']: {
82 'number': int(patch_set['number']),
83 'fetch': {
84 'ssh': {
85 'ref': patch_set['ref'],
86 'url': 'ssh://{0}:{1}/{2}'.format(userhost, port, data['project'])
87 }
88 }
89 } for patch_set in data['patchSets']},
90 'subject': data['subject'],
91 'project': data['project'],
92 'status': data['status']
93 }
94 reviews.append(review)
95 except:
96 pass
97 args.quiet or print('Found {0} reviews'.format(len(reviews)))
98 return reviews
101def fetch_query_via_http(remote_url, query):
103 """Given a query, fetch the change numbers via http"""
104 url = '{0}/changes/?q={1}&o=CURRENT_REVISION&o=ALL_REVISIONS'.format(remote_url, query)
105 data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
106 reviews = json.loads(data[5:])
108 for review in reviews:
109 review['number'] = review.pop('_number')
111 return reviews
114def fetch_query(remote_url, query):
115 """Wrapper for fetch_query_via_proto functions"""
116 if remote_url[0:3] == 'ssh':
117 return fetch_query_via_ssh(remote_url, query)
118 elif remote_url[0:4] == 'http':
119 return fetch_query_via_http(remote_url, query.replace(' ', '+'))
120 else:
121 raise Exception('Gerrit URL should be in the form http[s]://hostname/ or ssh://[user@]host[:port]')
123if __name__ == '__main__':
124 # Default to CyanogenMod Gerrit
125 default_gerrit = ''
127 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent('''\
128 is a utility to simplify the process of cherry picking
129 patches from CyanogenMod's Gerrit instance (or any gerrit instance of your choosing)
131 Given a list of change numbers, repopick will cd into the project path
132 and cherry pick the latest patch available.
134 With the --start-branch argument, the user can specify that a branch
135 should be created before cherry picking. This is useful for
136 cherry-picking many patches into a common branch which can be easily
137 abandoned later (good for testing other's changes.)
139 The --abandon-first argument, when used in conjunction with the
140 --start-branch option, will cause repopick to abandon the specified
141 branch in all repos first before performing any cherry picks.'''))
142 parser.add_argument('change_number', nargs='*', help='change number to cherry pick. Use {change number}/{patchset number} to get a specific revision.')
143 parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore-missing', action='store_true', help='do not error out if a patch applies to a missing directory')
144 parser.add_argument('-s', '--start-branch', nargs=1, help='start the specified branch before cherry picking')
145 parser.add_argument('-a', '--abandon-first', action='store_true', help='before cherry picking, abandon the branch specified in --start-branch')
146 parser.add_argument('-b', '--auto-branch', action='store_true', help='shortcut to "--start-branch auto --abandon-first --ignore-missing"')
147 parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='print as little as possible')
148 parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print extra information to aid in debug')
149 parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='force cherry pick even if change is closed')
150 parser.add_argument('-p', '--pull', action='store_true', help='execute pull instead of cherry-pick')
151 parser.add_argument('-P', '--path', help='use the specified path for the change')
152 parser.add_argument('-t', '--topic', help='pick all commits from a specified topic')
153 parser.add_argument('-Q', '--query', help='pick all commits using the specified query')
154 parser.add_argument('-g', '--gerrit', default=default_gerrit, help='Gerrit Instance to use. Form proto://[user@]host[:port]')
155 parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', nargs=1, help='exclude a list of commit numbers separated by a ,')
156 args = parser.parse_args()
157 if not args.start_branch and args.abandon_first:
158 parser.error('if --abandon-first is set, you must also give the branch name with --start-branch')
159 if args.auto_branch:
160 args.abandon_first = True
161 args.ignore_missing = True
162 if not args.start_branch:
163 args.start_branch = ['auto']
164 if args.quiet and args.verbose:
165 parser.error('--quiet and --verbose cannot be specified together')
167 if (1 << bool(args.change_number) << bool(args.topic) << bool(args.query)) != 2:
168 parser.error('One (and only one) of change_number, topic, and query are allowed')
170 # Change current directory to the top of the tree
171 if 'ANDROID_BUILD_TOP' in os.environ:
172 top = os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP']
174 if not is_subdir(os.getcwd(), top):
175 sys.stderr.write('ERROR: You must run this tool from within $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP!\n')
176 sys.exit(1)
