blob: 580beb15e7dd8096820592511d2cb39a03070961 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <libudev.h>
#include <string>
#include "update_engine/file_descriptor.h"
#include "update_engine/udev_interface.h"
namespace chromeos_update_engine {
// An abstract GPIO handler interface. Serves as basic for both concrete and
// mock implementations.
class GpioHandler {
GpioHandler() {}
virtual ~GpioHandler() {}; // ensure virtual destruction
// Returns true iff GPIOs have been used to signal an automated test case.
// This call may trigger a (deferred) GPIO discovery step prior to engaging in
// the signaling protocol; if discovery did not reveal GPIO devices, or the
// protocol has terminated prematurely, it will conservatively default to
// false.
virtual bool IsTestModeSignaled() = 0;
// Concrete implementation of GPIO signal handling. Currently, it only utilizes
// the two Chromebook-specific GPIOs (aka 'dut_flaga' and 'dut_flagb') in
// deciding whether a lab test mode has been signaled. Internal logic includes
// detection, setup and reading from / writing to GPIOs. Detection is done via
// libudev calls. This class should be instantiated at most once to avoid race
// conditions in communicating over GPIO signals; instantiating a second
// object will actually cause a runtime error.
class StandardGpioHandler : public GpioHandler {
// This constructor accepts a udev interface |udev_iface| and a reusable file
// descriptor |fd|. The value of |is_defer_discovery| determines whether GPIO
// discovery should be attempted right away (false) or done lazily, when
// necessitated by other calls (true). If |is_cache_test_mode| is true,
// checking for test mode signal is done only once and further queries return
// the cached result.
StandardGpioHandler(UdevInterface* udev_iface, FileDescriptor* fd,
bool is_defer_discovery, bool is_cache_test_mode);
// Free all resources, allow to reinstantiate.
virtual ~StandardGpioHandler();
// Returns true iff GPIOs have been used to signal an automated test case. The
// check is performed at most once and the result is cached and returned on
// subsequent calls, unless |is_force| is true. This call may trigger a
// delayed GPIO discovery prior to engaging in the signaling protocol; if the
// delay period has not elapsed, it will conservatively default to false.
virtual bool IsTestModeSignaled();
// GPIO identifiers, currently includes only the two dutflags.
enum GpioId {
kGpioIdDutflaga = 0,
kGpioIdMax // marker, do not remove!
// GPIO direction specifier.
enum GpioDir {
kGpioDirIn = 0,
kGpioDirMax // marker, do not remove!
// GPIO value.
enum GpioVal {
kGpioValUp = 0,
kGpioValMax // marker, do not remove!
// GPIO definition data.
struct GpioDef {
const char* name; // referential name of this GPIO
const char* udev_property; // udev property containing the device id
// GPIO runtime control structure.
struct Gpio {
std::string descriptor; // unique GPIO descriptor
std::string dev_path; // sysfs device name
// The number of seconds we wait before flipping the output signal (aka,
// producing the "challenge" signal). Assuming a 1 second sampling frequency
// on the servo side, a two second wait should be enough.
static const int kServoOutputResponseWaitInSecs = 2;
// The total number of seconds we wait for a servo response from the point we
// flip the output signal. Assuming a 1 second sampling frequency on the servo
// side, a two second wait should suffice. We add one more second for grace
// (servod / hardware processing delays, etc).
static const int kServoInputResponseTimeoutInSecs = 3;
// The number of times per second we check for a servo response. Five seems
// like a reasonable value.
static const int kServoInputNumChecksPerSec = 5;
// GPIO value/direction conversion tables.
static const char* gpio_dirs_[kGpioDirMax];
static const char* gpio_vals_[kGpioValMax];
// GPIO definitions.
static const GpioDef gpio_defs_[kGpioIdMax];
// Udev device enumeration helper classes. First here is an interface
// definition, which provides callbacks for enumeration setup and processing.
class UdevEnumHelper {
UdevEnumHelper(StandardGpioHandler* gpio_handler)
: gpio_handler_(gpio_handler) {}
// Setup the enumeration filters.
virtual bool SetupEnumFilters(udev_enumerate* udev_enum) = 0;
// Processes an enumerated device. Returns true upon success, false
// otherwise.
virtual bool ProcessDev(udev_device* dev) = 0;
// Finalize the enumeration.
virtual bool Finalize() = 0;
StandardGpioHandler* gpio_handler_;
// Specialized udev enumerate helper for extracting GPIO descriptors from the
// GPIO chip device.
class GpioChipUdevEnumHelper : public UdevEnumHelper {
GpioChipUdevEnumHelper(StandardGpioHandler* gpio_handler)
: UdevEnumHelper(gpio_handler), num_gpio_chips_(0) {}
virtual bool SetupEnumFilters(udev_enumerate* udev_enum);
virtual bool ProcessDev(udev_device* dev);
virtual bool Finalize();
// Records the number of times a GPIO chip has been enumerated (should not
// exceed 1).
int num_gpio_chips_;
// Specialized udev enumerate helper for extracting a sysfs device path from a
// GPIO device.
class GpioUdevEnumHelper : public UdevEnumHelper {
GpioUdevEnumHelper(StandardGpioHandler* gpio_handler, GpioId id)
: UdevEnumHelper(gpio_handler), num_gpios_(0), id_(id) {}
virtual bool SetupEnumFilters(udev_enumerate* udev_enum);
virtual bool ProcessDev(udev_device* dev);
virtual bool Finalize();
// Records the number of times a GPIO has been enumerated with a given
// descriptor (should not exceed 1).
int num_gpios_;
// The enumerated GPIO identifier.
