blob: 050fca5ee6b6faba8679449cead14f6c64812bd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Generic and provider-independent Variable subclasses. These variables can be
// used by any state provider to implement simple variables to avoid repeat the
// same common code on different state providers.
#include "update_engine/policy_manager/variable.h"
namespace chromeos_policy_manager {
// Variable class returning a copy of a given object using the copy constructor.
// This template class can be used to define variables that expose as a variable
// any fixed object, such as the a provider's private member. The variable will
// create copies of the provided object using the copy constructor of that
// class.
// For example, a state provider exposing a private member as a variable can
// implement this as follows:
// class SomethingProvider {
// public:
// SomethingProvider(...) {
// var_something_foo = new CopyVariable<MyType>(foo_);
// }
// ...
// private:
// MyType foo_;
// };
template<typename T>
class CopyVariable : public Variable<T> {
// Creates the variable returning copies of the passed |obj| reference. The
// reference to this object is kept and it should be available whenever the
// GetValue() method is called.
CopyVariable(const std::string& name, const T& ref)
: Variable<T>(name), ref_(ref) {}
friend class PmCopyVariableTest;
FRIEND_TEST(PmCopyVariableTest, SimpleTest);
FRIEND_TEST(PmCopyVariableTest, UseCopyConstructorTest);
// Variable override.
virtual const T* GetValue(base::TimeDelta /* timeout */,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
return new T(ref_);
// Reference to the object to be copied by GetValue().
const T& ref_;
} // namespace chromeos_policy_manager