177 os.chdir(os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'])
179 # Sanity check that we are being run from the top level of the tree
180 if not os.path.isdir('.repo'):
181 sys.stderr.write('ERROR: No .repo directory found. Please run this from the top of your tree.\n')
182 sys.exit(1)
184 # If --abandon-first is given, abandon the branch before starting
185 if args.abandon_first:
186 # Determine if the branch already exists; skip the abandon if it does not
187 plist = subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'info'])
188 if not hasattr(plist, 'encode'):
189 plist = plist.decode()
190 needs_abandon = False
191 for pline in plist.splitlines():
192 matchObj = re.match(r'Local Branches.*\[(.*)\]', pline)
193 if matchObj:
194 local_branches = re.split('\s*,\s*',
195 if any(args.start_branch[0] in s for s in local_branches):
196 needs_abandon = True
198 if needs_abandon:
199 # Perform the abandon only if the branch already exists
200 if not args.quiet:
201 print('Abandoning branch: %s' % args.start_branch[0])
202 subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'abandon', args.start_branch[0]])
203 if not args.quiet:
204 print('')
206 # Get the master manifest from repo
207 # - convert project name and revision to a path
208 project_name_to_data = {}
209 manifest = subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'manifest'])
210 xml_root = ElementTree.fromstring(manifest)
211 projects = xml_root.findall('project')
212 remotes = xml_root.findall('remote')
213 default_revision = xml_root.findall('default')[0].get('revision')
215 #dump project data into the a list of dicts with the following data:
216 #{project: {path, revision}}
218 for project in projects:
219 name = project.get('name')
220 path = project.get('path')
221 revision = project.get('revision')
222 if revision is None:
223 for remote in remotes:
224 if remote.get('name') == project.get('remote'):
225 revision = remote.get('revision')
226 if revision is None:
Simon Shields2bdb18f2016-09-26 17:52:03 +1000227 revision = default_revision
Michael Bestas3952f6c2016-08-26 01:12:08 +0300228
229 if not name in project_name_to_data:
230 project_name_to_data[name] = {}
231 revision = revision.split('refs/heads/')[-1]
232 project_name_to_data[name][revision] = path
234 # get data on requested changes
235 reviews = []
236 change_numbers = []
237 if args.topic:
238 reviews = fetch_query(args.gerrit, 'topic:{0}'.format(args.topic))
239 change_numbers = sorted([str(r['number']) for r in reviews])
240 if args.query:
241 reviews = fetch_query(args.gerrit, args.query)
242 change_numbers = sorted([str(r['number']) for r in reviews])
243 if args.change_number:
244 for c in args.change_number:
245 if '-' in c:
246 templist = c.split('-')
247 for i in range(int(templist[0]), int(templist[1]) + 1):
248 change_numbers.append(str(i))
249 else:
250 change_numbers.append(c)
251 reviews = fetch_query(args.gerrit, ' OR '.join('change:{0}'.format(x.split('/')[0]) for x in change_numbers))
253 # make list of things to actually merge
254 mergables = []
256 # If --exclude is given, create the list of commits to ignore
257 exclude = []
258 if args.exclude:
259 exclude = args.exclude[0].split(',')
261 for change in change_numbers:
262 patchset = None
263 if '/' in change:
264 (change, patchset) = change.split('/')
266 if change in exclude:
267 continue
269 change = int(change)
270 review = next((x for x in reviews if x['number'] == change), None)
271 if review is None:
272 print('Change %d not found, skipping' % change)
273 continue
275 mergables.append({
276 'subject': review['subject'],
277 'project': review['project'],
278 'branch': review['branch'],
279 'change_id': review['change_id'],
280 'change_number': review['number'],
281 'status': review['status'],
282 'fetch': None
283 })
284 mergables[-1]['fetch'] = review['revisions'][review['current_revision']]['fetch']
285 mergables[-1]['id'] = change
286 if patchset:
287 try:
288 mergables[-1]['fetch'] = [x['fetch'] for x in review['revisions'] if x['_number'] == patchset][0]
289 mergables[-1]['id'] = '{0}/{1}'.format(change, patchset)
290 except (IndexError, ValueError):
291 args.quiet or print('ERROR: The patch set {0}/{1} could not be found, using CURRENT_REVISION instead.'.format(change, patchset))
293 for item in mergables:
294 args.quiet or print('Applying change number {0}...'.format(item['id']))
295 # Check if change is open and exit if it's not, unless -f is specified
296 if (item['status'] != 'OPEN' and item['status'] != 'NEW') and not args.query:
297 if args.force:
298 print('!! Force-picking a closed change !!\n')
299 else:
300 print('Change status is ' + item['status'] + '. Skipping the cherry pick.\nUse -f to force this pick.')