GpioId id_;
// Helper class for resetting a GPIO direction.
class GpioDirResetter {
GpioDirResetter(StandardGpioHandler* handler, GpioId id, GpioDir dir);
bool do_reset() const {
return do_reset_;
bool set_do_reset(bool do_reset) {
return (do_reset_ = do_reset);
// Determines whether or not the GPIO direction should be reset to the
// initial value.
bool do_reset_;
// The GPIO handler to use for changing the GPIO direction.
StandardGpioHandler* handler_;
// The GPIO identifier and initial direction.
GpioId id_;
GpioDir dir_;
// An initialization helper performing udev enumeration. |enum_helper|
// implements an enumeration initialization and processing methods. Returns
// true upon success, false otherwise.
bool InitUdevEnum(struct udev* udev, UdevEnumHelper* enum_helper);
// Resets the object's flags which determine the status of test mode
// signaling.
void ResetTestModeSignalingFlags();
// Attempt GPIO discovery, at most once. Returns true if discovery process was
// successfully completed, false otherwise.
bool DiscoverGpios();
// Assigns a copy of the device name of GPIO |id| to |dev_path_p|. Assumes
// initialization. Returns true upon success, false otherwise.
bool GetGpioDevName(GpioId id, std::string* dev_path_p);
// Open a sysfs file device |dev_name| of GPIO |id|, for either reading or
// writing depending on |is_write|. Uses the internal file descriptor for
// this purpose, which can be reused as long as it is closed between
// successive opens. Returns true upon success, false otherwise (optionally,
// with errno set accordingly).
bool OpenGpioFd(GpioId id, const char* dev_name, bool is_write);
// Writes a value to device |dev_name| of GPIO |id|. The index |output| is
// used to index the corresponding string to be written from the list
// |entries| of length |num_entries|. Returns true upon success, false
// otherwise.
bool SetGpio(GpioId id, const char* dev_name, const char* entries[],
const int num_entries, int output);
// Reads a value from device |dev_name| of GPIO |id|. The list |entries| of
// length |num_entries| is used to convert the read string into an index,
// which is written to |input_p|. The call will fail if the value being read
// is not listed in |entries|. Returns true upon success, false otherwise.
bool GetGpio(GpioId id, const char* dev_name, const char* entries[],
const int num_entries, int* input_p);
// Sets GPIO |id| to to operate in a given |direction|. Assumes
// initialization. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool SetGpioDirection(GpioId id, GpioDir direction);
// Assigns the current direction of GPIO |id| into |direction_p|. Assumes
// initialization. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool GetGpioDirection(GpioId id, GpioDir* direction_p);
// Sets the value of GPIO |id| to |value|. Assumues initialization. The GPIO
// direction should be set to 'out' prior to this call. If
// |is_check_direction| is true, it'll ensure that the direction is indeed
// 'out' prior to attempting the write. Returns true on success, false
// otherwise.
bool SetGpioValue(GpioId id, GpioVal value, bool is_check_direction);
// Reads the value of a GPIO |id| and stores it in |value_p|. Assumes
// initialization. The GPIO direction should be set to 'in' prior to this
// call. If |is_check_direction| is true, it'll ensure that the direction is
// indeed 'in' prior to attempting the read. Returns true upon success, false
// otherwise.
bool GetGpioValue(GpioId id, GpioVal *value_p, bool is_check_direction);
// Invokes the actual GPIO handshake protocol to determine whether test mode
// was signaled. Returns true iff the handshake has terminated gracefully
// without encountering any errors; note that a true value does *not* mean
// that a test mode signal has been detected. The spec for this protocol:
bool DoTestModeSignalingProtocol();
// Dynamic counter for the number of instances this class has. Used to enforce
// that no more than one instance created. Thread-unsafe.
static unsigned num_instances_;
// GPIO control structures.
Gpio gpios_[kGpioIdMax];
// Udev interface.
UdevInterface* const udev_iface_;
// A file abstraction for handling GPIO devices.
FileDescriptor* const fd_;
// Determines whether test mode signal should be checked at most once and
// cached, or reestablished on each query.
const bool is_cache_test_mode_;
// Indicates whether GPIO discovery was performed, and whether it's been
// successful.
bool is_discovery_attempted_;
bool is_discovery_successful_;
// Persistent state of the test mode check.
bool is_first_check_;
bool is_handshake_completed_;
bool is_test_mode_;
// A "no-op" GPIO handler, initialized to return either test or normal mode
// signal. This is useful for disabling the GPIO functionality in production
// code.
class NoopGpioHandler : public GpioHandler {
// This constructor accepts a single argument, which is the value to be
// returned by repeated calls to IsTestModeSignaled().
NoopGpioHandler(bool is_test_mode) : is_test_mode_(is_test_mode) {}
// Returns the constant Boolean value handed to the constructor.
virtual bool IsTestModeSignaled();
// Stores the constant value to return on subsequent test mode checks.
bool is_test_mode_;
} // namespace chromeos_update_engine