301 continue
303 # Convert the project name to a project path
304 # - check that the project path exists
305 project_path = None
307 if item['project'] in project_name_to_data and item['branch'] in project_name_to_data[item['project']]:
308 project_path = project_name_to_data[item['project']][item['branch']]
309 elif args.path:
310 project_path = args.path
311 elif args.ignore_missing:
312 print('WARNING: Skipping {0} since there is no project directory for: {1}\n'.format(item['id'], item['project']))
313 continue
314 else:
315 sys.stderr.write('ERROR: For {0}, could not determine the project path for project {1}\n'.format(item['id'], item['project']))
316 sys.exit(1)
318 # If --start-branch is given, create the branch (more than once per path is okay; repo ignores gracefully)
319 if args.start_branch:
320 subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'start', args.start_branch[0], project_path])
322 # Determine the maximum commits to check already picked changes
323 check_picked_count = 10
324 branch_commits_count = int(subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-list', '--count', 'HEAD'], cwd=project_path))
325 if branch_commits_count <= check_picked_count:
326 check_picked_count = branch_commits_count - 1
328 # Check if change is already picked to HEAD...HEAD~check_picked_count
329 found_change = False
330 for i in range(0, check_picked_count):
Adrian DC13b02ff2016-12-04 12:30:26 +0100331 if['git', 'cat-file', '-e', 'HEAD~{0}'.format(i)], cwd=project_path, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb')):
332 continue
Michael Bestas3952f6c2016-08-26 01:12:08 +0300333 output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'show', '-q', 'HEAD~{0}'.format(i)], cwd=project_path).split()
334 if 'Change-Id:' in output:
335 head_change_id = ''
336 for j,t in enumerate(reversed(output)):
337 if t == 'Change-Id:':
338 head_change_id = output[len(output) - j]
339 break
340 if head_change_id.strip() == item['change_id']:
341 print('Skipping {0} - already picked in {1} as HEAD~{2}'.format(item['id'], project_path, i))
342 found_change = True
343 break
344 if found_change:
345 continue
347 # Print out some useful info
348 if not args.quiet:
349 print('--> Subject: "{0}"'.format(item['subject']))
350 print('--> Project path: {0}'.format(project_path))
351 print('--> Change number: {0} (Patch Set {0})'.format(item['id']))
353 if 'anonymous http' in item['fetch']:
354 method = 'anonymous http'
355 else:
356 method = 'ssh'
358 # Try fetching from GitHub first if using default gerrit
359 if args.gerrit == default_gerrit:
360 if args.verbose:
361 print('Trying to fetch the change from GitHub')
363 if args.pull:
364 cmd = ['git pull --no-edit github', item['fetch'][method]['ref']]
365 else:
366 cmd = ['git fetch github', item['fetch'][method]['ref']]
367 if args.quiet:
368 cmd.append('--quiet')
369 else:
370 print(cmd)
371 result =[' '.join(cmd)], cwd=project_path, shell=True)
372 FETCH_HEAD = '{0}/.git/FETCH_HEAD'.format(project_path)
373 if result != 0 and os.stat(FETCH_HEAD).st_size != 0:
374 print('ERROR: git command failed')
375 sys.exit(result)
376 # Check if it worked
377 if args.gerrit != default_gerrit or os.stat(FETCH_HEAD).st_size == 0:
378 # If not using the default gerrit or github failed, fetch from gerrit.
379 if args.verbose:
380 if args.gerrit == default_gerrit:
381 print('Fetching from GitHub didn\'t work, trying to fetch the change from Gerrit')
382 else:
383 print('Fetching from {0}'.format(args.gerrit))
385 if args.pull:
386 cmd = ['git pull --no-edit', item['fetch'][method]['url'], item['fetch'][method]['ref']]
387 else:
388 cmd = ['git fetch', item['fetch'][method]['url'], item['fetch'][method]['ref']]
389 if args.quiet:
390 cmd.append('--quiet')
391 else:
392 print(cmd)
393 result =[' '.join(cmd)], cwd=project_path, shell=True)
394 if result != 0:
395 print('ERROR: git command failed')
396 sys.exit(result)
397 # Perform the cherry-pick
398 if not args.pull:
399 cmd = ['git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD']
400 if args.quiet:
401 cmd_out = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
402 else:
403 cmd_out = None
404 result =, cwd=project_path, shell=True, stdout=cmd_out, stderr=cmd_out)
405 if result != 0:
406 print('ERROR: git command failed')
407 sys.exit(result)
408 if not args.quiet:
409 print('')